StationaryNomad: It would appear from the replies that hot water radiators are popular in Europe. I personally haven't encountered them, only steam radiators. I was under the impression that all radiator-type heating was steam, because that's all I've ever personally seen. Looks like I learned something new today.
SirPrimalform: Me too!
StationaryNomad: From in-laws that live in and have lived in the UK, I have heard of having to go to the basement of a house and put coins into the hot water heater in order to have hot water to use. That is as foreign a concept to me as forced-air heating must be for you folks. Differences...seems like the more we're different, the more we're all the same. :)
SirPrimalform: You're half right, they'd be putting coins in the gas meter.
If you weren't too well off then you might buy your gas on a "pay as you go" basis by putting coins in the meter. It was a good way of avoiding using more gas than you could afford, as opposed to running up a bill and going into debt.
If money was less of a concern then you'd just have a meter that recorded how much gas you used, the gas man would come round every so often and read the meter and then you'd be billed for what you'd used.
That's interesting. Thanks for providing more info on that. When I was first told about using coin-operated hot water I thought I was being joked with. Glad to know it's a real thing. So the coins feed the gas meter...does that also mean you would have to put coins in the meter in order to have heat for warmth or gas for the stove for cooking as well?