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low rated
Aristotle was immensely dumb, you know. If we're going to measure people of different epochs and scientific backgrounds against each other, what remains is reasoning and clarity of thought. And Aristotle failed that big time.
McDon: Ah yes, he popularized the trend of scientists pretending to be "philosophers "
OneFiercePuppy: <laugh>

You might be interested in this, then. Hold on to your hat.

[url= I do like how easy it is to get a tolerably good idea of how old someone is by when they think someone started something. I'd quote the Byrds, but then I'd have to reference Joseph Campbell, and the Book of Ecclesiates, and everything between.][/url]
Nipoti: A good scientist is always a philosopher

By the way i think he would be spinning in his grave reading your post
I'm unsure what exactly you're meant to be "showing me up" with here? I never said you can't be a good scientist and philosopher... considering the two fields were often treated as the same field in the past so it's obvious a lot of people would have contributed to both fields.

I'm referring to a recent trend wherein scientists begin to do writings on philosophy with seemingly little prior knowledge, education or even research at times in the field of philosophy.
KasperHviid: Hey OP, I have never read any Richard Dawkins myself. Still, I mentally categorized him as the large group of Atheists who solely define themselves as being in opposition to religion. Without religion as a scapegoat, they don't have much; their identity is solely tied to being something other than those religious folks. When they talk about religion, I feel it has some of the same vibe as stereotypical hate speak.
ET3D: Yeah, I know, ad-hominem attacks are the way to go when you can't find a way to win an argument using logic.
Oh yeaah? And you... you... you are not even capable getting a new avatar
By the modern definition, every important philosopher ever was a troll. Unfortunately, in order to change how people think you have to break paradigms. You can't expect a revolution built through moderation and I'm sure, if Dawkins has any self-respect, he does not want to go down in history as a guy who made very moderate and non-offensive statements about atheism and religion.

For clarity, let me just say I disagree with Dawkins at a fundamental level, as I do believe there is a spiritual plane of existence, although I share his general disgust for organized religions and the form cultural oppression they represent.
JDelekto: I wash my underwear religiously.
Twice a year, at Easter and Christmas?
The only religion I follow is Macho Man Randy Savage.

Every Sunday I snap into a fucking Slim Jim, and embrace the MADNESS.
JKHSawyer: The only religion I follow is Macho Man Randy Savage.

Every Sunday I snap into a fucking Slim Jim, and embrace the MADNESS.
And you call yourself a gamer!?

There is only one Messiah.
cross.jpg (30 Kb)
JKHSawyer: The only religion I follow is Macho Man Randy Savage.

Every Sunday I snap into a fucking Slim Jim, and embrace the MADNESS.
tinyE: And you call yourself a gamer!?

There is only one Messiah.
Someone forgot to set him on fire.

Fuck Mario. Commander Keen forever and ever.
tinyE: And you call yourself a gamer!?

There is only one Messiah.
JKHSawyer: Fuck Mario. Commander Keen forever and ever.
I actually can't argue with that. Problem is I can't find a pic of Keen being crucified.
JKHSawyer: Fuck Mario. Commander Keen forever and ever.
tinyE: I actually can't argue with that. Problem is I can't find a pic of Keen being crucified.
Ghostbreed: Before I begin, let me point out that I am in no way, shape or form a religious person.

TL;DR version: As long as it doesn't affect you, fuck off. If it DO affects you, then do something.
If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem
Religions affect basically everyone on the planet in someway.
Ghostbreed: Richard on the other hand, doesn't respect at all.
Respect is earned you know. It's not a given. You're confusing it with "courtesy". And sure, be courteous to all humans and don't be an ass, but you don't have to respect any nonsense that they believe in. Especially when they expect you to respect their intolerant views because either "we've believed them for thousands of years so deal with it" or because it's some crap they interpreted in that has no basis in either their religion or the modern world.

You're not required to respect religions with dicktator deities and murderous, homophobic adherents. Nor are you required to respect asshole atheists/humanists. You'll find an equal dose of stupidity from all sides, as well as brilliance and wisdom from all sides. One thing to remember is this: the universe is bigger than 1 worldview.
Ghostbreed: Before I begin, let me point out that I am in no way, shape or form a religious person.

TL;DR version: As long as it doesn't affect you, fuck off. If it DO affects you, then do something.
BrandeX: If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem
Religions affect basically everyone on the planet in someway.
Even this guy?
high rated
BrandeX: If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem
Religions affect basically everyone on the planet in someway.
I think you have that wrong...
If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the precipitate.
KasperHviid: "The Richard Dawkins Foundation has criticized the upcoming debate between Creation Museum CEO and President Ken Ham and "The Science Guy" Bill Nye, arguing that such a debate is not worth having and that it only offers credibility to creationism."

Source here/

This don't rhyme with Dawkins saying that ‘Those who think it’s nonsense are entitled to stay away. Or come and argue. They should not censor views they think are nonsense.’
Except, of course, that you'll notice he never says the debate should be shut down via authoritarian fiat - only that it's a bad idea.

That's the difference between a guy like Dawkins... and the... humans... spotted throughout this thread. Dawkins says, "Hey Nye, that's a bad idea, and I wish you wouldn't do it."

The fascists use authoritarian force to shut down and destroy intellectual opposition.