It offers turn-based combat as an option, allowing me to actually enjoy the game (at least what I've played of it). (I find real-time-with-pause to be a horrible combat system, combining the worst aspects of turn-based and real-time.) (With that said, apparently the most recent patch broke some things in turn-based, so I would advise waiting for the next hotfix patch before giving the game a go.)
You can play as a witch, and even get some abilities that aren't per-day if you do so. (Note that shamans also do, and that both classes are represented each by a companion, though for roleplaying reasons a large portion of players will likely take only one of them along.)
Mythic levels are implemented, albeit with mechanics very different from the tabletop version.
There are tons of different options in character building. (Unfortunately, that also means there are a lot of trap options, and the system is not set up to allow fixing of mistakes without a full respec.)
There's no RNG involved in character creation or leveling up. (This is very unlike, say, classic Wizardry or even something like Baldur's Gate (or Demon's Winter, for that matter, or Stranger of Sword City).)
There's some really good music. I especially like the theme for the Trickster mythic path.