Posted October 06, 2014

It's stuff that you passed most of your life writting and reading like that and now they (government) want to force people to change it so that we share the same spelling/orthography (not sure what's the english for this) as Brasil.
How well are you able to communicate with other Romance languages? I hung out in Rome with a guy from Mexico City and he just used his Spanish and was able to communicate pretty well in Italy. I wonder if Mexican Spanish is better understood in Italy than the Spanish spoken in Spain?
Which is closer to Italian? Portuguese or Spanish?
See, some words are similar:
entiendo = entendo (understand)
Hablar = Falar (talk)
Cómo estás = Como estás (How are you)
Others are not:
Perro = cão (dog)
Padre = Pai (notice, Padre in spanish means dad but Padre in portuguese means priest)
Coche = Carro (car)
So, you see, it's easy to understand spanish (at least for me), as for italian, well, it's almost the same, there are some words that are also simillar but it's much MUCH different than our language, maybe i could understand some words but i don't think that i could fully understand sentences, perhaps spanish understand them better, i don't know.
And I have to assume Romanian is difficult for all involved?
So, i would say that i would understand (and this is me taking numbers from my ass, pardon the expression):
Spanish = 90% (there are still some words that i wouldn't know what it means)
Italian = 20~30%
Romanian = 5%
Note: Understanding, i would have bigger problems actually trying to speak those language and even worse, trying to write it.
Post edited October 06, 2014 by Cyraxpt