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low rated
Is it a trend? I find myself losing all my reputation points everytime I reply to some politically correct/politically active user/topic that I don't agree with some very bold stances about controversial topics. Are they spammers? Hackers?
Are the admin officially reducing the rep. of users for unwanted opinions?
low rated
marcob: Is it a trend? I find myself losing all my reputation points everytime I reply to some politically correct/politically active user/topic that I don't agree with some very bold stances about controversial topics. Are they spammers? Hackers?
Are the admin officially reducing the rep. of users for unwanted opinions?
"Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this."
"Well, don't move your arm like that."

Just let those strings get locked and don't participate.
Post edited February 06, 2022 by DoomSooth
low rated
marcob: Is it a trend? I find myself losing all my reputation points everytime I reply to some politically correct/politically active user/topic that I don't agree with some very bold stances about controversial topics. Are they spammers? Hackers?
Are the admin officially reducing the rep. of users for unwanted opinions?
That's the mentality that social media promotes: condition the masses to think the world's a better place without communication.
marcob: Is it a trend? I find myself losing all my reputation points everytime I reply to some politically correct/politically active user/topic that I don't agree with some very bold stances about controversial topics. Are they spammers? Hackers?
Are the admin officially reducing the rep. of users for unwanted opinions?
DoomSooth: "Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this."
"Well, don't move your arm like that."
Pretend the world isn't dying, and go along to get along? Sure, if you don't have any dignity, and who does these days, right bruh?
Post edited February 06, 2022 by richlind33
low rated
there are a few who just cant tolerate different opinions and mass downvote others + using bots
you can spot them when they start rude comments and calling others trolls or similar labels

sadly gog doesn't do a thing about them ,even if it is against their rules

imho just ignore them and dont feed them
Post edited February 06, 2022 by Orkhepaj
low rated
marcob: Is it a trend? I find myself losing all my reputation points everytime I reply to some politically correct/politically active user/topic that I don't agree with some very bold stances about controversial topics. Are they spammers? Hackers?
Are the admin officially reducing the rep. of users for unwanted opinions?
Mass auto downvoting, bot voting, it’s rampant on here. If a post gets downvoted a lot of users don’t even see it, which is why it’s done. There is no cure, GOG simply say they can’t do anything.
low rated
marcob: Is it a trend? I find myself losing all my reputation points everytime I reply to some politically correct/politically active user/topic that I don't agree with some very bold stances about controversial topics. Are they spammers? Hackers?
Are the admin officially reducing the rep. of users for unwanted opinions?
richlind33: That's the mentality that social media promotes: condition the masses to think the world's a better place without communication.
DoomSooth: "Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this."
"Well, don't move your arm like that."
richlind33: Pretend the world isn't dying, and go along to get along? Sure, if you don't have any dignity, and who does these days, right bruh?
richlind33: That's the mentality that social media promotes: condition the masses to think the world's a better place without communication.
I think it can't be and yours here is just pessimism. After all, if you want no comunication, you close the forum, you don't open one. Also, pretending people should talk only about trifles is unrealistic and dumb, I know it's convenient on surface for promotional purposes but you just can't keep going for it only, optimism, especially forced optimism it does not go far when it's not coupled with actual optimal environment and/or sound effort to reduce issues.
Actually, even trifles, if you want to examine them well and to use them to learn something for the better, can give fuel to debate (not necessarily vitriolic, but still debate. E.g. you can simply state "I like Super Mario: simple, clever and good for reflexes" then, especially today that complaining is easy but fashionable, someone, not even the worst hater, could say "But Super Mario is repetitive, and you character does not improve permanently despite travelling worlds, so you have no sense of progression" and (s)he would have a point. It's not necessary to link the debate to "it offends Canada, and maybe Thailand too") . A mostly happy communication "agenda" (even by "nudging" it a bit) can by some measure be desirable if things have not already gone for the worse (in that case, there would be too much contrast with reality and it would be considered untasteful by anyone who wants to look at where he is). On the other hand, a completely, absolutely happy communication, obtained by heavy handed or sly and indirect means is just fake and probably masks a situation close to the opposite of what is told.
low rated
richlind33: That's the mentality that social media promotes: condition the masses to think the world's a better place without communication.

