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Yeah I am the one being selective and biased. Dude I couldn't care less about anyones rep, I just thought it was crazy and funny that you berated yyahoo for calling your "dude making 100 accounts to downrep some user" a conspiracy theory. I have no opinion at all on this.
Oh god a guy making a new forum account after he was banned, what a shocker, call the cia!

I don't think you could have dodged the question by ignoring me, a guy like you just can't stand it. And yeah you dodged it because you know your example is crap.
jamotide: Yeah I am the one being selective and biased.
Good of you that you at least realize and admit that.
Hey, I don't want you to log my rep! What? Posting here is what makes your script do that? Ah crud...
You can examine my bits if you want.
Alfie3000: You can examine my bits if you want.
Your imposter should also post here, to mess with the script ;)
Alfie3000: You can examine my bits if you want.
Mine too, I keep them in a jar.
Post edited July 23, 2013 by tinyE
JMich: Your imposter should also post here, to mess with the script ;)
jamotide: Dude I couldn't care less about anyones rep, I just thought it was crazy and funny that you berated yyahoo for calling your "dude making 100 accounts to downrep some user" a conspiracy theory.
I objected to his claim that is was a conspiracy theory because.. it isn't.

jamotide: I have no opinion at all on this.
Yes you do. You keep claiming it is a conspiracy theory and that I am making this up. That's called.. having an opinion.

Actually.. if you don't have an opinion, doesn't that mean you are intentionally antagonising me, making you a troll?

jamotide: Oh god a guy making a new forum account after he was banned, what a shocker, call the cia!
Provably false as he had several alts before he was banned...

jamotide: I don't think you could have dodged the question by ignoring me, a guy like you just can't stand it.
Indeed. I'm not rude enough to just ignore someone asking me something directly.

jamotide: And yeah you dodged it because you know your example is crap.
This couldn't actually get more incorrect. I didn't dodge the question and my example is sound.

xyem: It is a request for you to explain how it would be a conspiracy theory when we have seen the exact same thing happen before.
jamotide: Ok, but I don't think I'll bother since you just made up the precedent.
xyem: What precedent?
jamotide: Yeah exactly, none, you made it up, nothing to explain.
xyem: I meant, what are you claiming is the precedent that I made up?
jamotide: You tell me.

When you replied to me about someone making 100 accounts to downrep people you said:

"It is a request for you to explain how it would be a conspiracy theory when we have seen the exact same thing happen before. "

So did you make this precedent up or what?
xyem: We've had a couple of people in the past make multiple accounts to increase their influence over the rep system..

Is that what you mean?
I was persistently trying to establish what you were referring to and was met with non-answers and accusation. If you ask me what I had for breakfast and I change the subject to cars, that is dodging the question. Asking "what do you regard as breakfast?" is not because the first thing you eat after fasting is "breakfast".

I have a question for you though. What would I gain by lying about it?

In fact, why do you think I am lying about it anyway?

I made a steadfast claim that one person can downrate a bunch of posts and reduce someone's rep. Namur let me test it on him and I posted the results. Results which show me to be wrong. Can you believe it? If I was the type of person to lie about someone creating alts to downrate people.. wouldn't I have just.. you know.. been quiet about that?

Seriously. Go. Read that post and then come back here and tell me that I'm the sort of person who just has to be right and is willing to lie to make people believe he is.

Perhaps you should consider that I'm actually a trustworthy person, for example by being trusted to hold hundreds of dollars worth of GOG gift codes (Secret Santa) and host GOG PM and that you might need at least some evidence before throwing accusations that I'm not just wrong, but intentionally trying to deceive people.
Alfie3000: You can examine my bits if you want.
JMich: Your imposter should also post here, to mess with the script ;)
Great, now I have to blacklist Alfie3000.

JMich: Your imposter should also post here, to mess with the script ;)
xyem: Great, now I have to blacklist Alfie3000.

Isn't it fun pointing out (or exploiting) bugs in scripts? And I'd say it's GOG's fault, not Alfie's. So blacklist GOG!
JMich: Isn't it fun pointing out (or exploiting) bugs in scripts? And I'd say it's GOG's fault, not Alfie's. So blacklist GOG!
Oh yeah, it's definitely GOGs fault but I object to you regarding it as a bug in the script. The script is fine.

The forum doesn't provide any account-unique identifiers (that I know of) for me to use so I am limited to usernames which causes issues (it can't track username changes, for example).

I actually know a couple of people who will copy something verbatim from someone else and then throw a little strop when someone comes along and makes it malfunction. I could understand getting upset if someone found a bug in something you made.. but something you copied? Makes no sense to me!

However, by all means, feel free to find any bugs or exploits in my scripts. Though I do ask you report them to me if you find them :)
JMich: Isn't it fun pointing out (or exploiting) bugs in scripts? And I'd say it's GOG's fault, not Alfie's. So blacklist GOG!
xyem: Oh yeah, it's definitely GOGs fault but I object to you regarding it as a bug in the script. The script is fine.

The forum doesn't provide any account-unique identifiers (that I know of) for me to use so I am limited to usernames which causes issues (it can't track username changes, for example).
The alternative would be to track username+registration date, though I'm not really sure if registration date does have any effect on up/down repping (other than the fact newer users will probably get down repped a bit more, while older users will get up repped a bit more). Unique account identifiers would be nice for various reasons though, and I think I've already voted for that option.

Hm, I'd like to request the user's join date as well for the data, though I'm not sure how easy it will be to add it to the list, or how relevant it will be. But do users who have registered 12 months ago and start posting now also suffer the same down repping as newer people or not?

I'm beginning to rant, so I'll post this now.
JMich: Hm, I'd like to request the user's join date as well for the data, though I'm not sure how easy it will be to add it to the list, or how relevant it will be. But do users who have registered 12 months ago and start posting now also suffer the same down repping as newer people or not?
It's very easy to add to the records (the module already extracts this data from the post, along with things like location, high-low rated status, post content) but I am unsure if I should add it as I feel I haven't been given permission to record this data by those who have posted here.

As this was made just to record rep, I could always set up another instance which records more information for actual analysis..
xyem: As this was made just to record rep, I could always set up another instance which records more information for actual analysis..
I think rep analysis would be enough for now. Not to mention the fact that first time posters will probably not be in this thread, so no way to record them. More or less my "Hm, I wonder what happens if" part of the brain thinking out loud (or typing in this case).
Maybe at a later time, depending on what current data will show.
xyem: Indeed, that is one of the possible explanations for the lack of effect so I have plans to test that in the future.
It should be easy enough to get a a control thread going with 'fresh' posts, it would just be a matter of determining how many posts you require for testing. Let me know where to post should you decide to get it going.

I'm not sure if it's really necessary though, if you were to target the same posts you already did, with a different method, and observe an impact on rep and post rating that would discard timeline as a factor.