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xyem: RepLog was taken offline temporarily today as I shut down Jaguar with the intention of swapping a graphics card out for multiseating but a cable I need has gone walkabouts in the room moving, so that didn't happen. Doh!

I've now moved RepLog onto Donkey (who is back online, yay!) but I noticed that due to viewing the forum as a guest and requesting topic pages one-at-a-time, it takes 20-40 seconds to complete an iteration, which is way too long.

So.. expect RepLog v2 pretty soon :P
You mean I was a beta tester?! I knew it. I feel so cheap and used.

Oh....and sign me up for v2.
Post edited August 01, 2013 by HomerSimpson
and myself for v2 please
Ditto but wasn't the V2 a rocket the Nazis used toward the end of the war?
I would also like to be in v2.0. thank you very much.
Ouch, I just took a hit. I wonder where, I haven't posted anything offensive in days.

-5 in 5 minutes. Far out.

Hmmm, I can't find the offending post. Oh well, I wasn't really digging being in the 180s; WAY too much pressure. :D
Post edited August 01, 2013 by tinyE
Tie me up to a V2 and shoot me at London. We'll get that bastard Churchill eventually...
Found them!! Can you believe this, I actually got massively hit on two different post from two days ago (in this thread) for making fun of myself. Forget V2 I think you have you're answer right there. I'm getting derepped for humility. Oh the humanity. :O
Rep me up, sir.
Rep me
Rep me my friend
Rep me
Rep me again
tinyE: Found them!! Can you believe this, I actually got massively hit on two different post from two days ago (in this thread) for making fun of myself. Forget V2 I think you have you're answer right there. I'm getting derepped for humility. Oh the humanity. :O
I just downrepped them too. tinyE is my friend, and nobody's gonna make fun of him . Not even himself !
tinyE: Found them!! Can you believe this, I actually got massively hit on two different post from two days ago (in this thread) for making fun of myself. Forget V2 I think you have you're answer right there. I'm getting derepped for humility. Oh the humanity. :O
Licurg: I just downrepped them too. tinyE is my friend, and nobody's gonna make fun of him . Not even himself !
Thanks man, you're the best. *cry*
HomerSimpson: You mean I was a beta tester?! I knew it. I feel so cheap and used.
If it was a beta, it would still be v1.

It was just me not forseeing 10s of pages of argument erupting in a sign-up thread :P
I am not reading every post in this thread x_x...
Regardless - sign me up.
Congrats on your 1000 Vestin, nice.
Moonbeam: Congrats on your 1000 Vestin, nice.
Oh wow... Thanks. I guess a giveaway is in order, though I need to find a theme for it first ;P.