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low rated
What one man (Putin) does or does not do should not be used to condemn an entire people. That would be like automatically condemning good people like Oskar Schindler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Bernhard Lichtenberg, Sophie and Hans Scholl and Albert Einstein (their good deeds ignored) strictly on the basis of guilt-by-nationality... for the crimes of one man.

There is a better way to handle this.

It would make so much more sense allowing Russian gamers and game developers to continue doing business on Gog, but donate 100% of the money generated to the Red Cross. That way, it keeps the money out of the Russian government's hands but gives all Russian gamers (and game developers) who disagree with Putin a perfectly legal means of expressing their displeasure and help others at the same time.

To provide an opportunity to do good is better than imposing an isolationist embargo that is guaranteed to do more harm.
Post edited March 05, 2022 by user deleted
low rated
UnrealDelusion: If you wanna talk safe harboring Nazi's after WW2 don't leave out the US or are we cherry picking?
PanzerOfTheLake: Yes I want to talk. With pleasure. I also want to talk about how your country (NATO member) applauded, promoted and carried out the largest massacres, wars and genocides of the last decade. Do you think your country has clean hands? You are part of NATO, therefore, you are nothing more than someone who supports a murderous and genocidal country. Although it amuses me how the only argument you have, amalgamation of murderers, is "They gave asylum to the Nazis". Apart from the fact that the history of Argentina in the 20th century is a chaotic and constant series of coups and political wars, we can also go as far back in history as possible, in the time when its continent looted, murdered and massacred its inhabitants. neighboring continents. Your country in particular was one of the largest exporters of black slaves. You know, if I were you I wouldn't go "so far back in history" because you wouldn't benefit at all. Limit yourself to recent events... like Afghanistan, Philippines, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, etc. All invasions that your country applauded, celebrated and even participated in some directly or indirectly as "NATO", while children, elderly, sick and civilians died every day.
All I can say is that you are spot on about the US, NATO and the European Union.
Post edited March 05, 2022 by UnrealDelusion
low rated
Between 6-10 billionaires condemned the war and asked putain to stop.
Sanctions work.
low rated
ValentB: Between 6-10 billionaires condemned the war and asked putain to stop.
Sanctions work.
They don't work. Never have and never will all sanctions accomplish is to jack up the prices and make life harder than it already is for innocent civilians on all sides. The rich aren't being hit by these sanctions or do you honestly believe the billionaires are dumb enough to have all their cash on banks in Europe?
Post edited March 05, 2022 by UnrealDelusion
low rated
Crosmando: I'm just pointing out that most people in the West who support Putin's Russia are neo-fascists and the like. Russia has been supporting the far-right in the West for decades.
I assume you're too busy looking for fascists under your bed to notice far-left party members and European MEPs...

rojimboo: Can you provide a source that proves Ukraine used artillery shelling on the civilian population in Donbass for 8 years? Because I and others have been asking for this whenever this piece of Russian misinformation has cropped up on social media, and the response has been frothing at the mouth expletives usually, with no credible source to be seen
And you use that as comforting confirmation bias instead of wondering why that is (not the frothing at the mouth bit, evidently)? Because the information is out there, if one is willing to dig a little deeper than CNN evening news.
low rated
PanzerOfTheLake: Yes I want to talk. With pleasure. I also want to talk about how your country (NATO member) applauded, promoted and carried out the largest massacres, wars and genocides of the last decade. Do you think your country has clean hands? You are part of NATO, therefore, you are nothing more than someone who supports a murderous and genocidal country. Although it amuses me how the only argument you have, amalgamation of murderers, is "They gave asylum to the Nazis". Apart from the fact that the history of Argentina in the 20th century is a chaotic and constant series of coups and political wars, we can also go as far back in history as possible, in the time when its continent looted, murdered and massacred its inhabitants. neighboring continents. Your country in particular was one of the largest exporters of black slaves. You know, if I were you I wouldn't go "so far back in history" because you wouldn't benefit at all. Limit yourself to recent events... like Afghanistan, Philippines, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, etc. All invasions that your country applauded, celebrated and even participated in some directly or indirectly as "NATO", while children, elderly, sick and civilians died every day.
UnrealDelusion: All I can say is that you are spot on about the US, NATO and the European Union.
I really didn't expect you to agree with me. If basically you agree with what I say, why do you support sanctions? Why do you support the disgusting things that the whole West is doing right now? Below you explicitly commented that the sanctions only affect the most innocent and the poorest, I could not agree more. If you understand how disgusting NATO is, if you understand how pathetic it is to resort to sanctions, if you understand the serious damage that the West is doing to people who have nothing to do with it... why do you support this? In an ideal world, the rich and powerful kill each other, while societies condemn both sides and is more united than ever. The West, with these sanctions, is only showing not only brutal hypocrisy, but also intends to create discrimination, chaos and conflict
low rated
UnrealDelusion: All I can say is that you are spot on about the US, NATO and the European Union.
PanzerOfTheLake: I really didn't expect you to agree with me. If basically you agree with what I say, why do you support sanctions? Why do you support the disgusting things that the whole West is doing right now? Below you explicitly commented that the sanctions only affect the most innocent and the poorest, I could not agree more. If you understand how disgusting NATO is, if you understand how pathetic it is to resort to sanctions, if you understand the serious damage that the West is doing to people who have nothing to do with it... why do you support this? In an ideal world, the rich and powerful kill each other, while societies condemn both sides and is more united than ever. The West, with these sanctions, is only showing not only brutal hypocrisy, but also intends to create discrimination, chaos and conflict
I don't support this I was calling out his hypocrasy of calling out your country and leaving out for example the US who knowingly safe harbored Nazi's after WW2. All this what is happening right now in Ukraine is on the US, NATO and EU, now does that mean I support Putins actions? No, I don't but the West forced his hand into doing this.
low rated
When you support sanctions -- unless they are very specific and targeted -- they ALWAYS hurt regular people... innocent people. That's why the GOG stance is IMO so wrong... and the fact that even those don't seem uniformly applied just adds more reason to re-think the whole approach IMO.

