Posted August 27, 2024

... he would absolutely have hated "modernization."
In fact he would have hated most of the LotR film, tv, and game projects that Christopher allowed (and Christopher in turn would have hated what the grandchildren allowed!).
The problem with Rings of Power IMO is that mediocre to poor writers -- with huge egos -- are transposing direct allegory and trying to call it myth. This is in direct opposition to Tolkien who hated allegory and who was creating something out-of-time (timeless), myth. And I won't even go into Tolkien's spirituality embedded in the tales (I'm currently reading his thoughts on "de-paganization" of early Germanic myth)...
No, like so many other cultural touchstones turned into terrible recent cinema and and tv, Rings of Power is meant to be a tired mess... to undermine the original work... but to be the only reference this current generation has to the original work. What better way to undermine a classic, powerful, heroic call-to-action than make it mundane and meaningless? The same has occurred with a much more modern cultural heroic touchstone Star Wars...
Yes, there are some who will enjoy Rings of Power... and that's fine. Different people enjoy different things. But Tolkien would have absolutely flipped out if he saw what was being done to his work.
Now, if you want a fantasy series that moreso embraced allegory and a modern ethic, A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones. Martin sought to make a post-modernist anti-LotR and has succeeded to a point... but... I think his work -- while extremely popular for a time -- will lack that timeless mythic element that keeps it being read and watched for generations (and this is doubly so for the tv series Game of Thrones).

I mentioned nothing about modernity, which is irrelevant. We are talking a fantastical world of Fantasy.

It's a TV series made for a modern audience, where many viewers aren't Caucasian or white and different more enlightened views about women and gender as well as ethnic groups are the norm now.
To call it woke, like Ancient-Red-Dragon does, is the height of silliness ... not to mention greater profits and possible acclaim from appealing to a broader audience.
Nothing wrong with making a TV series more applicable for modern viewers, and I am pretty sure if Tolkien were still alive he would feel exactly the same way. He might not agree with other changes, but he was always a decent human being, and would want his work to appeal far and wide.
Post edited August 27, 2024 by kai2