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low rated
jamotide: So one crazy person did it once and he even told you, big deal. Doesn't mean its happening now.
It's happening all the time. :p
Wait a minute, here is your evidence. I just lost four points and I wasn't logged on.
If some guy is really spending lots of hours to create 100 accounts to lower your rep, I'd say you are still better off than him.
tinyE: Wait a minute, here is your evidence. I just lost four points and I wasn't logged on.
You were ~170 yesterday. You were 177 at the beginning of today (you even noted how high your rep had gone up earlier). You're 176 now.

Edit: Oops, I was gone for a while and didn't see that you had jumped *up* 3 points since the beginning of the day. My bad. I apologize.
Post edited July 21, 2013 by yyahoo
jamotide: If some guy is really spending lots of hours to create 100 accounts to lower your rep, I'd say you are still better off than him.
Yeah I don't buy that either, and anyway I don't care about the rep anymore. My point is that there are people abusing the system. I'm not going to say if that means it's good or bad or what, so long as I am allowed to hang out in here I'm cool.
jamotide: I'm sorry, Xyem, but if you believe that some people are spending hours to make 100 accounts just to shave a few points of a totally pointless number on a forum of some guy they don't know, then thats a conspiracy theory.
People who are recognizable by their poignant name or avatar and post irrlevant one liners everywhere will get hit with the minus button frequently by most people. yyahoo is right, you are wrong.
Thank you.
When I logged on just now tinyE was at 180
Not in pse,
Post edited July 22, 2013 by Moonbeam
high rated
jamotide: I'm sorry, Xyem, but if you believe that some people are spending hours to make 100 accounts just to shave a few points of a totally pointless number on a forum of some guy they don't know, then thats a conspiracy theory.
xyem: Again, explain to me why it is a conspiracy theory when it has already happened.
The anus is back on you now dude, when has it happened? I'd say GR did it, though only to promote himself not to aggress, and by his own admission that was only a few accounts and an OCD attitude.
yyahoo: I'm sorry. I'm no longer part of this discussion. You have the last word. Enjoy it.
xyem: I'm sorry you couldn't just admit you were wrong when I blew your argument clear out of the water.

A quick little summary of our discussion:

yyahoo: It's a popularity contest so its fine.
xyem: One person can massively effect someone's rep.
yyahoo: I don't believe one person can do that.
xyem: It has been done before using multiple accounts.
yyahoo: Conspiracy theory! Not discussing it anymore!
xyem: Can I demonstrate?
yyahoo: Not talking to you!

From here, it looks like you realised you were wrong, tried to get people to dismiss it by calling it a conspiracy theory (despite it being done before and you not even attempting to refute its plausibility) and are now refusing to even speak to me about it because if you say "Sure", I will prove you wrong and if you say "No" it'll be obvious you've realised I'm right and you do actually care about your rep.

If you claim to be able to take a baseball bat to the face with no negative effects and then refuse to let someone who thinks your full of crap hit you in the face with a baseball bat.. then yeah.. it's pretty obvious you are full of crap.

However, if someone else thinks that I am wrong about the influence one person can have over other peoples rep, or is willing to take the (temporary) hit in the name of figuring out how the rep system works, let me know and I will consider running that experiment too!
{sigh} I stopped arguing because I felt I had made my point. I do not believe that I am wrong. You brought up a situation (the "previous incident") that I have no knowledge of. Heck, I don't even know how anyone could know for certain that it happened unless someone admitted to doing it and even then you could never really know that the person doing so was really being honest or just trying to make others believe that the system was being manipulated (dang it! now *I'm* sounding paranoid). But, that said, I just don't know, and I'm not going to call you a liar because of *my* lack of knowledge. Regardless, jamotide made a good point, just because it happened once, doesn't mean it's happening again. Most of the people getting downrepped are simply people that bring out strong emotions in others. They sometimes say things that can irritate. That can bring the wrath of many people down upon them. It doesn't have to be one person. But again, I don't believe I'm wrong, but I just don't know. Is that good enough for you?
Moonbeam: When I logged on just now tinyE was at 180
Doh! Well I missed it. He's still gained a lot of rep in the last day. :)
Post edited July 21, 2013 by yyahoo
It's so obvious, can't you see it? tinyE has multiple accounts that he uses to raise and lower HIS OWN REP! It's all a clever ruse!

