jamotide: Yeah it was irrelevant because we were talking about how ridiculous it was to accuse me of switching out two words.
And again,
my post was commenting on the fact that 100 accounts are not crazy. I didn't make any comment about 100 hours. If there is any such comment on that post (which is the one you accuse me of saying wild shit) please point it out.
jamotide: Aww shucks, did I get a term wrong again, you people and your semantics, simply ridiculous.
We are a multilingual community, thus why I am going over semantics again and again. If I call Xyem an Englishman, it's not the same as if I call him a British native, nor is it the same as if I call him a citizen of the United Kingdom. Depending on where Xyem is from, he may be offended by any (or none) of the three descriptions. If I do address him the wrong way, I do expect to be called out on it, and I will apologize.
jamotide: Ok what is the right term this time, mental disorder or mental deficiency? How about unnecessarily complicated crap to downrep someone? How about unusual effort to affect something pointless? How about crazy conspiracy theory, that enough clarification for you?
Let's go over them one by one. A person that goes through a well-thought complicated plan to effect something may have a mental disorder, but not a mental deficiency. A mental deficient person wouldn't be able to hatch a well-thought complicated plan in the first place.
Depending on how much you wish to downrep someone, making 100 accounts may not be unnecessarily complicated. For another example, I find setting up a PC with 1992 hardware to run Ultima 7 without emulation as unnecessarily complicated crap, but other users say that it only takes 2 hours and it's worth it. Which one is right, me for saying it's unnecessarily complicated or them for saying that it only takes 2 hours?
As for unusual effort to effect something pointless, it goes back to whether the "attacker" considers it pointless or not. I consider Blu-Ray video pointless and don't see any reason to watch something in 1080p when 720p is enough. Other people refuse to watch anything less than 1080p. Are they also fussing over something pointless, or am I missing the point?
And as for crazy conspiracy theory, no, I don't think that someone making 100+ accounts to derep someone is a crazy conspiracy theory, mostly due to the fact of how simple it is, even without automation. With automation, it's nothing more than an extra process running while I do something else.