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I remember playing all dos games back in the day. When Wolf3d shareware came out and I received it from a friend, I was immediately addicted. So much so, I called and ordered the registered version. There is quite a story goes along with that, but I'll leave it for another time. I'll download it and give it go, sounds like it will be fun. Thanks! :-)

Edit: Oh and its great to see both 32 & 64 bit Linux versions .. Thanks for those!
Post edited December 18, 2015 by NoAGood
I tried it, and though it works far too poorly on my computer to be playable, I can report the following:

+ it works fine on 32-bit Linux machine (another thanks for this, people on especially just love to pretend no one uses 32-bit computers anymore)
+ the font on the loading screen used for the level name is nigh unreadable

(Oh, and not in.)
Sorry about the delayed response, but as other have noted it was specifically the loading level name and any other loading screen that was the issue. I will try the "Classic" controls tonight :)
hyperagathon: I tried it, and though it works far too poorly on my computer to be playable, I can report the following:

+ it works fine on 32-bit Linux machine (another thanks for this, people on especially just love to pretend no one uses 32-bit computers anymore)
You don't sound too surprised that it's running too slowly on your system. What's your specs?
Glad to hear it works fine on 32-bit Linux! Just to confirm, the sound effects and music both sound ok?

hyperagathon: + the font on the loading screen used for the level name is nigh unreadable
saramakos: was specifically the loading level name...
Thank you for mentioning this! I can totally see how that could be the case. Saramakos had me worried it was all the text in the menu and throughout the game, which would be much harder to fix. I'll get an update out to fix this ASAP!
Post edited December 18, 2015 by ecamber
ecamber: You don't sound too surprised that it's running too slowly on your system. What's your specs?
Glad to hear it works fine on 32-bit Linux! Just to confirm, the sound effects and music both sound ok?
Hah, yes. I'm sometimes surprised when it's the other way around - when a (somewhat) new(ish) game is playable on my ancient laptop (7-8 years old, single core).

It does load fine, the menu is responsive, and the music plays without stuttering. It's just that actions (moving, looking around) have a delay of about half a minute between input and response.
Well, ok, I've got some good news and some bad news.
The good news: I played it.
The bad news: I didn't like it at all.

Now, beware, as I've said before, I'm pretty heavily biased against shooters as it is and not entirely familiar how to play them, so the problems I have could be just problems I have with shooters in general.
First of all, I feel I should let you know that I had no trouble with the trackpad, it seemed to work just fine for me and I could burn bots with ease. I used the classic control scheme rather than the modern one. Problem was, I couldn't even make it past level 1 before I decided to quit. The concept was neat at first, and some of the level designs were pretty nifty, but it seemed to get old tragically fast. I didn't quite like the maze-y, hunt-y aspect of having to search every little corner in the hopes of finding a keycard so I can progress. Most of the time, I was just trying to stay alive against the onslaught of robots which, as long as you can see them, they can shoot you, no hiding behind corners or anything like that. Also, they seem to follow you, even between rooms over a considerable amount of distance, which I didn't expect. And, one last thing, it took me a while to realize that when they get up close, they're punching you or something. When I saw the green light, I thought I was doing something right somehow, and I thought the punching noise was the sound of my welding gun clicking or something. I was doing just fine until I met the two-gun robot and couldn't stop it before it chipped away a considerable amount of my health, but fortunately, you had a good deal of health pickups scattered around. Only trouble was, I often forgot where they were and didn't feel like backtracking to get them. Eventually, it came to the point where I was just running around wildly, caring little about getting shot, desperately scrounging for that last blue cardkey. I'm grateful for the map overlay, because I needed that badly. In fact, most of the time, I found myself looking at the overlay more than the game itself. Eventually I found it only to shot down by the two-gun bot guarding it and lost. Considering I made it to the checkpoint (what were those green symbols supposed to be? indications of what each room was? I couldn't tell), this wouldn't have been so bad, but I lost my keycards and I wasn't about to go through all that again. I quit.

If you'd like a handy-dandy list of points that basically covers what I said above without having to read it all:
- never made it past level 1
- difficulty wasn't too high, but I'm bad at shooters
- didn't like fetching items
- couldn't figure out two-gun green bot's weakness before I got killed
- didn't realize bots could punch you
- got bored after about maybe half an hour while still on the same level
- died
- lost a good chunk of progress
- quit

My score for this game (again, admittedly biased since I didn't even finish the level):

+1 for extremely useful map overlay
+1 for very clever room designs
+1 for programmable controls / 2 different control schemes
+1 for coding it all from scratch

+0 for music, it got a little repetitive after a while
+0 for puzzles, I didn't really see any outside of fetch-this-and-use-it-over-here types of things
+0 for idea, while it seemed unique at first, it still feels pretty much like using a regular gun in a regular shooter, just repackaged
+0 for difficulty, while I had trouble with it, others might think it just fine since I'm a newbie (I played on normal mode)
+0 for variety of weapons, I would normally give you +1, but I didn't get far enough in to find the 3rd weapon or to figure out how the 2nd one worked.

-1 for getting dull after a while
-1 for not having an indicator of pickups on the map, or at least letting us be able to mark it ourselves
-1 for having no real story, there wasn't much that motivated me to continue

Final impression after playing: 8/10, most of my qualms were issues with shooters in general. For fans of retro shooters, I can see this being a marvelous game.
Post edited May 19, 2016 by zeogold
Only ~7 hours left in the giveaway!

Also forgot to mention it here, but I fixed the loading screen text as requested.

zeogold: Well, ok, I've got some good news and some bad news.
The good news: I played it.
The bad news: I didn't like it at all.

Thanks for playing and giving detailed feedback! Yeah, I was a little worried when you said you were not a fan of shooters that you probably wouldn't like the game too much. It's very much an old-school FPS at heart, but has a few twists on the standard formula to set it apart from the pack and make it a little more interesting.

