tort1234: I am not sure how long Epic store can keep giving out free games.
Sooner or later they will go into a loss.
You would certainly imagine that this is the likely case.
tort1234: Its not like a lot of people are making epic accounts to actually buy games there.
Not sure how you reached that conclusion as there would have been many who just stuck to Steam for simplicity sake, but have now been well and truly tempted to also use Epic, and clearly paying for DRM games is no barrier to them.
No doubt what you say rings true for you and I and many GOG customers, but we are only a small drop in the ocean of gamers.
I have read they intend to continue to the end of 2020 at least.
Clearly they have just ramped things up, by making the next new free game a mystery one, and starting that modus with such a popular game. In theory, many could hold off buying at Steam etc, waiting to see what the free mystery game might be. Then there is the fun of a mystery gaining Epic much attention.
We can speculate on how Epic is paying for the losses in all this, as just the potential missed sales of GTA V alone would be considerable I imagine ... but always hard to determine the real numbers of those eventually being willing to pay something. Maybe they are not doing this alone, as maybe many DEVs and publishers are unhappy with Steam.
Epic and their providers are certainly making many friends, and maybe that has translated to benefits for them already.
Not only did I get GTA V for free from them, but I got a $15 coupon to spend.
One can also speculate on the eventual fate of GOG, and what that might mean for GOG only paying customers ... and perhaps Epic know something we don't (or we only suspect) ... just saying. If you are a Good Old GOG customer like myself, who has oodles of games, it might never translate to us spending at Epic or Steam, etc. But the potential for younger GOGites is certainly there if GOG fail. So maybe Epic are courting those early.