Pretend the world isn't dying, and go along to get along? Sure, if you don't have any dignity, and who does these days, right bruh?
richlind33: That's the mentality that social media promotes: condition the masses to think the world's a better place without communication.
marcob: I think it can't be and yours here is just pessimism. After all, if you want no comunication, you close the forum, you don't open one. Also, pretending people should talk only about trifles is unrealistic and dumb, I know it's convenient on surface for promotional purposes but you just can't keep going for it only, optimism, especially forced optimism it does not go far when it's not coupled with actual optimal environment and/or sound effort to reduce issues.
Actually, even trifles, if you want to examine them well and to use them to learn something for the better, can give fuel to debate (not necessarily vitriolic, but still debate. E.g. you can simply state "I like Super Mario: simple, clever and good for reflexes" then, especially today that complaining is easy but fashionable, someone, not even the worst hater, could say "But Super Mario is repetitive, and you character does not improve permanently despite travelling worlds, so you have no sense of progression" and (s)he would have a point. It's not necessary to link the debate to "it offends Canada, and maybe Thailand too") . A mostly happy communication "agenda" (even by "nudging" it a bit) can by some measure be desirable if things have not already gone for the worse (in that case, there would be too much contrast with reality and it would be considered untasteful by anyone who wants to look at where he is). On the other hand, a completely, absolutely happy communication, obtained by heavy handed or sly and indirect means is just fake and probably masks a situation close to the opposite of what is told.
The public commons have long since been hijacked for propaganda purposes. For a time the internet was an "equalizer", until social media showed up. If you want to maximize propaganda potential you're not going to shut them down, you're going to structure them in such a way as to preclude rational discourse, primarily by conditioning people to respond emotionally, and imposing rewards/punishment by means of social credit systems that favor conformity/compliance, as opposed to critical thinking.

When literally everything has been politicized, proscribing the discussion of politics is like saying ignore the pink elephant that's sitting in the middle of the living room. At that point, "reality" is whatever those in power say it is, which is precisely what philosophers like George Orwell warned humanity about.
Post edited February 06, 2022 by richlind33
low rated
marcob: I think it can't be and yours here is just pessimism. After all, if you want no comunication, you close the forum, you don't open one. Also, pretending people should talk only about trifles is unrealistic and dumb, I know it's convenient on surface for promotional purposes but you just can't keep going for it only, optimism, especially forced optimism it does not go far when it's not coupled with actual optimal environment and/or sound effort to reduce issues.
Actually, even trifles, if you want to examine them well and to use them to learn something for the better, can give fuel to debate (not necessarily vitriolic, but still debate. E.g. you can simply state "I like Super Mario: simple, clever and good for reflexes" then, especially today that complaining is easy but fashionable, someone, not even the worst hater, could say "But Super Mario is repetitive, and you character does not improve permanently despite travelling worlds, so you have no sense of progression" and (s)he would have a point. It's not necessary to link the debate to "it offends Canada, and maybe Thailand too") . A mostly happy communication "agenda" (even by "nudging" it a bit) can by some measure be desirable if things have not already gone for the worse (in that case, there would be too much contrast with reality and it would be considered untasteful by anyone who wants to look at where he is). On the other hand, a completely, absolutely happy communication, obtained by heavy handed or sly and indirect means is just fake and probably masks a situation close to the opposite of what is told.
richlind33: The public commons have long since been hijacked for propaganda purposes. For a time the internet was an "equalizer", until social media showed up. If you want to maximize propaganda potential you're not going to shut them down, you're going to structure them in such a way as to preclude rational discourse, primarily by conditioning people to respond emotionally, and imposing rewards/punishment by means of social credit systems that favor compliance, as opposed to critical thinking.

