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RoboPond: I would as well.

I'd love for them to split it (they should of done that to start off with but it became more relevant when they attempted to stop people modding the single player side of the game (as they said they were concerned about them being used in the multiplayer aspect, though we all know different.)

I'll add that due to the massive backlash they got they later reversed that decision.

But that's why I don't have the game installed, same as DOOM. I have a 4TB HDD for games but they both take up over 200gb each last time I checked due to multiplayer being merged with them and getting so big, so I just removed them.
MysterD: DOOM 2016 is definitely another one. Does anyone even play this for the MP?

DOOM 2016 is awesome. Again, another games I'd love to see its MP split away from it...b/c of size and DRM-FREE purposes for the Single Player.

All of these games w/ MP-style Skirmish modes - TBH, they should have bot support and I should be able to play these offline to battle the game's AI/bots. Think Quake 3: Arena.
Does Doom 2016 multiplayer use steam?
Truth007: Does Doom 2016 multiplayer use steam?
Yes. Neither the single player or multiplayer are DRM free, both need Steam. (No matter where you buy it from.)
MysterD: I love GTA4 for its story & characters - but yeah, that game's performance on the PC was awful. Ran and performed terribly.

And it was also saddled with the awful GFWL Client too.
RoboPond: GFWL was removed in the latest Steam version it got merged with all addons and had Steamworks added to it, and the multiplayer removed from it, and renamed as GTAIV: Complete Edition.

MysterD: DOOM 2016 is definitely another one. Does anyone even play this for the MP?

DOOM 2016 is awesome. Again, another games I'd love to see its MP split away from it...b/c of size and DRM-FREE purposes for the Single Player.

All of these games w/ MP-style Skirmish modes - TBH, they should have bot support and I should be able to play these offline to battle the game's AI/bots. Think Quake 3: Arena.
RoboPond: I never finished DOOM. It felt more Painkiller to me than Doom so I got bored.

But the thing about these games are if developers are so worried (such as Take-Two were saying when they attempted to remove mods for GTA) then make the MP side separate.

It should really be common sense now days that players on the PC will usually want to mod single player content. And to me that should be embraced, as it shows the love for your game but also the creative side of people. (Some of the mods for GTA are crazy.)

But they should not do a Bethesda and charge people for mods.
At least old editions of GTA4 and EFLC have the XLiveLess Mod, I guess - since those still have all the music stations before the GTA4:CE removal of stations.

GTA4 did get updated on Steam - but, that version lost a lot of its music. Has someone created a mod to allow for us to add more radio stations to GTA4: CE? Or did someone mod the music back in for the new version of GTA4: CE?

I think GTA:O was packaged originally w/ GTA5 to make it look like a "great" deal - as in "Buy GTA5 package, get GTA Online for free!" Sure, most were probably planning to buy GTA5, but this made the deal sound ever better.

Of course, that was before any gamer realized Shark Cards and MTX's could be an issue for some w/ GTAO.
timppu: *sad face* But I am kinda interested in the game, and don't have it yet... I have all the other GTA games though, also GTA4 (not played it yet).
I mean, if you haven't played GTA 4 yet, which came out in 2008, you're not actually that interested in it. That's not an insult, I have my own list of games I'm theoretically interested in playing but likely never would too. I'm just saying Epic would probably be giving Rockstar a ton of money if this happened and only end up getting people like yourself who don't really care that much.

Only way Epic is ever gonna compete with Steam is a stable of quality exclusives that are actually exclusive. Probably with a strong online component too, to avoid piracy. The rest is all pointless IMO.
Truth007: Does Doom 2016 multiplayer use steam?
RoboPond: Yes. Neither the single player or multiplayer are DRM free, both need Steam. (No matter where you buy it from.)
More reason that I would love to see DOOM 2016 hit GOG, so that at least the SP campaign was made DRM-FREE..

Would be nice to see the MP pulled away from it, since Doom 2016 takes up a ton of space. Of course, I don't think that Doom 2016 compares to say some games like Gears of War 4, in terms of hard-drive eating-up size and all.

MysterD: DOOM 2016 is definitely another one. Does anyone even play this for the MP?

DOOM 2016 is awesome. Again, another games I'd love to see its MP split away from it...b/c of size and DRM-FREE purposes for the Single Player.

All of these games w/ MP-style Skirmish modes - TBH, they should have bot support and I should be able to play these offline to battle the game's AI/bots. Think Quake 3: Arena.
Truth007: Does Doom 2016 multiplayer use steam?
Yes, it does.
Post edited May 13, 2020 by MysterD
MysterD: At least old editions of GTA4 and EFLC have the XLiveLess Mod, I guess - since those still have all the music stations before the GTA4:CE removal of stations.

GTA4 did get updated on Steam - but, that version lost a lot of its music. Has someone created a mod to allow for us to add more radio stations to GTA4: CE? Or did someone mod the music back in for the new version of GTA4: CE?

