Posted July 07, 2016
Got any nice looking screenshots? Or maybe you captured something crazy? Show us plz. I love great looking screenshots. Depending on the shot you can show a lot of emotion just from the press of a screen capture button.
I recently decided to go back through Half-Life 2 again. It has been awhile, and I decided to capture some shots and for a game from 2004, when compared to other games from the same year like DOOM 3, HL2 holds up surprisingly well in a lot of places.
Completely un-modded. All settings maxed out of course.
Shot 1
Shot 2
Shot 3
Shot 4
Shot 5
Shot 6
Shot 7
Shot 8
Shot 9
Shot 10
Shot 11
Shot 12
I recently decided to go back through Half-Life 2 again. It has been awhile, and I decided to capture some shots and for a game from 2004, when compared to other games from the same year like DOOM 3, HL2 holds up surprisingly well in a lot of places.
Completely un-modded. All settings maxed out of course.
Shot 1
Shot 2
Shot 3
Shot 4
Shot 5
Shot 6
Shot 7
Shot 8
Shot 9
Shot 10
Shot 11
Shot 12
Post edited July 08, 2016 by CARRiON.FLOWERS