The good news is it sounds like you played the game for a while, were able to make a good amount of progress (when you died I estimate you were about a quarter of the way through the game, there are a small number of large levels) and didn't encounter any real glitches or bugs.

Let me respond to some points in more detail:

zeogold: I didn't quite like the maze-y, hunt-y aspect of having to search every little corner in the hopes of finding a keycard so I can progress.
That's at the core of most old-school FPS games (Wolfenstein, Doom, Duke, etc.). I understand you don't care for these games but others will likely find this a fun throwback. To me this is preferable to many modern shooters that lead you down a linear path from point A to point B.

zeogold: Also, they seem to follow you, even between rooms over a considerable amount of distance, which I didn't expect.
Yep. I actually consider this to be a positive, as I tried to make the robot AI fairly intelligent.

zeogold: And, one last thing, it took me a while to realize that when they get up close, they're punching you or something.
Huh. Not sure how I can make this clearer, the damage indicator is flashing, your health is going down and they're playing the "slap" noise and animation.

zeogold: (what were those green symbols supposed to be? indications of what each room was? I couldn't tell),
Yeah, the green symbols are supposed to be holograms labeling each sector. Mostly just window dressing.

zeogold: but I lost my keycards and I wasn't about to go through all that again. I quit.
I guess the hope would be that now that you know where the keycards are, it would be faster to replay. Since you mention two weapons, you must have made it inside the "secret" room, you certainly didn't have to go back there again if you didn't want to.

zeogold: couldn't figure out two-gun green bot's weakness before I got killed
Sorry about that. That's probably where the game is lacking most, as I don't want to give away the weakness, and I think it's fairly logical once you think about it, but players may not be able to figure it out in time. If you ever feel like playing again I can PM you the best way to defeat that guy.

zeogold: +0 for puzzles, I didn't really see any outside of fetch-this-and-use-it-over-here types of things
I would have considered the caution tape one to be a puzzle, if a bit simple. There are a lot more further into the game.

zeogold: -1 for not having an indicator of pickups on the map, or at least letting us be able to mark it ourselves
Interesting thought, but I'm not actually aware of any old FPS that let you do this.

zeogold: -1 for having no real story
There's a little bit more of this closer to the end of the game, but in keeping with the style of old FPS games, story is never a major focus.

zeogold: - got bored after about maybe half an hour while still on the same level
Well, at least this negates your earlier "minus" point about it being short! :-)

zeogold: +1 for coding it all from scratch
In the interest of total honesty, and for anyone else who wants to do something similar, I used Lode Vandevenne's [url= ]raycasting tutorial [/url]as a starting point. But I couldn't use the code directly as it was written in C instead of Java, and it only guides you a small part of the way.
Post edited December 19, 2015 by ecamber
Not in, let old and new comers with just enough rep to earn their own.
But I will try the game as well.
Post edited December 19, 2015 by GioVio123
GioVio123: Not, let old and new comers with just enough rep to earn their own.
Huh? Apologies, but I don't understand. I'll assume this means "not in".
The new font for loading etc is much better, and playing with classic controls made all the difference for me. Overall having some nice retro fun now. A real nostalgic blast :)
I'm in for Realms of the Haunting.

I'm still on the first level wandering around looking for the green key card after destroying that generator thing. Here are a few changes which I think would help the experience.

-The ability to scroll the map to look around without actually having to travel there or a compass for the objectives since if you miss something you have to wander around slowly trying to pick up the plot line again.

-A small explanation of the guns abilities (still have no idea what the ice gun does).

Overall it's a good time waster, the biggest thing I felt held it back was the lack of impact from the guns. You shot at an enemy and they simply freeze up once dead. It would have benefited greatly from an explosion animation that wiped away the robot.
ecamber: ...
Glad to see a retro-style FPS.

Personally I'd love to see more in the vein of Redneck Rampage or Shadow Warrior, with lots of humor, secrets, and interesting levels.
Post edited December 19, 2015 by tfishell
The giveaway's over. Since it looks like only 5 people entered and I got some really good feedback, I'll just go ahead let everyone win. I'll be in touch with the codes shortly.

saramakos: The new font for loading etc is much better, and playing with classic controls made all the difference for me. Overall having some nice retro fun now. A real nostalgic blast :)
Great, very glad to hear it! :-)

theslitherydeee: I'm still on the first level wandering around looking for the green key card after destroying that generator thing...
Oh, you're actually at the end of the level. The automap should give you a pretty clear indication of where to go next (I'll PM you more details, also more details about the ice gun). Maybe I should lock the door to that area to prevent wandering aimlessly.

theslitherydeee: -The ability to scroll the map to look around without actually having to travel there or a compass for the objectives since if you miss something you have to wander around slowly trying to pick up the plot line again.
Did you notice the zoom in/zoom out controls? That should let you see the whole map.

theslitherydeee: You shot at an enemy and they simply freeze up once dead.
The reason I did that is so that you can have fun drawing all over their dead body! With the way I'm doing the drawing effect having the enemies' appearance massively change upon death doesn't look too good.

tfishell: Personally I'd love to see more in the vein of Redneck Rampage or Shadow Warrior, with lots of humor, secrets, and interesting levels.
Robokiller has not much humor and only a few secrets, but we did try to make the levels as interesting as possible.
GioVio123: Not, let old and new comers with just enough rep to earn their own.
ecamber: Huh? Apologies, but I don't understand. I'll assume this means "not in".
Yeah, now that I read it, I wasn't that clear...
zeogold: Well, ok, I've got some good news and some bad news.
The good news: I played it.
The bad news: I didn't like it at all.
+1 for honesty
+1 for your thorough review system