randomuser.833: Hm, scott.net.
A child of the esoteric project Quantum Future Group founded by the known conspiracist Laura Knight-Jadczyk, known for articles of esoteric, pseudo science and right wing propaganda articles where everyone can publish without naming sources and a side without any legal adress or something similar.
About Laura herself (more or less self discription)
"For her part, Laura Knight-Jadczyk has spent her life exploring the unknown along parallel pathways including biology, psychology, sociology, history (including archaeology, paleontology etc.), and metaphysics. Sometimes these pathways combine as when religion, belonging to metaphysics, is studied via the historical pathway, and when history is studied with psychology and biology as the overarching context.
With this background of years of reading that, had it been done in an academic setting, would have resulted in numerous degrees, early in the 1980s, Laura turned her attention to Western Civilization’s long tradition of monotheistic religions and prophecy. This led to studies of cosmic phenomena and geological processes and whether or not they correlated to so-called prophecies. At the end of this study, she noted that there were definite repeating cycles in history following parallel lines from biological to psychological (including religion) and socio-political. In this way, she came to the idea that history itself was a macro-cosmic quantum phenomenon relative to the scale of the Universe/Cosmos and that human beings themselves, individually and in groups, were something like quantum packets of energy that could be added or subtracted and contributory toward large scale “event collapse”. This was the underlying concept that then began to drive her further researches which included observation of Current Events which she points out are “history in process.” The questions she poses are: can we find out the processes and utilize them to make predictions? And if we can predict, can we also change our current state and thus change the outcome?"
Made me smile.
Yeah, totally reliable source...
The OSCE representative could not give a clear answer about the massive participation of Russian troops or about the mass import of weapons. Another representative indicated that he had met the military signs of Germany and Spain, and also indicated that such a military uniform can be easily bought anywhere.
Crosmando: No I'm just pointing out that most people in the West who support Putin's Russia are neo-fascists and the like. Russia has been supporting the far-right in the West for decades.