nicohvc: Cool you've just metion the only two games that could make me buy a PS4. SMT P5 and FFXV. I don't know why but I don't feel very interested in other exclusives like bloodborne or Uncharted 4.
Well, Bloodborne would depend on how much you care for the Souls series. I was looking to import Demon's Souls when they announced the western version, since then I've been a massive fan and followed the whole series, Bloodborne included. Beyond that there isn't much else as far exclusives, what else can you get? The Order 1886? Knack?
nicohvc: But hey.. what about the PS3 version of Persona 5? I didn't read anything about the diferences between PS3 and PS4 versions of the game.
To be honest, I completely forgot about a PS3 version. I feel like a lot of PS4/PS3/Vita japanese games when they come to the US end up being PS4 only, or PS4/Vita only at most, so I just didn't think of it as a possibility. It still says PS3 on the Atlus US website, but they were also swearing on their mothers' lives that the game was coming in October 2015 and it would be a simultaneous release, until Atlus Japan in September delayed it for a whole year in Japan, and even more than that in the West.
I'd say don't hold your breath. If it comes, great, but Atlus US is at the whims of the Japan branch and they can change everything at a moment's notice.