Running my own business has been a long time "dream" to me, at least I've wondered how it would feel to make all the decisions for yourself, deciding whether you try to do it all yourself or maybe hire some people, etc.
But I haven't done it mainly because I am chickenshit afraid of it, and I have absolutely no idea what kind of business I could even run. I don't feel that e.g. my current experience and knowledge really can be a basis to start some kind of one-man business, and if it would be some completely new area... I have no idea what it could be.
No I am not interested to start e.g. a pizzeria, I think there are already enough of them, e.g. very near two me two pizzerias side by side, in front of them another food restaurant, and nearby e.g. a Subway and McDonalds. I just don't see how I could make enough money with that kind of business. Same goes for some kind of small grocery store, I don't see those succeeding here unless it is some very specific food stuff, as people buy in the chain markets, and many places deliver their stuff only to such chains.
I know some who have their own business, and also my brother might be starting his own one-man lawyer company (yes he is a lawyer) instead of working in his current position in another small lawyer firm where he feels he is the only one who really knows the stuff and does most of the work. The other is a small consultation firm (two owners, and one or two employees I think) who represent certain software here, offering services, consultation, courses etc. for it.
I am always just amazed how people come up with their ideas for their own company, how do they come up with correct pricing that they are not selling their services or goods too cheaply nor asking too much, etc. Ok of course for my lawyer brother it is a no-brainer, and I guess if you are hair dresser or a constructor, that's what your company would do, but still...
Then there are all those yoga instructors and wellbeing-consultants... since I can't understand who the heck would pay for something like that, I don't feel comfortable doing anything like it either as a profession.
Also I wonder how different the legislation etc. is in different countries regarding running your business? For instance, I've understood that somehow in the US it is not really a big thing if your company goes bankrupt, you just start another business then. I keep hearing of these small time, or even big time, business men with several bankrupts behind them, as if it was nothing.
Really? Who then pays all your debt? Is it the bank who gave you the loan who has to live with the debt you made, and you just start another business with another debt? "Personal bankrupt" or what it is called?
Here I've always thought that if you start a company which starts making a loss and you go into heavy debts... then that is quite often your personal debt. Made two millions of loss with your company which went bankrupt? Too bad, you'll be paying them back to banks for the rest of your life, until you die. (unless you made it a public company or something, with shares and shit). Or then I have completely misunderstood how it goes.
That's the same I've wondered about mortgages, I've understood that in US, if e.g. your home value goes south and you can't pay for the mortgage, you just give the house to the bank and that's it. You have no mortgage anymore (and no home either).
Here it goes like that if you can't pay your mortgage anymore, then the bank might be able to sell it (cheaply even), and you STILL have to take care of the rest of the mortgage. So you lose your home and still get to keep your mortgage, bank has less risks.
Post edited January 16, 2018 by timppu