When literally everything has been politicized, proscribing the discussion of politics is like saying ignore the pink elephant that's sitting in the middle of the living room. At that point, "reality" is whatever those in power say it is, which is precisely what philosophers like George Orwell warned humanity about.
Sorry, I disagree. I think you're a bit too much into suspect culture. I know of the influence on debates that a partial moderator can have, especially one with a monetary gain or a desired result in mind but you are not dealing with some political behemoth here, just a large set of closed rooms that don't want enough fresh air. I would not call it a dictatorship or so, it must have some real-life solid grounding and a pervasiveness in everyday matters that media alone, especially medium-sized discussion boards or facebook group and the like, don't really have, even if it seems they do, because of the undue emphasis news and digital enterprises put when talking about something that indeed has great impact...but on them. Say, Disney/Facebook/EA/ecc. make a huge case about comments about this or that line of dialogue in a movie/game. Of course they do, because it's their field and their success and their business. Someone who works in a different sector and/or is unrelated to the topic and to movies and games, can probably live not knowing anything about the next "outrage of the year" between an internet commenter and a movie director!
So, trends about reality and discourse on near future can be dominated by "what those in power want to be on top of people's concerns" (I think this idea itself is so near to conspirationism you have to be very documented and careful to be sure of these plans, but is just sane to doubt about stated good intentions when someone is actively trying to
benefit only him/herself as a habit, so to say). But reality is a completely different matter. It's what hits your intuition and your senses, it can't be misunderstood and ignored past a very low line (remember the old story of the king who said it was sunny and everybody agreed while they were all in the palace? The the king went for a stroll...)
low rated
richlind33: Pretend the world isn't dying, and go along to get along? Sure, if you don't have any dignity, and who does these days, right bruh?
Political stuff isn't even allowed here, bruh, so there's no point in participating. If you go looking for trouble then don't be surprised when you find it, bruh. Namean, bruh?

When did "bruh" become an abbreviation for "brother"? It used to only be a sound effect. Did all of the English teachers die from COVID?
low rated
richlind33: The public commons have long since been hijacked for propaganda purposes. For a time the internet was an "equalizer", until social media showed up. If you want to maximize propaganda potential you're not going to shut them down, you're going to structure them in such a way as to preclude rational discourse, primarily by conditioning people to respond emotionally, and imposing rewards/punishment by means of social credit systems that favor compliance, as opposed to critical thinking.

When literally everything has been politicized, proscribing the discussion of politics is like saying ignore the pink elephant that's sitting in the middle of the living room. At that point, "reality" is whatever those in power say it is, which is precisely what philosophers like George Orwell warned humanity about.
marcob: Sorry, I disagree. I think you're a bit too much into suspect culture. I know of the influence on debates that a partial moderator can have, especially one with a monetary gain or a desired result in mind but you are not dealing with some political behemoth here, just a large set of closed rooms that don't want enough fresh air. I would not call it a dictatorship or so, it must have some real-life solid grounding and a pervasiveness in everyday matters that media alone, especially medium-sized discussion boards or facebook group and the like, don't really have, even if it seems they do, because of the undue emphasis news and digital enterprises put when talking about something that indeed has great impact...but on them. Say, Disney/Facebook/EA/ecc. make a huge case about comments about this or that line of dialogue in a movie/game. Of course they do, because it's their field and their success and their business. Someone who works in a different sector and/or is unrelated to the topic and to movies and games, can probably live not knowing anything about the next "outrage of the year" between an internet commenter and a movie director!
So, trends about reality and discourse on near future can be dominated by "what those in power want to be on top of people's concerns" (I think this idea itself is so near to conspirationism you have to be very documented and careful to be sure of these plans, but is just sane to doubt about stated good intentions when someone is actively trying to
benefit only him/herself as a habit, so to say). But reality is a completely different matter. It's what hits your intuition and your senses, it can't be misunderstood and ignored past a very low line (remember the old story of the king who said it was sunny and everybody agreed while they were all in the palace? The the king went for a stroll...)
You misconstrue. I'm saying that any company that chooses to prohibit discussion on the basis of highly ambiguous standards that lack even a minimum of objectivity, is helping to facilitate what is being done by the corporate behemoths.