For some perspective, Roman is a regular kid (young adult) in St Petersburg. He made a video on it. Notice the run on the banks and regular people are left with no way to get their money. Such a travesty.

And for those attacking specific countries...

... you do know that almost every country has committed some form or military aggression or atrocity at some point, yes? And IMO that does nothing to aid those hurting ATM. It just spreads anger and hate.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by kai2
it is getting more and more difficult for Russians to pay outside their borders now. Apart from SWIFT - Visa, Mastercard and Paypal have all suspended operations in Russia now.

Russia has continued to block information channels. Social media such as Facebook, instagram and Twitter has been blocked, as well as many western news providers, such as BBC News. Independent Russian channels, such as TV Rain, have also been blocked.

edit: BBC is offering advice on how to circumvent theblock:

"Download the Psiphon app from the AppStore or Google Play Store

Look for the dedicated BBC site on theTor Browserwhich can be found using this URL: https://www.bbcnewsd73hkzno2ini43t4gblxvycyac5aw4gnv7t2rccijh7745uqd.onion/. Note that this URL only works using the Tor Browser or the Onion Browser (on iPhones)

If access to the apps is restricted then send a blank email to or An email will be sent in response with a direct and safe download link

The BBC has also launched two new shortwave frequencies broadcasting World Service English news for four hours a day to Ukraine and parts of Russia:

15735 kHz from 14:00 GMT to 16:00 GMT
5875 kHz from 20:00 GMT to 22:00 GMT"
Post edited March 06, 2022 by amok
low rated
kai2: When you support sanctions -- unless they are very specific and targeted -- they ALWAYS hurt regular people... innocent people. That's why the GOG stance is IMO so wrong... and the fact that even those don't seem uniformly applied just adds more reason to re-think the whole approach IMO.

For some perspective, Roman is a regular kid (young adult) in St Petersburg. He made a video on it. Notice the run on the banks and regular people are left with no way to get their money. Such a travesty.
Is playing games really be the average Russian person's priority right now when he should be finding ways to protect their assets like redirecting his liquidity into something stable than buying new games? Seems like this board is either full of edgy 4chan teens or sheltered manchildren whose priorities would be to ensure they're able to buy games when their country is at war with another one. Truly, these people don't have their priorities straight if they was a economopolitical crisis in their countries.

Not only that, the West has been placing major sanctions on Russian elites for the past several years and that hasn't deterred Putin from his stupid decision. If Russians want to blame anyone for destabilizing their own country, they should blame their own president before reaching deep in their arsenal of whatabout-isms and criticizing historical track records as if one single country has been run perfectly without flaws. Russia is hardly far from a perfect state itself. Source:

Say whatever you want about Western propaganda and NATO imperialism, that doesn't change the fact that Russia needs the world more than they need Russia and their people need to be acutely reminded of that. Maybe they can finally get off their helpless butts and do something it like boycotting their elites' businesses, discreetly transferring funds to people and organizations that do have the potential to take down Putin from within like donating to political opponents, honest Russian journalism, and through other forms of civic resistance.

