babark: Sounds like it is near the beginning.
Nonlethal silent playthroughs are quite hard in DX what with the dart gun being essentially useless, and the stun baton needs you to sneak up to people and whack them only on the very specific part of the back of their head.
Yes, beginning parts. I take my time exploring everything. :)
For now the baton seems great, I don't seem to have issues hitting the right spot. I just sneak up on a patrolling or standing enemy crawling, and as soon I get close enough that the square "hitbox" appears, I just aim at his head or back (while crawling) and they go down with one hit. The only time that doesn't happen if I am not behind them.
Not sure if this tactic will work anymore with future enemies, e.g. I am not expecting to knock down robots from behind. After all, Thief games also had enemies (monsters, zombies, humans with a better helmet) that couldn't be knocked down from behind either. And of course this doesn't work on groups of enemies that see each other, usually just lone guards patrolling or standing.
Still, up until now I think I've knocked down maybe 50-60% of my enemies, and I tend to take them all down (either knock them out, or shoot them; occasionally blow them away). I feel like a coward if I simply evade some enemies, they all need to go down one way or another. That's how I normally played Thief games too, first knocking or killing down everyone in the level, and then concentrating on the actual mission objectives, with no enemies roaming around. :)
The reason I was thinking of training sneaking as well was because apparently it makes your crawling faster, making those silent approaches from behind even easier.