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I am in. I feel that even with hard data, people will color the meaning of the rep button + or - and what rep means by their own bias and opinions. Some will feel victimized, some dont care and for some it might feed their ego. Even if GOG had a whole page FAQ on its meaning people would still draw their own conclusions.
jamotide: Well in this thread us newbies only found out on the last page it is possible with only 5 to 10 accounts. Before that our basis was 100 accounts and hours of work, thats the crazy part.
Now with 5 to 10 I am not thinking the world is flat anymore.
I don't know how that number came into the discussion, but prior cases at least suggested that significantly less was necessary. And Xyem has proven now, that it only takes five accounts. Which means only four additional. Heck, with five accounts you can "stealth drain" somebody of his rep.

The point remains, that the question of "if" is irrelevant as it has happened before. And, from what I've heard, it was way worse before GOG changed something to the system (I think the GR fiasco introduced the 5 a day rule). And Xyem flat out told you that. And if Xyem tells you something, it is correct. There aren't many people here I would completely trust on their word, but Xyem is one of them (which is also why several people made donations for his charity drive back in the day.).And as you might have noticed, Xyem is very accurate. He hardly uses assumptions and only presented tested results. He has been extremely diligent (and has so before in other areas). This is probably why this debate dragged on so long. He waited for the results.

If you had followed the posts with people with high rep (bring this discussion full circle), you would have noticed that not one of them doubted Xyem.
Ultimately, it would just be easier to ask the Blues how exactly this works. But I guess it was tried and there was no revelation? :D
low rated
jamotide: Ok then NO. If you made 100 accounts right now to downrep me, you would realise what a futile excercise this would be and agree with me, so please go ahead and waste your precious hours on my pointless rep.

I have been saying this to you for days now, why do you claim I dodged this question, it is my sole point, my whole arguement. That its a crazy waste of time and therefore a crazy theory, no one would do it.
You just said:
If you made 100 accounts right now to downrep me, I still wouldn't admit I was wrong saying that 'no-one would make 100 accounts to downrep someone'.
At least if I accuse you of not being able to admit to being wrong, I'll have the evidence to back it up.

Your character has been revealed and found to be lacking.

By the way, it is you that is unable to admit being wrong, not me.
Reever: Ultimately, it would just be easier to ask the Blues how exactly this works. But I guess it was tried and there was no revelation? :D
Even if they did answer, confirming it externally would still be useful. Especially as they don't exactly have a flawless record of the site functionality behaving as they intend :)

I also wouldn't be surprised if they refused to answer. Having an public explanation of how the rep and post rating system works makes it easier to figure out how to abuse it i.e. Security through Obscurity.
SimonG: The point remains, that the question of "if" is irrelevant as it has happened before. And, from what I've heard, it was way worse before GOG changed something to the system (I think the GR fiasco introduced the 5 a day rule).
Seems like it:

That stuff is really messed up. :D

Like few hours ago GameRager had around -8xx rep, now he has +2xx. Lol! :D' ---- (example) just a thing I noticed few minutes ago.
Sounds like interesting times.
low rated
SimonG: There aren't many people here I would completely trust on their word, but Xyem is one of them
SimonG: He hardly uses assumptions and only presented tested results. He has been extremely diligent (and has so before in other areas).
Thank you, that has literally made my month and made "arguing" with jamotide worth it.
xyem: Thank you, that has literally made my month and made "arguing" with jamotide worth it.
Nobody fucks with Santa on my watch.
jamotide: Ok then NO. If you made 100 accounts right now to downrep me, you would realise what a futile excercise this would be and agree with me, so please go ahead and waste your precious hours on my pointless rep.

I have been saying this to you for days now, why do you claim I dodged this question, it is my sole point, my whole arguement. That its a crazy waste of time and therefore a crazy theory, no one would do it.
Wakalo did / has / is currently!
xyem: Thank you, that has literally made my month and made "arguing" with jamotide worth it.
SimonG: Nobody fucks with Santa on my watch.
What about Mrs. Clause? I think she's entitled.
Perl scripts? So I suppose there's no point in writing anything humourous or witty to enter your giveaways?
Dzsono: Perl scripts? So I suppose there's no point in writing anything humourous or witty to enter your giveaways?
I read through the entries in case someone asks a question or something like that, so witty/humourous posts keep me amused.

That's reason enough.. right? :)
xyem: I read through the entries in case someone asks a question or something like that, so witty/humourous posts keep me amused.
Every week I write "Anubis meow!". If that's the respresentative standard of all the entries, maybe it's better to leave it to Perl ;)
SimonG: The point remains, that the question of "if" is irrelevant as it has happened before.
Yeah exactly, NOW I agree with him, but before we found it out he was talking about 100 accounts, that was crazy, thats really all here.
But apparently your agreement is based on people's rep anyway, so maybe I should create a 100 accounts to even talk to you.

xyem: At least if I accuse you of not being able to admit to being wrong, I'll have the evidence to back it up.

Your character has been revealed and found to be lacking.

By the way, it is you that is unable to admit being wrong, not me.
Evidence? You mean you twisting my words or what. I already told you multiple times that now with only 10 accounts your theory isnt crazy anymore. And me still saying that 100 accounts is insane even if you do it right now is not evidence to prove that I am unable to admit being wrong. "My character has been revealed?" Funny stuff, you should listen to yourself.
Post edited July 25, 2013 by jamotide
jamotide: a guy making 100 accounts just to annoy someone. Which is a crazy theory. .
Do you remember Wakalo? Seems he's back, and he has enough accounts to do rep damage by himself as he's a known troll