Y'all be strawmanning the entire West as a bunch of Russophobes when it's really the dumbest minority of populations who actually stereotype minorities for their leaders' actions. Anyone with a semblance of intelligence knows it's not the people's fault and those people who do should be punished. By fighting a culture war with these minorities and generalizing it to entire populations, you're being hypocritical.

Pro-Russian SJWs defending Russian GOG gamers are laughable. Whatever they still bought from the store before this decision will still be accessible to them and piracy will still be an option. GOG won't go bankrupt from cutting off 6% of their annual revenue. Even so, piracy will always be an option for them. I'm quite sure they're going to be fine for entertainment even if they have to resort to ROMs and emulators. Source (p72): up-and-cdc-projekt-sa-in-2020.pdf

Surely, you don't think with the entire world condemning Russia and all these businesses pulling out that maybe you're standing on the wrong side of history?
Post edited March 06, 2022 by UnashamedWeeb
low rated
UnashamedWeeb: Russia needs the world more than they need Russia and their people need to be acutely reminded of that. Maybe they can finally get off their helpless butts and do something it like boycotting their elites' businesses, discreetly transferring funds to people and organizations that do have the potential to take down Putin from within like donating to political opponents, honest Russian journalism, and through other forms of civic resistance.

Y'all be strawmanning the entire West as a bunch of Russophobes when it's really the dumbest minority of populations who actually stereotype minorities for their leaders' actions.
Don't you see the irony? How in the last sentence you accuse Russians of being hostile to "entire West" for behavior of "dumbest minority", but in paragraph above you defend corporations that punish entire Russian population for actions of one man (and maybe his closest associates)?
Post edited March 06, 2022 by LootHunter
low rated
LootHunter: Don't you see the irony? How in the last sentence you accuse Russians of being hostile to "entire West" for behavior of "dumbest minority", but in paragraph above you defend corporations that punish entire Russian population for actions of one man (and maybe his closest associates)?
I didn't defend any corporations, please learn how to read. They're being told by their governments to comply. Maybe having bad ideas all the time leads you to make false conclusions all the time? You have the bravado of a person always needing to be attacking all the time.

Stop being beta and do something about your damn government. Remember that no decision is a decision. All Russians are guilty of this, like it or not.
low rated
LootHunter: Don't you see the irony? How in the last sentence you accuse Russians of being hostile to "entire West" for behavior of "dumbest minority", but in paragraph above you defend corporations that punish entire Russian population for actions of one man (and maybe his closest associates)?
UnashamedWeeb: I didn't defend any corporations, please learn how to read.
You are the one who can't read your own words. Or at least comprehend them.
UnashamedWeeb: They're being told by their governments to comply.

Stop being beta and do something about your damn government.
Two opposite statements about how one should react to government's bad ideas. Doublethink at its finest.

Also, I haven't found actual government orders for companies to cease business with Russia (other than banning several Russian banks). So, going against Russian customers is for the most part GOG's own initiative.
Post edited March 06, 2022 by LootHunter
low rated
LootHunter: Don't you see the irony? How in the last sentence you accuse Russians of being hostile to "entire West" for behavior of "dumbest minority", but in paragraph above you defend corporations that punish entire Russian population for actions of one man (and maybe his closest associates)?
UnashamedWeeb: I didn't defend any corporations, please learn how to read. They're being told by their governments to comply. Maybe having bad ideas all the time leads you to make false conclusions all the time? You have the bravado of a person always needing to be attacking all the time.

Stop being beta and do something about your damn government. Remember that no decision is a decision. All Russians are guilty of this, like it or not.
Then all Americans are to blame for what happened to the inhabitants of Yugoslavia and Iraq, as well as for this.
low rated
UnashamedWeeb: I didn't defend any corporations, please learn how to read. They're being told by their governments to comply. Maybe having bad ideas all the time leads you to make false conclusions all the time? You have the bravado of a person always needing to be attacking all the time.

Stop being beta and do something about your damn government. Remember that no decision is a decision. All Russians are guilty of this, like it or not.
sergjiei: Then all Americans are to blame for what happened to the inhabitants of Yugoslavia and Iraq, as well as for this.
Sure, that logic works with me. That's why everyone should try to do better than before so we don't repeat the mistakes of yesteryear. You know... self-improvement?

Don't you have other shit to worry about besides defending your dumb president's decisions and 'winning' political arguments against the West?