Cyraxpt: So an update to this thread, yesterday it crafted the new cable and it worked perfectly, i'll need to be carefull with the connectors since they're a bit loose due to the cable being too big for the whole (that's what she said?).
The funny part is that i ordered a pack of 50 connectors because it was the only purchase available for my country in a small number AND it was the last pack available... 50...
Now, i was all happy that my delivery had arrived, checking my stuff when i see this huge bag filled with connectors... "Wait, this can't be right"... It was a large plastic bag with 8 small bags with 50 connectors each, doing the math, now i have 400 connectors. What the hell???
Dunno, i'm reading the page and i don't see anything about 8 packs of it (like i said, it even said it was the last stock that they had), bit confused, the right thing would be to contact amazon about this but considering the price of these and considering that i would have to pay for the package to send it back i'm not sure if i should.