Posted November 27, 2016
high rated
I'm surprised so many people still have such strong feelings about Castro...personally I have no sympathy for him or his regime (he clearly was demented in some ways, during the missile crisis he urged the Soviets to do a first strike on the US, thankfully Khruschev was reasonable enough to refuse this), but I don't think he was in the same league of evil as Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot or Kim Il-Sung. Maybe in a way he could be compared to Franco on the right, clearly flawed and repressive in many ways, but you sort of might understand why he ended up doing what he did.
That Hamilton guy though seems pretty dubious...but then standards in the 70s were different, hard to be sure if he really was a pervert.
That Hamilton guy though seems pretty dubious...but then standards in the 70s were different, hard to be sure if he really was a pervert.