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Aliens, do you bleed? You will.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Pack is now available, 80% off until June 18, 10 PM UTC, DRM-free on It contains every piece of content released for the game, including the Enemy Within expansion.
They thought we'd go down without a fight. They were wrong. Also quite ugly.
Commander, the XCOM initiative stands ready. Train and customize your elite squad, research human or alien technology, and take Earth back through turn-based tactical action, and smart base management.

For some heavily discounted old-school X-COM goodness, check out our Summer Sale.
mike_cesara: Depends on the part of my post ; )
For me, it is Feral's fault they aren't here since the very first day. Perhaps next time they will be quicker with their decisions? Or not bother at all, so do I. Why should I plead anyone to take my money? Sounds ridiculous, isn't it?
Nothing to talk about, my money, my decisions. And don't you worry, I can manage without Feral's port : )

Just take a peek around the forum, you will find plenty of posts about incoming DRM to GOG.
Signs are everywhere, like the Big Blue Button in your very own library ; ))
Lodium: Well, i dont read the forums much.
And i cant really see this big blue button. I can see a small one for some games. But that has been there a while for games that are updated and its not for all games. I dont really see the danger letting me know what games are updated with the latest patch or something. Unless there some other blue button i havent discovered yet.
I think you're talking about The Purple Dot. Not seeing anything suspicious? ; )
How about The Big Blue Button?
Still nothing? Well, you are not paranoid then it seems.
mike_cesara: adamh provided email address:

Nothing really serious. I have bought the game without waiting for Feral's decision about their Linux port here and this somehow triggered some emotions ; p
shmerl: Well, I'm interested in their previous answers for the record.
oh, sorry for misunderstanding then!
Post edited June 14, 2018 by mike_cesara
i cant find words to properly express how happy i am...

already own the game and expansions on two platforms but... the sheer pleasure of playing it DRM free just push me into sinking yet another 100+ hours in it once more !

Notice: multiplayer is not supported.
Asefo: Does that means the servers are down, or that the game use steam for online and they did not port it to gog galaxy?
i'll be honnest... this is the kind of game i dont buy or play for the multiplayer feature, frankly !, and even on platforms whenthe MP mode is working, it was hard to find an opponent since a few years already, so i couldnt play MP even with a version that technically supported it...
Great news!

Is this mod working with version ?
Yes .
Djaron: i'll be honnest... this is the kind of game i dont buy or play for the multiplayer feature, frankly !, and even on platforms whenthe MP mode is working, it was hard to find an opponent since a few years already, so i couldnt play MP even with a version that technically supported it...
My the only multiplayer X-COM games experience was this.
That was really fun back then.

edit: Sigh, to make clickable link I needed to shorten it as URL forum tag seems to have some problems with "(" and ")" in link.
Here it is as "unshortened" if you afraid to click above:
https:// (just remove one additional space)
Post edited June 14, 2018 by Lexor
Cavalary: Just as a note, if you're in regions getting price hikes, you should be getting a fair price package and currently that doesn't seem to be happening.
mmm, for me the game says 5.99 euros while it seems to be 7.39 in dollars. I don't know if that's correct or we should get a fair price package.

Anyway, great adition to GOG and to the sale, just in time!
A very nice title! But I doubt anyone mildly interested does not have it already on Steam. So you'll have re-purchase it on a different platform. DRM-free is definitely a plus, so it could be worth it. But there's no MacOS and Linux support. :( Overall a rather mediocre release of a DRM-free but inferior version. I'm happy it's here and there are now more options on GoG. Super disappointed it lacks multi-OS support.
Post edited June 14, 2018 by Monicheti
Monicheti: But I doubt anyone mildly interested does not have it already on Steam.
I do not use Steam at all, so... and I think there are much more people like me here on GOG.
Ganni1987: Despite being advertised as Linux compatible on Steam, the version itself is still "in beta". I understand they may not have the resources to maintain a beta build on 2 fronts. When the "stable" releases you can be sure I'll be there sending emails and messaging on Steam for the GOG release.
Hmm. You're right. I was sure it had been officially released. Looks like was wrong :)

That would have been a great response that GSC could have given me in my monthly email asking where the Linux version is. Of course, that would actually require them to respond to my monthly email.
Kakarot96: mmm, for me the game says 5.99 euros while it seems to be 7.39 in dollars. I don't know if that's correct or we should get a fair price package.
Yeah, could someone in the US say what's the price for them?
Ok... regarding the lack of Linux version and the Feral Games situation... I tried to read a bit about what people were saying in this thread and some sources they linked...

