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low rated
marcob: It was clearly meant to exclude badly behaving users and it makes much sense if used like this (it's still censure, but it's the original and functional role of censure as it was intended, the other being a warped, one-side, "cheating" form of it). I just find it sad that it's used primarily in this distorted way, because still someone would come to wrong conclusions if he takes this system as a genuine form of community self-regulation. And, moreso, it could still be such self-regulation and improve the forum instead of creating attrition. If only it were widely used as it should be.
Magnitus: I think such a system can work well (look at Stackoverflow), but we are pretty far from that here.

marcob: The problem is "us all", apparently. Do you think, say, ten years ago, the web was more well-behaving and rule-abiding (not necessarily law-abiding, since it's common knowledge that piracy was more rampant in the past)? It seems a recent issue, or something that has grown to alarming proportions only in the last X years. Of course some low-level "parties" or "activists" can take advantage of this (while degrading their legitimate cause, btw) as any other kind of troll propaganda can do with any system-wide issue. But the problem came earlier than these kind of one-sided users. They only use these loopholes as a tool
Magnitus: The exact cause or the prevalence of such behaviour is hard to say (an academic researching the phenomenon might have some insight to shed, but I do not).

I recall a comic at some point mentioning that as the net becomes more and more accessible, many low achieving anti-social types who previously didn't have a vector to voice their outlying opinions now have an easy to use (and in many cases, anonymous) platforms to do so.

It made a certain kind of sense, but without empirical data to back it up, its just an educated guess by a comedian.

Keeping our particular situation in mind, I think that if it is indeed someone operating a bot that downvotes people (and I suspect it is a contributing factor, though not beyond any doubt), that would take a minimal degree of computer literacy (not much, but a little) to operate so that person might still have been around 10-20 years ago to do what they are doing right now.

Otherwise, if you are talking about a technically proficient disruptors (which still might not apply to someone operating a bot downvoting people unless they also wrote the code for it), which is somewhat closer to my area of expertise, I think there is a greater proliferation of it now than 10 and certainly 20 years ago, because there are more people doing more valuable things online so the incentive is greater for would-be attackers (be they script kiddies, criminal hackers or state-sponsored hackers).
Thanx. But still I don't get that thing about low-achieving people that rant and rumble and trick on the web to get a purpose. It makes some sense, superficially, and indeed there were these fellows in bars and clubs in past decades (and many older ones still are there) but I can count as one of them myself, since I have many grudges and my life is far from optiumum. Still I think, especially in a common interests forum, there's a civilised way even to rant and to ruin an online environment is pointless. If they want to be foolish, there's plenty of space. I suggest a separate sub-forum like "The pit of nonsense": I've seen it often in forum communities. But I doubt it'll work. They apparently like to disrupt more than to rant or to show themselves (the last two urges I consider more sensible). So they're actually more punks than outcasts. They can even be middle-class, phds and well-earning for what I know: it's their behaviour that speaks about tolerating disruption and ill-made attention seeking
Post edited February 07, 2022 by marcob
low rated
Vendor-Lazarus: Makes sense.

If it's not part of the problem - to make people busy. You know, the duality itself. No "conspiracy" at all, but legit worry.

Like we are facing problems, but I would be more cautious about who will come with solutions.
On very realistic basis. Not saying that what's happening is not organic, but the struggle between authority and freedom seems like the perfect perpetuum mobile that doesn't get tired of itself. And when are people busy, all they do is being creative in specific way. It's a work, not real creativity.

If you know what I mean...

