To all reading this thread....I will make this my last post so as not to take this thread off course or say too much in public....I just want to set the record straight on a few things/say my peace once and then i'll be heading off/out:
alexandros050: This sucks :( Hopefully gog staff can have a word with RWarehall again and maybe lift his ban. I always checked his spreadsheet on every sale
It was useful to many people, but I don't think it's worth encouraging bad/rude behavior to let what he did slide.
For those that don't know: That user insulted people[called them dumb/blind, swore at them, told some their tastes in games essentially sucked, etc] and accused people of trolling him just for being critical of his stances(in a civil manner usually) in some threads.....and staff rightfully banned him for it.
Instead of taking his leave(like I did several times when I got them) calmly and rationally and then coming back and starting anew he decided to take his "ball" away from everyone and leave while "stomping his feet".
Also if anyone wants verification on this: The thread OP[of the Vendetta game thread] and Kai2/some others saw everything before the mod edits and would likely be willing to verify what I just said via PM if one wants to make sure what i'm saying is accurate)
phaolo: It's a shame that some people feel that punishing an entire group is correct, just because they argued with a few individuals -_-'
He insulted/provoked some people who merely criticized some of his points & called him on his behavior in those threads....which is against the one(not even me, as well) should be above the site rules, no matter what they offer to the community.