Gilozard: So, GGers overreact to perfectly normal stuff, News at 11. Sounds par for their course. The whole reason 4chan started organizing it was because some loser couldn't handle a bad breakup and posted crap about his game-dev ex online, they've always been about completely overreacting.
If people are hijacking game reviews to rant about their personal politics, I think that's a good thing. There's a whole General Discussion section here on GOG for political stuff, for example, and literally entire forums for political discussion elsewhere. Why clutter up game reviews with it?
If it was really heavy-handed or a huge theme, talking about it make sense. But it seems like just a few lines and nothing heavy-handed, that's really not a big deal.
Shadowstalker16: 4chan didn't start ''organizing'' it. There was nothing to organize in the first place, unless you're referring to email campaigns that happened months later. All 4chan did was censor discussion of it on almost all boards. Except /v/ of course. But hey, believe in what explanation helps you the most.
And yes, I also think this is an over-reaction seeing not much was altered. I think it had a lot to do with the article P1na mentioned, where the devs said they were gonna ''fix'' the ''sexism'' and stuff. And TBH they did alter the personality of one character utterly completely. I would say disappointment over that is justified but not to the level of giving the whole game a negative review overall. Maybe they'll change it after the bugs are fixed.
Don't forget all the space for games reviews on sites like Kotaku. Those are prime politics pushing tools where discussion is optional and you can make money out of it too :D
Some people may view this as a huge slight and some may not. Lets also remember no one has still yet made a whole compilation of all the ''SJW'' stuff yet. Either way, there were some fans who would've viewed any change in lore as a big mistake and rated negatively for it. Think of the guys who complain over other people liking Thief 4 or DMC:DMC for example.
4chan was definitely used in the beginning, but yeah, they started banning that stuff after getting in legal trouble (I think somebody used 4chan to target a judge or judge's relative? something like that). It switched to 8chan or some other board after that iirc but stayed an organized harassment campaign. Which then got co-opted by actual, literal neo-nazis.
It's hilarious when people talk about Kotaku as a site with ethics problems. Kotaku is one of the few sites that openly discusses ethics in gaming journalism, has kept its principles despite being banned by some major game companies, etc.
GGers - and a whole lot of people who aren't as open about their beliefs - have done way worse than make jokes about women, minorities and homosexuals for decades.
So one one hand yeah, jokes can make people really uncomfortable, and it's reasonable to not like jokes about something you believe.
On the other hand, vile people, many of whom are GGers, have used 'it's a joke' as an excuse for actually prosecutable behavior for a long time, and now they are up in arms over an actual literal joke. So that's pretty ironic. They're just getting a tiny, tiny, taste of what they've put other people through and are way over-reacting.
hope that what comes out of this is gamers in general realizing dissing/trash-talking other people is bad and stop doing it. But I'm an incurable optimist.
Shadowstalker16: Shadowstalker.
Vitek: Please, the thread was rather sensible until now so let's try to keep it that way.
We all know how this will end. Neither of you is going to convince the other one and it will lead to downrepping, insults and complete destruction of the thread. There are established threads already to fight with each other. ;-)
1) We're having a pretty civil discussion, really.
2) No one is making you read posts you don't want to.