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It’s (almost) official: The PS Vita is dead (source: wololo)

and remember: Mobile Gaming Didn't Kill The Vita -- Sony Did (source: kotaku)
This has been iterated to death more than the Vita itself. When it has absolutely zero non-homebrew releases then it'll be well and truly dead at last.

And yes, Sony was most definitely the main culprit (outside of Asia anyway.)
I actually seriously considered buying one while in Japan. A quick online check made me abandon the idea, it seems like it was the right choice.
I wouldn't mind one... got more than a passing interest in some of the JRPG series on it...
P1na: I actually seriously considered buying one while in Japan. A quick online check made me abandon the idea, it seems like it was the right choice.
i recommend to get a psvita tv (with fw equal or below 3.60, so you can hack it) + controller + memory card, that rocks
P1na: I actually seriously considered buying one while in Japan. A quick online check made me abandon the idea, it seems like it was the right choice.
I got a used one when I was in Japan, I've been moderatly happy with it, it's no 3DS that's for sure.

I think this is actually the best time to buy a console. The end of its lifecycle. This way you can see the entirety of its library and best judge whether or not it's worth it. Better than buying something and hoping the games will come later.
P1na: I actually seriously considered buying one while in Japan. A quick online check made me abandon the idea, it seems like it was the right choice.
As you're frequently away, it would be a good purchase so you can chill out playing it in your hotel bed rather than being slouched over a PC game like for work. And don't forget that you can get most of the PSP games on it (with a perfect 2x upscale).
P1na: I actually seriously considered buying one while in Japan. A quick online check made me abandon the idea, it seems like it was the right choice.
catpower1980: As you're frequently away, it would be a good purchase so you can chill out playing it in your hotel bed rather than being slouched over a PC game like for work. And don't forget that you can get most of the PSP games on it (with a perfect 2x upscale).
you can play psv, psp, psx games and some emulators if you hack your psv/pstv
I've probably spent more time on the Vita then any other gaming device over the course of the last few years, so I can't really think of it as a failure; albeit, if you were hoping for a lot of AAA stuff, or weren't interested in playing old PSX games, then you certainly have a right to be disappointed.
I don't see the Vita as dead as long as there are games released for it.
It's not running as well as other devices but still good enough that almost every Vita-Game gets a physical release here.
Post edited November 21, 2016 by JinKazaragi
I like the vita not a bad emulator machine and got mine the original model for 99 dollars new at bestbuy sale.
catpower1980: As you're frequently away, it would be a good purchase so you can chill out playing it in your hotel bed rather than being slouched over a PC game like for work. And don't forget that you can get most of the PSP games on it (with a perfect 2x upscale).
Well, since I travel so much I just have a laptop, so I play on my bed all the time. I'm on my bed as I type this, actually. Who cares about my back?

If anything, it would be most useful for bus trips and the like. I bought a PSP when I first headed for Belgium 7 years ago for that precise reason, actually. Unfortunately, turns out I couldn't get into most of their games, and the online store sucked pretty bad (can't carry physical media around). So I checked the price of the device, the game library and the hackability; and the veredict was not worth it. Carrying over all my PSP games would be useful, yes; but they're either disks or hacks (or, in most cases, both) so I suspect I would have to build up a new library from the ground up. Which is not cool.

Basically, I'd say my minimum requirement for the PS vita would be to still have my PSP games available (without rebuying them all), and I'm not at all convinced that would be the case. It's hard to justify a 100€ investment without that baseline.
DaCostaBR: Better than buying something and hoping the games will come later.
Well, yeah, of course. Why would anyone buy a machine without games? ...No, don't answer that. My mental health wouldn't be able to take it.
Post edited November 21, 2016 by P1na
P1na: Well, yeah, of course. Why would anyone buy a machine without games? ...No, don't answer that. My mental health wouldn't be able to take it.
Money. They can find a good deal and take a gamble or, like me, buy them much cheaper when living overseas instead of waiting and paying much more for them when I returned to my home country. My PS4 has barely seen any use in the past two years, but now with FF15 and Persona 5 coming out, I'm glad I bought it and sat on it instead of waiting and paying double for the exact same thing. Everyone has their reasons for buying a console sooner or later, I wish I could just wait until I had the entire picture like how I described to you, but I took a gamble and I'm glad I did.
DaCostaBR: Money. They can find a good deal and take a gamble or, like me, buy them much cheaper when living overseas instead of waiting and paying much more for them when I returned to my home country. My PS4 has barely seen any use in the past two years, but now with FF15 and Persona 5 coming out, I'm glad I bought it and sat on it instead of waiting and paying double for the exact same thing. Everyone has their reasons for buying a console sooner or later, I wish I could just wait until I had the entire picture like how I described to you, but I took a gamble and I'm glad I did.
Meh, maybe I'm just a stingy asshat, but I find it very hard to justify spending several hundred € for a couple games when I hardly ever pay 60 for a single one. I may take a risk with a kickstarter for a dozen or so €, but buying a full console on hopes that eventually this one game will come out that justifies it? No game is that good. Not even Deus Ex.

Then again, we do live in preorder culture. All I can say is, not for me.
BadDecissions: I've probably spent more time on the Vita then any other gaming device over the course of the last few years, so I can't really think of it as a failure; albeit, if you were hoping for a lot of AAA stuff, or weren't interested in playing old PSX games, then you certainly have a right to be disappointed.
That initial perception of being a AAA handheld really hurt it in the long run. Worse yet is how haphazard the titles billed as "AAA" ended up. The single CoD it got actually earned the hatred the franchise carries online while Borderlands 2 and Resident Evil Revelations 2 were both near complete ports but gimped by the underclocked processor of the system. Contrast to the PSP which had a fair amount of both Western and Eastern support (handhelds typically skew heavily Japanese I think) and it will feel disappointing for people who don't have an interest in mostly Japanese games.

That being said I share a similar sentiment of it being a dominant platform for me along with PC and 3DS as I have a hefty interest in Eastern developed titles and some of the ports serve me well on the go. I see it developing a cult status somewhat similar to the Saturn and Dreamcast at this point. The collectors are certainly there already.