First, i can colpletely understand people's stance and decision on not buying the game because of the lack of version for their favored platform of choice, especially when one knows said version/port exists already. I dont use linux much myself, mostly for a couple of network based uses and projects but not as a daily basis jack'of'all'trade desktop solution (yet), even though most of the applications and softwares i use daily on a desktop environement are open source stuff that also exists on linux.
I can relate about what it feels when being playing on a platform frowned upon, shunned and not considered by publishers: i spent most of my gaming youth with Amiga computers for at least 1/3rd of my gaming lifespan.

now for the whole Feral point and explanation about not releasing stuff here, there are some things that feel odd:

1) They say their hands are tied because of Publisher's consent.
Hello there ? Do you really think or believe the windows version of the game could have been sold (and discounted) on GOG here WITHOUT the publisher's consent ?
Publisher holds all the distribution, sales and IP property's rights, so if they sell one of the platform's port here, they clearly have an agreement and a deal with GOG that feels Ok enough for them.

2) the port relies on steam only librairies and such. Well, some other devs and publishers already managed to pull in linux port here despite of that (i could hear about something related to grim fandango in some linked source), plus most of said librairies are probably for features that are either not essential or that can be rewritten if not for being a lazy bunch of people relying too much on convenience of steamworks framework

Plus, GOG never seemed to shut their door and refuse to help devs who would like to implement their own galaxy counterpart of steam frameworks features (cloud save, achievements, multiplayer api etc)

3) i find it funny to see that a company that specializes in the business of porting games on linux platform may be as much pro DRM as feral game seems to be; i mean, Linux stands for the complete opposite values from whatever DRM stand for, already (open source vs closed source and proprietary stuff, user control on his own machine vs third party company wanting to get control over one's own personal machine, etc)

4) someone mentioned something about the need for Feral Games to be able to monitor or get telemetry about their own port's usage from a digital games store, which requires DRM. I fear there is some bias here, as GOG can perfectly tell if a user downloaded a game already (this info can sometimes be needed for the purpose of refunding or support requests for example) and they sure can tell how many times a given archive file of an installer (lets say "the linux installer for a said game" for example) got downloaded or not. And lets face it: i dont know anyone who would download a linux installer of a game from his library if NOT for using it (except maybe a very minor portion of facetious folks)

my call be that they just are searching excuse and that the lack of linux port here is not to be put on gog's blame, but on the port's devs only.

- Publisher already made a deal with GOG
- GOG always had helped devs regarding the implementation of their own solution's counterpart features from steam devs framework (galaxy)
- The port already exists so it's not asking the moon, they have the source,they just need to "remove" the parts of the code regarding drm and stea integration, or create a looping wrapper for it to behave as is with the native libraries

People may already know me here as someone that is quick to rant and get angered against GOG whenever they screw up, they do mistakes, they take anti consumer stance or generally are making questionable judgment calls.

But i'm also not OK about putting the blame on GOG for everything, especially things in which they may logically not have their part in, or their word about
Maybe the latest couple of years of strange decision making from GOG gave people the wrong idea that they could easily use them as scapegoat for their own shortcomings, but doing that litteraly equals taking us for idiotic fools as well..

And as far as i'm concerned, i dont want to deal with devs who take me for a fool and spit in my face (League of Geek, if you hear me... well... you can go back drinking your own puke, thank you !)
Cavalary: Just as a note, if you're in regions getting price hikes, you should be getting a fair price package and currently that doesn't seem to be happening.
Kakarot96: mmm, for me the game says 5.99 euros while it seems to be 7.39 in dollars. I don't know if that's correct or we should get a fair price package.

Anyway, great adition to GOG and to the sale, just in time!
i experienced price rise whenever i tried to buy it a second time as a gift for a friend...

i could get it at 5.99€ for myself but price got raised up to 8.09€ because of "regional pricing restrictions" (this was the message i got in the checkout page)

sounds related to your own issue, right ?
Post edited June 14, 2018 by Djaron
Duh ! Seems I missed that one . Thanks :)