nightcraw1er.488: What would you like us to say? There are a very small percentage of the market which care about this topic, the vast majority are in favour or ambivalent to the topic. Within this small group there is disagreements on what constitutes drm, facilitates drm, and what surrounds drm.
For drm is a problem, for all the given reasons, bad performance, system damaging, lack of control etc. It is always pushed forward as either anti piracy or cheat barring, and as for combatting piracy that is a total lie, they know ass well as everybody it merely delays the inevitable. Those who won’t pay never will, those who want to pay but won’t because of drm will pirate, and those who don’t care will buy, so the publishers are only losing those who buy because of drm which from above is a tiny market share.
But drm alone is not the whole problem. Far more intrusive are clients, with their platform for drm, for microtransactions, for data capture, for taking control/knowledge away from users and replacing it with empty “achievements”. Also to blame is multiplayer only games, mmo’s, whose sole purpose is to generate vast amounts of cash over a long time feeding the item selling markets and the skin markets all of which slowly funnel down into single player games. Then there is also the cancer of streaming, the system where the user has no control, owns nothing, is merely at the end of a tube throwing money down the tube whilst those at the other end watch and record.
These items, and those buy regardless, have led to the situation where publishers do not need to care, they can pretty much do whatever they want without recourse. Sure doom eternal having denuvo caused a stir, but the next one probably won’t. Rarely is there any outcry. Was there much outcry when a load of mods got removed from public access to be sold on workshop or creators club? No, and now we are finding models who can’t manage to release for any other sites, or just don’t want to. That is the new norm. Just as denuvo is the new normal, and someday soon there will be something even worse.
Thankfully there are groups out there which work to remove these things, but not only, provide professional grade compressed installers with component used installers, so that game you once brought on games for windows dead you can finally play all those years later.
TL;DR; Nobody cares about it in 2020, just a few tinfoil wearing loners who don’t play cool things like fortnite.
wow nice long post , as for tin foil if disliking DRM and disliking intrusive clients and online spying/snooping on users accounts / windows 10 accounts.
Single player does not fill the pockets of the gaming and media companies, many licences that used to be bought are now a forever subscription like fotoshop , more of the same with some updates paid until eternity thats what they want gaming to be.
Some guy from EA had a video on Youtube about it, cant remember the title and i have no bookmark of it ....
in short : no more hadware needed, just a lightning fast internet and play in the cloud with friends all over the globe, no more hassle with pc or hardware that is too slow or cant match other players.
Anyway the video is very funny to watch, too bad i cant find it ....
there are new articles too ....