Conspiracy is one of the commonest features of the human landscape. The best and most blatant example of this is the limitation of liability for those who deem themselves to be "elite". It's not a theory, it's a fact, and well-documented in the public record. Another example is the World Economic Forum, that has been primarily concerned with grooming global "leaders". Again, not a theory, a fact. Conspiracy doesn't necessarily imply illegality, but even by that standard, the majority of white collar crimes entail conspiracy.

Those who promote conspiracy skepticism conflate conspiracies with conspiracy theories, in an effort to get the masses to think that conspiracies are an uncommon phenomenon. They aren't. We are under no obligation to give those who have power and authority the benefit of the doubt, because that path invariably leads to tyranny.
richlind33: Pretend the world isn't dying, and go along to get along? Sure, if you don't have any dignity, and who does these days, right bruh?
DoomSooth: Political stuff isn't even allowed here, bruh, so there's no point in participating. If you go looking for trouble then don't be surprised when you find it, bruh. Namean, bruh?

When did "bruh" become an abbreviation for "brother"? It used to only be a sound effect. Did all of the English teachers die from COVID?
A long time ago, in internet years, along with colloquialisms like "teh" and "pwn".

I think you might benefit from reading Thoreau's brilliant essay, Civil Disobedience.

Post edited February 06, 2022 by richlind33
low rated
richlind33: Pretend the world isn't dying, and go along to get along? Sure, if you don't have any dignity, and who does these days, right bruh?
DoomSooth: Political stuff isn't even allowed here, bruh, so there's no point in participating. If you go looking for trouble then don't be surprised when you find it, bruh. Namean, bruh?

When did "bruh" become an abbreviation for "brother"? It used to only be a sound effect. Did all of the English teachers die from COVID?
Thats a lie or rather double standards as when its a specific side of politics talked about its fine even GOG themselves have posted and encouraged political matters several times ones that demonize a side clearly the moderates or GOG themselves don't like.. Aswell as when called out on allowing games with current political bias and current hop poiltical topics on the store they go'' no politics allowed and we don't put political games on here'' when I can name varies ones that have blatant political factors to them that both are current political topics or are every few years ..
low rated
marcob: Are the admin officially reducing the rep. of users for unwanted opinions?
I doubt it. But they might as well be, because they are complicit in allowing the inherently toxic "rep system" to continue to exist, even though it should not, because it is inherently toxic.

Most likely the problems you are describing are a combination of a user abusing bots to downvote you, and/or mobs of GOG users who manually do so en masse.

A lot of users get habitually downrep gangstalked every time they post anything at all, even if it's the most benign and/or most correct and/or best post ever made.

So that is to say, being downvoted often/usually has no relation whatsoever to the quality of the posts that are being downvoted. Rather, the downvotes occur only because the gangstalkers have decided to target particular users and downvote every post they ever make.

The only real solution to this problem is for GOG to simply erase the "rep system" entirely, which is something they have already done many years ago, and they still need to do.
low rated
Two of your recent posts have been long, but with a major factual error / lack of research in one of the points that you made. I found myself thinking "75% of that is insightful and should be upvoted, but with that other 25% I'm not going to vote at all".

"nobody tried to outlaw gangster movies for having cursing and robbing, nobody refused to sell horror flicks because of killings" - do you need counterexamples for this one?

"RPG-Maker was a great amateur engine in late 90s ... frankly outdated", and then arguing a point based on that without any suggestion that you're considering the later engines of the same name.
low rated
The reputation system is broken and several users have show just how easy it is to manipulate it. Protest it or ignore it.
low rated
richlind33: I think you might benefit from reading Thoreau's brilliant essay, Civil Disobedience.
Ain't nobodeh gaht tahm fo' dat, bruh. Ah'm keepin' it reeeulll, yo. Namean, breh? Heel yeeeuhhh... Ah'm Audi fi' THOWsunnn.

I think you might benefit from not talking like you're from the ghetto.