It's not far fetched as it may seem to some...
Just mentioning that. Whatever that means and throwing it out there.
low rated
Ramor_: Plumb: Rather not to get too off topic. But I am not falling for much. :D

But yeah, I have been around EU and worked with homeless/etc.. people (directly). I know the practical systems and it's "separated" and made on purpose (in 'practically' useless way) and EU is for many years corrupted insanely but that would be a different topic. I have experiences from few countries on that topic, so it's EU-directed by some elites, probably. The problem is that they won't help to local homeless (and often block EU people going to work to another country so they end up homeless there, because they can't work - in spite of the law) but import "others" and give them flats/houses (per person) and pocket money even for cigarettes and they don't have to follow anything like to search for some work or follow something to get a help (like local homeless people have to), etc... (what is happening in US is happening here for ages). Main cities in EU became dangerous.
That is when I get annoyed when people are getting censored here on the forum while pointing out that GOG doesn't care about anything while we paying them for products to be just censored when they don't work and even GOG won't reply after we complain here and we end up getting censored by "weird users and moderators", while GOG/CDPR is also getting funded by EU to create stuff they are selling to us. While a bit of that money would save so much problems for (real and local) homeless people, for example. (includes GOG) (7-7.5 millions in euro for Cyberpunk by other sources for CDPR)

And then you get censored when you pointing out they are not even protecting your data or following the law.
GOG staff created tools so your downvoted posts are invisible to new users, etc...
I was waiting for months to even get a reply from support and they told me they will have to consult it with a lawyer and I waited another 2 weeks. No joke. A lawyer. That is how problematic they are. And that is why this forum is so censored, because lots of people feel the same way. That is why downvoting and the spinning of the public opinion on the forum.

This company is far gone to me.
And there is a "group of fanboys" that are still trying to portrait CD Projekt Red (and GOG) like some small indie pro-bono company, which annoys me the most. They are one of the biggest ones in the EU. If not the biggest one at times and very promoted and protected by EU/polish government. And those guys owning it became billionaries after selling broken taxmoney funded game while censoring annoyed people.

The censoring/downvoting is just a sign of a failing company to me that went itself all-out political.
The irony if is that if you point out them being political, they censor you for stating something "political". :D
Sometimes it's a reason why companies don't want people to talk politics at all, because they would point out what those companies do.

The fact that they ignored western culture and celebrate only chinese holidays now was quite the last straw for me... :D Very bold, I must admit.
I have to admit I haven't been much of a GOG forum-goer over the years (sorry about that, I'm a terrible community member, haha) so I can't comment on the censorship from experience but, I understand where you're coming from.
low rated
I don't know anything about coding or bots. If it's not that hard for average joes to make bots to downvote everyone in a thread, can't people counter that by making bots to UPvote everyone in threads? Wouldn't that be a far more effective counter than foolishly thinking gog will EVER change anything in this forum?
low rated
BlueMooner: I don't know anything about coding or bots. If it's not that hard for average joes to make bots to downvote everyone in a thread, can't people counter that by making bots to UPvote everyone in threads? Wouldn't that be a far more effective counter than foolishly thinking gog will EVER change anything in this forum?
now this is an interesting idea
low rated
I wanted to send a message to the "downreppers": you're just a pathetic bunch of sad little idiots.
Do you really think pushing a downvote button (with the help of bots nonetheless) will ever make a dent in any person of sound mind's day?
It won't. You just show you don't even have the guts to explain your points, you are just using the digital equivalent of "boo" and rotten tomato throwing rather than engage in any meanngful discussion.

So, go on downvoting me, see if I care. I lost 2000 rep already and I honeslty my extent of "not giving a fuck" is limited only because each downvoted post reminds me of your depressing lives.

BlueMooner: I don't know anything about coding or bots. If it's not that hard for average joes to make bots to downvote everyone in a thread, can't people counter that by making bots to UPvote everyone in threads? Wouldn't that be a far more effective counter than foolishly thinking gog will EVER change anything in this forum?
There is a big caveat: you are limited to 5 (or was it 7?) amount of positive rep per day, but the negative one is unlimited, afaik. So no, it wouldn't work.
Post edited February 08, 2022 by Enebias
low rated
VBProject: ,,Autist who can't respect others' opinions himself is blabbering smth about opinions and tolerance.

