This is the most fun I've had stealthing in an RPG ,ever. It's useful, sensible, meaningful, tactical, and not just for combat advantages at all, but is generally good for just sneaking around, either because you don't know what is around and you are being cautious, or because you do, and you just want to avoid it. The speed of the walking is good too, it doesn't feel cumbersome to move around/explore while stealthed. NPCs/mobs have movement patterns that allow for skirting and avoiding them if you are patient, pay attention, and learn to be a good sneak, just like it would make sense to be like actually, it's definitely like a stealther game at times RPG style and, just great.
There is simply no way to do it all, replays with different builds and alliances will be very rewardingI think!
Post edited February 04, 2016 by drealmer7