XeonicDevil: not crediting their fans when they take their idea's... and build a entire skin line off it?
coding like crap allowing hackers backdoors?
balancing everything 33/33/33 K D A ?
not giving me a job when i applied years ago?
hmm what else..?
oh yes and lying.
SultanOfSuave: These seem like things they have done, not things that they have done to you specifically. Apart from the job one, how dare they...
at times riot games put me in matches where your champion may as well be glued to the floor with a sign that say "blind pedestrian 10 point"
i have a book of stuff riot does to stack the odds against you.
i should... i played 16 hours a day since BETA... i watched legends be born.
hell dude champion teams used to play their warm up VS me and 4 lost souls.
why because death meant nothing in the game... if i die big whoop, in 1 second my adc or mage is gona die means nothing if i stop him from dying and flip the script on on the enemy, over and over again.
kills mean nothing when you have the brain to make the ultimate judgement calls and sacrifice yourself for the whole team and they score a ACE 90% of the time.
then the game has a hard time being fair.... because your mmr is perma stuck so it becomes so bland..