Me: Autist.. who can't respect others.... opinions... tolerance. Hmm. *slow clapping*

You played yourself well there. :D If he is actually an autist, your comment doesn't make any sense.
So.. you must use that as a smear, which also doesn't make any sense. Even that wouldn't bother me (word "idiot" has the same bases) if you wouldn't talk about tolerance at the same sentence and tried to make a point about it based on.. that.

It's comical. :D Just pointing that out for you. :)

Just to add, nobody 'has' to respect other people's opinions, but to at least tolerate them. And he also talks about that. There is a difference between I think you missed. Of course, you can speak out.. but you just did the thing he talked about. You didn't speak out, you just trolled.. yourself. :D.

I wouldn't point that out at all, but you are obviously not a teenager since you have your account for so long and this was really funny... and bizzare.

EDIT: Ah.. anime... :D That explained itself. :D
Post edited February 08, 2022 by Ramor_
low rated
Upvoting and downvoting should just be removed from forums, stop trying to be Reddit!
low rated
Waifu4Life: Upvoting and downvoting should just be removed from forums, stop trying to be Reddit!
Isn't rep a holdover from the old PHP BB days? Not that GOG uses that but it was just a really popular thing to have in a forum.
Post edited February 08, 2022 by Plumb
low rated
BlueMooner: I don't know anything about coding or bots. If it's not that hard for average joes to make bots to downvote everyone in a thread, can't people counter that by making bots to UPvote everyone in threads? Wouldn't that be a far more effective counter than foolishly thinking gog will EVER change anything in this forum?
Plumb: now this is an interesting idea
People could easily up vote the thread starter if they wanted but then there are the claims it is some gog staff doing it.
There are also groups that aren't part of the community that go around forums trying to censor topics or disrupt them.
Some are criminal or some are political.
low rated
Plumb: now this is an interesting idea
§pec†re: People could easily up vote the thread starter if they wanted but then there are the claims it is some gog staff doing it.
There are also groups that aren't part of the community that go around forums trying to censor topics or disrupt them.
Some are criminal or some are political.
:D I'm not so sure it's criminal, though it may be politically motivated.
Pretty childish way to react to views they dont agree with.
But then again, the world is led by a bunch of children (AND criminals, lol) who do similar
Post edited February 09, 2022 by Plumb
low rated
Enebias: you are limited to 5 (or was it 7?) amount of positive rep per day, but the negative one is unlimited, afaik. So no, it wouldn't work.
Is that 5 total, or a net gain of 5? If someone gave you -55, could you get +60 to counter?

And ultimately what does it matter? IF people don't like the bots attacking threads AND we all know gog won't do anything, THEN the only solution I see is to make upvote bots. It doesn't matter how much gain one is capped at per day... there is no other solution, right?

So... make upvoting bots, or accept the rep loss.
low rated
Enebias: you are limited to 5 (or was it 7?) amount of positive rep per day, but the negative one is unlimited, afaik. So no, it wouldn't work.
BlueMooner: Is that 5 total, or a net gain of 5? If someone gave you -55, could you get +60 to counter?

And ultimately what does it matter? IF people don't like the bots attacking threads AND we all know gog won't do anything, THEN the only solution I see is to make upvote bots. It doesn't matter how much gain one is capped at per day... there is no other solution, right?

So... make upvoting bots, or accept the rep loss.
Afaik, it's total. That's why upvote bots wouldn't work. We just have to make peace with reaching negative rep.
low rated
marcob: Is it a trend? I find myself losing all my reputation points everytime I reply to some politically correct/politically active user/topic that I don't agree with some very bold stances about controversial topics. Are they spammers? Hackers?
Are the admin officially reducing the rep. of users for unwanted opinions?
Yep. That's usual here. Disagree with any of the trolls and they will sic their bots on you to downvote everything you write. GOG doesn't care about the abuse of the Rep system, so you should just stop to care about your rep. Regular users know anyhow that it is a meaningless number, since it can be - and is - arbitrarily manipulated by bots.
low rated
Pretty childish that every single post in this topic gets downvoted by whomever does this.