At least, that's how I would do it.
Post edited July 21, 2013 by Gonchi
Gonchi: It's so obvious, can't you see it? tinyE has multiple accounts that he uses for raise and lower HIS OWN REP! It's all a clever ruse!

At least, that's how I would do it.
He is an admitted "Attention Whore"...

Now that's a conspiracy theory that I can get behind! ;)
Gonchi: It's so obvious, can't you see it? tinyE has multiple accounts that he uses to raise and lower HIS OWN REP! It's all a clever ruse!

At least, that's how I would do it.
XD That would be something. Too bad I'm a computer idiot.
Is it too late to join the experiment?
jamotide: So one crazy person did it once and he even told you, big deal. Doesn't mean its happening now.
I didn't say it was happening now. I said it could be happening and detailed how it could be done. Big difference.

You can't just dismiss a repeat of a known, publically documented occurence as a conspiracy theory because you don't think it is happening. It doesn't work like that.

I'm actually doing research into this to prove it one way or another because I care if it does out of principle. If yyahoo's rep started dropping like a rock because people started downrating every one of their posts, I'd be investigating/complaing about it even though I know they don't care.
wpegg: The anus is back on you now dude, when has it happened? I'd say GR did it, though only to promote himself not to aggress, and by his own admission that was only a few accounts and an OCD attitude.
Thank you wpegg.. for actually asking me to defend my argument, rather than just dismissing it.

Also, I'm going to presume you mean "onus", even if you didn't :P

There are other instances of people creating multiple accounts to increase their rep, such as vexxum (who sits pretty at 9, due to being found out). Is it important that it was done to increase rep? A system which uses the post rating system to increase rep of one person can be used to reduce the rep of one person.

I believe one of GOG's statements regarding the GR incident included that multiple accounts had been made "against" him, though admittedly, I may be remembering that incorrectly.

However, just to hammer this point home, I'm not claiming such a targetted attack is happening, I'm just arguing that it could happen and detailing how I would do it if I didn't like someone and held the view some people have expressed here (i.e. that it is okay to downrate a post because you don't like the person).

GR is actually a good example of why such abuse is bad. He did what he wanted and that included a lot of things that deserved to be downrated and they were. His rep dropped as a result and GOG stepped in. Then he came back and from what some people have said.. turned over a new leaf which can be a difficult thing to do (I didn't have enough involvement with him personally to make a judgement).

Now, if people were downrating posts due to their content, the "new and improved" GR would, eventually, carve a decent rep and everything would be fine.

If we condoned people downrating the posts just because they were made by GR, his rep would have continued to drop, albeit at a slower rate, because some people hold grudges and his "reward" for becoming a positively contributing member? Exactly the same as his punishment for being bad.
yyahoo: {sigh} I stopped arguing because I felt I had made my point. I do not believe that I am wrong. You brought up a situation (the "previous incident") that I have no knowledge of. Heck, I don't even know how anyone could know for certain that it happened unless someone admitted to doing it and even then you could never really know that the person doing so was really being honest or just trying to make others believe that the system was being manipulated (dang it! now *I'm* sounding paranoid). But, that said, I just don't know, and I'm not going to call you a liar because of *my* lack of knowledge. Regardless, jamotide made a good point, just because it happened once, doesn't mean it's happening again. Most of the people getting downrepped are simply people that bring out strong emotions in others. They sometimes say things that can irritate. That can bring the wrath of many people down upon them. It doesn't have to be one person. But again, I don't believe I'm wrong, but I just don't know. Is that good enough for you?
Now you've explained your position a little clearer, I understand it.

Just know that it has happened before and I know this because some people who have done it have admitted to it, pubilcly no less, and I believe GOG themselves confirmed that it had happened.

The only reason there is a limit to how much rep can change in a day is due to people abusing post rating system by having multiple accounts. The changes that were made may limit the change, but they do not stop it from happening (hence why it would take nearly 2 months to reduce ~200 rep to 0).
sauvignon1: Is it too late to join the experiment?
Nope. As soon as you post in this topic, your rep will start being recorded at the next interval.
Post edited July 21, 2013 by xyem