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(This is a repost from something that happened to me while playing Arcanum a few years back)

And so it was that Joe Boxer's suggestion for "New Uniform Day" was finally realized.
Dawn in Balmora. From the Silt Strider perch overlooking the town.
The Deceiver of Nosgoth...

A friend just posted it today - awesome screenshot. :)
Post edited July 11, 2016 by TheOneRaziel

Historical cap from 2006, the early days of WoW, just after getting to the level 60 cap. Still using the old CRT monitor, hence the aspect ratio. Some joker kited a Dragon all the way from Caverns of Time and set it loose on the Crossroads. It about 50 people, mostly low levels, about 15 minutes to kill it.
More Carmageddon carnage:














Screenshot from the GOG forum. One would almost think there was a connection ...
reason.jpg (8 Kb)
Shot 1
Shot 2
Shot 3
Shot 4
Shot 5

Shadow Warrior '13
Shot 1
Shot 2
Shot 3
Shot 4

Half-Life 2
Shot 1
Shot 2
Shot 3
Shot 4

01: Group of lunatics tried to invade my home. They've officially done it now. My quest to stop the evil begins!

02: They're all animals, even the Sheriff! Suppose the gas prices will skyrocket in this town. Not like there'll be anybody left to complain.

03: The outskirts, full of rednecks and the soothing aroma of cow manure. Won't miss it.

04: Dreadful music dared to drown out the sound of the voice in my head. You won't stop me!

05: The bridge was the last defense between here and the junkyard on the other side of town. They failed.

06: From up here they kinda look like bugs, having been squashed and smeared across the land. Ugly creatures aren't they?

07: These narrow mines gave me an advantage against the dangers within. Their bodies buried deep within the earth.

08: Assembled some parts I found around here to make a flamethrower. Don't mind the corpses scattered about, we're in a junkyard after all.

09: The trailer park, a haven for human trash. It literally spilled out in the streets like torn open garbage bags. Disgusting.

10: The train would lead me out of Old Town, but there'd be some heavy fighting needed to get to it. All board the exterminator express!

11: So many nameless faces. And I've miles to go to make more of them sleep. What madness could've taken them in a little place called Paradise?

12: Stopped by a little farm near the edge of New Town, hoping maybe the locals could tell me what was going on. No luck. Has it spread further?

13: There is certainly nothing constructive about this site. Then again, mindless mayhem never required a whole lot of thought.

14: Thought I'd keep to myself and traverse quietly in this bad part of New Town. Didn't work so well, what with the thug scum terrorizing all.

15: The clergy was ignorant to the crimes being committed here. Now nobody's going to heaven.

16: Entered the heart of Paradise's city, into a trap. Is nobody unaffected by this germ warfare? The Air Force Base, the military gotta be it!

17: Stopped by the park to catch a breather, only to catch a couple slugs to the chest. If it wasn't for the Kevlar, it'd of been the end of me.

18: The last obstacle between me and the Base, the SWAT fortified this industrial region. So I did what I do best and fed them to the machines.

19: No sign of the madness plague here, just two thirds of Paradise's military presence obliterated by my automatic shotgun. I've been mislead..

20: When I woke up from a terrible nightmare I found myself in a worse place than the one before it. An asylum somewhere around here. But why?

21: If they really wanted to kill me they would've done so by now. Who are they? And what's going to happen to me now? Can't think.. head woozy.

22: Day 23. The sleepy drug wore off. Body feels better. But the voice didn't go away. Why won't the voice go away? Urges me to keep killing.

23: Day 40. Heard commotion outside my cell. Orderlies yelling. Inmates screaming. The power went out. I can leave now. I must kill... again...
My w̶a̶r̶r̶i̶o̶r̶ chef, in Balrum:
Yes I could open a restaurant with that amount of food. xD

The crafting in this game is very well done.

Also, being able to create your own crazy recipes is fun!

I just wish there was a quick way of watering the crops. You can harvest by simply double-clicking with left mouse button. But to water crops you have to right click and select the option in a small window.
almabrds: My w̶a̶r̶r̶i̶o̶r̶ chef, in Balrum:
Yes I could open a restaurant with that amount of food. xD

The crafting in this game is very well done.

Also, being able to create your own crazy recipes is fun!

I just wish there was a quick way of watering the crops. You can harvest by simply double-clicking with left mouse button. But to water crops you have to right click and select the option in a small window.
Use a bucket of water, little bit simpler, granted it isn't a major time saver, but every bit helps.
Works with the poop too.
almabrds: My w̶a̶r̶r̶i̶o̶r̶ chef, in Balrum:
Yes I could open a restaurant with that amount of food. xD

The crafting in this game is very well done.

Also, being able to create your own crazy recipes is fun!

I just wish there was a quick way of watering the crops. You can harvest by simply double-clicking with left mouse button. But to water crops you have to right click and select the option in a small window.
DampSquib: Use a bucket of water, little bit simpler, granted it isn't a major time saver, but every bit helps.
Works with the poop too.
Oh thanks!
Yeah it's not a big time saver, but it saved my sanity.
It was getting so annoying having to select the option every single time.
DampSquib: Use a bucket of water, little bit simpler, granted it isn't a major time saver, but every bit helps.
Works with the poop too.
almabrds: Oh thanks!
Yeah it's not a big time saver, but it saved my sanity.
It was getting so annoying having to select the option every single time.
Welcome. well it may save some time with enough buckets and a well close by.
Have found manure isn't really necessary, so save time by not using it.
Maybe money too if your buying it.
almabrds: Oh thanks!
Yeah it's not a big time saver, but it saved my sanity.
It was getting so annoying having to select the option every single time.
DampSquib: Welcome. well it may save some time with enough buckets and a well close by.
Have found manure isn't really necessary, so save time by not using it.
Maybe money too if your buying it.
What are the benefits of doing that, do you know?
Does it produces higher quality food, it improves the price or something?
I've been ignoring that step, because it's quicker to simply use the seed in the ground and throw some water in it.
almabrds: My w̶a̶r̶r̶i̶o̶r̶ chef, in Balrum:
Yes I could open a restaurant with that amount of food. xD

The crafting in this game is very well done.

Also, being able to create your own crazy recipes is fun!

I just wish there was a quick way of watering the crops. You can harvest by simply double-clicking with left mouse button. But to water crops you have to right click and select the option in a small window.
What are you wearing in that picture? Looks cosy :p
DampSquib: Welcome. well it may save some time with enough buckets and a well close by.
Have found manure isn't really necessary, so save time by not using it.
Maybe money too if your buying it.
almabrds: What are the benefits of doing that, do you know?
Does it produces higher quality food, it improves the price or something?
I've been ignoring that step, because it's quicker to simply use the seed in the ground and throw some water in it.
Me too, tho on the first play thru of the game i did waste both money and time on manure.
It does speed up the rate of growth but it is a very small amount, worth it if / when you have pigs.
As you may as well use up the free shit......selling price remains the same.
Use the empty farm in the South West Dark Wood map if you need more growing room, until you level up.
Still even at three the amount you can grow is limited, so that adds a few free plots.
Post edited July 19, 2016 by DampSquib