I think GTA:O was packaged originally w/ GTA5 to make it look like a "great" deal - as in "Buy GTA5 package, get GTA Online for free!" Sure, most were probably planning to buy GTA5, but this made the deal sound ever better.

Of course, that was before any gamer realized Shark Cards and MTX's could be an issue for some w/ GTAO.
I'm still sad that they removed my fav song in the whole game ("Швайне" [Schweine / Pigs in German] by Glukoza (2005)).

There is a mod though I don't know if it works with the complete edition so use it at your own risk. (It was meant for the original versions.)

It was, and if it comes to Epic for free it will be as you said earlier to try and get more people online using it. I don't like playing online though, and have never and will never buy a Shark Card or anything.
I was just looking at the and noticed that there's Witcher 3 there with an effective date for tomorrow. There's a link there that take you to the page store and it says "Coming soon". Strange thing is, if I search for "Witcher" on the search bar, there are no results.

Could Witcher 3 be the mysterious game?
MysterD: At least old editions of GTA4 and EFLC have the XLiveLess Mod, I guess - since those still have all the music stations before the GTA4:CE removal of stations.

GTA4 did get updated on Steam - but, that version lost a lot of its music. Has someone created a mod to allow for us to add more radio stations to GTA4: CE? Or did someone mod the music back in for the new version of GTA4: CE?

I think GTA:O was packaged originally w/ GTA5 to make it look like a "great" deal - as in "Buy GTA5 package, get GTA Online for free!" Sure, most were probably planning to buy GTA5, but this made the deal sound ever better.

Of course, that was before any gamer realized Shark Cards and MTX's could be an issue for some w/ GTAO.
RoboPond: I'm still sad that they removed my fav song in the whole game ("Швайне" [Schweine / Pigs in German] by Glukoza (2005)).

There is a mod though I don't know if it works with the complete edition so use it at your own risk. (It was meant for the original versions.)

It was, and if it comes to Epic for free it will be as you said earlier to try and get more people online using it. I don't like playing online though, and have never and will never buy a Shark Card or anything.
Thanks for the info & link! Much appreciate.

Oh, I made sure I backed-up the old GTA4 Steam-versions before the new so-called "Complete Edition" version hit - especially since those don't have CEG and can work w/out Steam running in the background.

A lot of G4WL-required games on Steam didn't use CEG, thankfully.
Post edited May 13, 2020 by MysterD
RoboPond: the multiplayer removed from it
RoboPond: renamed as GTAIV: Complete Edition.
lol, talk about irony. ;P
real.geizterfahr: Why not? I think most people interested in GTA V already have it. Doesn't hurt to gift it to the few dozen people who still didn't bring themselves to buy it. Maybe one of them buys a few GTA Dollar, or whatever their online money is called.
I didn't bring myself to buy it due to the Rockstar Social Club requirement. Not sure if I'd take it for free under that condition. Because if there is anything to this rumour at all, it definitely will require a connection to Rockstar Social Club, just like the Ubi games Epic gave away required a connection to a Uplay account. But that would be a reason for Rockstar to do it, to get more people to give in and create a Rockstar account.
Post edited May 13, 2020 by Leroux
low rated
real.geizterfahr: Why not? I think most people interested in GTA V already have it. Doesn't hurt to gift it to the few dozen people who still didn't bring themselves to buy it. Maybe one of them buys a few GTA Dollar, or whatever their online money is called.
Leroux: I didn't bring myself to buy it due to the Rockstar Social Club requirement. Not sure if I'd take it for free under that condition. Because if there is anything to this rumour at all, it definitely will require a connection to Rockstar Social Club, just like the Ubi games Epic gave away required a connection to a Uplay account. But that would be a reason for Rockstar to do it, to get more people to give in and create a Rockstar account.
Man, creating an account. That sounds damaging to ones health and well being. In reality, it takes 2 minutes, you forget about it and play the game for 40+ hrs.
Breja: >shrug< I will never get the popularity of GTA. My every attempt to get into that series ended with nothing but boredom. At this point they'd have to pay me to try another one.
GTA is for the sandbox crowd, you can run around and ignore the story as much as you want.
My PC cries in wood.
Breja: >shrug< I will never get the popularity of GTA. My every attempt to get into that series ended with nothing but boredom. At this point they'd have to pay me to try another one.
theslitherydeee: GTA is for the sandbox crowd, you can run around and ignore the story as much as you want.
There are some open-world games I really like a lot, but the appeal of a game that's all about running around doing totally random shit for "teh lulz" is completely lost on me. It gets old after 15 minutes tops.
theslitherydeee: GTA is for the sandbox crowd, you can run around and ignore the story as much as you want.
I remember with GTA3 just running around, causing mayhem, amazed at how open and crazy the game was. That wore off pretty quick though in the grand scheme, and I haven't done that with a GTA since San Andreas. It's the same thing over and over again, I'm amazed so many still do it.