I already used up three accuracy upgrades to my sniper rifle... only to read in some FAQ that in case you will invest in your rifle skill, accuracy updates for the sniper rifle are pointless (something like that if you reach the 3rd (Advanced) level with the rifle skill, then you already get the max possible accuracy with the sniper rifle, even without any accuracy updates).
So I guess I wasted three accuracy updates for nothing. Then again, fortunately you apparently will still find quite many of them throughout the game.
I've already decided that at this point I mostly concentrate in these skills, in this order:
Hacking (already in Advanced level, probably going to go to Master level)
Computers (Advanced already now, not sure if going to go Master)
Lockpicking (now Trained, there are so many doors and safes I want to open...)
Sneaking (maybe, I like to club enemies from behind without having to kill them, and conserving bullets)
Heavy Weapons (maybe, just for the rocket launcher I guess)
Rest I will care only if it seems I will have "too many" skill points.
The main problem for now is that I constantly seem to be out of picklocks. If I even find one, I already know a couple of places which I'd like to open, and unfortunately many need several picklocks. I read somewhere a few good tips to conserve picklocks:
- Try to open the door/safe first with the nano key ring. If it says "you don't have a suitable nano key", then it means there is somewhere a nano key for it, so better not waste a picklock on it. If it just says it is locked, then there is no nano key for it, but can be opened with explosives, a button or keypad, and/or a picklock as a last resort.
- If you have some explosives or a rocket launcher, then many doors and safes can be opened with them, as long as it doesn't have infinite durability.
Plus, not all doors or crates are quite necessary to open either. There was a fence which I simply climbed over with a few stacked boxes (instead of wasting one picklock), and sometimes I just decide the stuff inside the room or the box wasn't worth the picklock, so I load an earlier savegame and forget about it.
Multitools are not that common either, but at least I have four of them at the moment...
And yeah the game doesn't feel that hard, even in the Realistic difficulty. I am glad I did choose the highest difficulty I could choose. Sure I do die quite easily if I resort to firefights with several enemies, but that is life: sometimes you die, and then you just have to try again with a new life (if you are a hindu or buddhists).