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Prepare for retaliatory action!

UPDATE: Ever feel the urge to smash some familiar faces in? Who doesn't! The All Star Pack DLC is now available for FREE and it lets you kill, maim, and humiliate special guest stars from Orcs Must Die, Payday 2, The Escapists, Saints Row, Broforce, and other beloved franchises, using appropriately-themed weaponry. Put on your special masks and go mess them up!

<span class="bold">Worms W.M.D.</span>, an exciting return to the roots, is available now for Windows and Mac, with GOG Galaxy support for achievements and multiplayer, DRM-free on

If there's one thing to note about Worms W.M.D. outright, is that at its very core are the very same beloved physics behind Worms: Armageddon. Recreated from the subtle intricacies of movement and shooting, the oddities, all the way through the delicate matter of the ninja rope.

Team 17 is bringing back the most adored weapons that have shown up throughout the series like the Concrete Donkey and Holy Hand Grenade. But there's a lot of new stuff here too — a weapon crafting system breathes new life into the classic arsenal (and gives you something to do between turns), tanks and helicopters introduce a new layer of mobility and destruction, and accessible building interiors provide tactical cover from the fires of wormy hell.

The worms have gotten a makeover too, but the hand-painted 2D battlefields remain, as always, your greatest friend and enemy in single-player and ranked multiplayer mayhem.

Employ your most slimy instincts and ridiculous arsenal for <span class="bold">Worms W.M.D.</span>, a new take on a classic formula, DRM-free on
Post edited November 15, 2016 by maladr0Id
Teppic: Now when the exclusive preorder bonus is gone my interest in the game drops to pretty much zero.
CharlesGrey: Were those extras really exclusive, in the sense that they'll never be available again, not even as a separate DLC?
Unless Team17 release them at some later date, they're long gone now.

But.... One thing Team17 have done right, is that if you enter a ranked or normal match & the other teams have the pre-order items, then you also get to use them during that match too, but only during that match.


As for Worms W.M.D. Linux problems aside, same for the separate platforms/DRM clients etc, the game looks & plays great.

They've definitely done it well this time.

I did get it on *cringe* steam because of the whole no cross-anything play, but matches are entered fairly fast & enjoyable. Slight downside, is once you lose all your Worms, you get to sit & watch the rest of the match & can't taunt emotes or do anything.

Had a few folk leave mid match (alt f4 I'm guessing) though.
CharlesGrey: Were those extras really exclusive, in the sense that they'll never be available again, not even as a separate DLC?
fishbaits: Unless Team17 release them at some later date, they're long gone now.

But.... One thing Team17 have done right, is that if you enter a ranked or normal match & the other teams have the pre-order items, then you also get to use them during that match too, but only during that match.
Not sure I would call that "done right", because it suggests that those extra files are already included in each copy, and simply locked for non pre-order owners of the game. Somehow that makes it even more annoying.

I suppose that also means it's only a matter of time until someone figures out how to unlock them for everyone.
Hope this one will turn out to be a hit after some initial issues I see people mention are dealt with.
We need a new Worms game that will "stay" with gamers for a while, which some of the previous releases didn't accomplish.
sounding pretty good...will add to my Worms collection (down the road on sale though....)
fishbaits: Unless Team17 release them at some later date, they're long gone now.

But.... One thing Team17 have done right, is that if you enter a ranked or normal match & the other teams have the pre-order items, then you also get to use them during that match too, but only during that match.
CharlesGrey: Not sure I would call that "done right", because it suggests that those extra files are already included in each copy, and simply locked for non pre-order owners of the game. Somehow that makes it even more annoying.

I suppose that also means it's only a matter of time until someone figures out how to unlock them for everyone.
I checked the game folder & they are separate files, so most likely anyone that purchases after release just won't get those files downloaded.

Side note: Anyone playing had it bug so that you couldn't move?
Had it happen in two matches so far. Not just for me, but for all players.
No Linux version? Really?
shylock.596: Yet another game on GOG that the Linux version isn't available as early as on other store fronts. Damn shameful. Either GOG doesn't care about getting the Linux versions ASAP or they are being treated as a second class store by publishers. Either way they should be doing more. Either work harder for Linux versions if it is indeed GOG's fault or start shaming publishers who withold the Linux versions of their games.
In Team 17's case it's definitely the latter. They snubbed out Humble too when it came to the DRM free release of Reloaded, and just didn't include any multiplayer at all due to Steamworks. They said it would be fixed those years ago.

Meanwhile, here we are with WMD looking at a similar problem plus the map maker and no Linux. They probably would've done the same with multiplayer to World Party if it didn't already have crossplay baked in.
Post edited August 25, 2016 by Projectsonic
nightcraw1er.488: £20 for a worms game, hahahaha! Another week of staggering releases begins.
Zoidberg: My thoughts exactly. They're really afraid of nothing anymore... where's Gamergate when we need it... :/
RottenRotz: 25 euro for this?And inferirion version to Steam?Wow,just wow...T17 just give us Armageddon and be on your way
Zoidberg: 25? But that's a steal, it's goddamn 30€ here.

And GOG definitely don't care, they'll just take the money and be done with it.

They've become screw customers, all those promises were just lies. They should just add DRM releases and be done with it.

Quite disappointed, at a lot of things but especially inferior versions at FULL price...
Bigs: Preordered as well... def sour - GOG should notify consumer if features are going to be cut / Steam only (though I really should have expected it... :/ )
Zoidberg: You're quite entitled to a full refund without questions...
30 euros ? no way ........ imho you cannot add any pricetag to any game, every game is different so different price tags should be applied.

You cant price a game like this at 30 euros while some AAA games are only 40 euros and of a very high standard.
I paid good money back then for real titles (retail): Commandos, Behind Enemy Lines + Beyond Call of Duty
Age of empires, red alert 1+2 , tiberian sun, and more great games.
I just cant spend that much on a worms game.

As for : "exciting return to the roots ..."

yes a little and yes a very big no aswell....

The characters look more like cartoon again but thats about it, we had no (irritating) zooming in and out in the good old classic games. today all remakes must have zooming in and out i guess, while almost everyone has a HD screen zo zooming is not needed.

Anyway, i think team17 is not the Team17 we used to know in the past, in the AMIGA and first PC era that is, things were much better, games were cheaper and most of all games were less buggy.
Antoni_Fox: Every few weeks a new multiplayer game is released on GOG, and every single time the forums are full of "Wow, this game does not have cross play with the Steam version!?"

I really don't understand why people are so surprised, since no GOG game ever get cross play with the Steam version.
Armello, Ashes Of The Singularity, Master Of Orion, Galactic Civilizations III, Worms.... the list is endless.

It's like everyone gets a serious case of Alzheimer's between game releases or something.
It's news to me and every other new GOG user that doesn't stalk the forums nor have a silver star next to their username which must mean you spend a lot of time here. I didn't know GOG games were neutered like this in general. The only reason I'm even here is to find out why the game's multiplayer is dead.

Spare us the condescension.

Worms WMD is segregated between Windows Steam, Mac Steam, Linux Steam, Windows GOG, and Mac GOG according to other forums. Looks like the only option for people who want something more than you vs bots is to get it on Windows + Steam, and that's Team17's mess.

And it's GOG's responsibility to be upfront about this limitation if it's as common as you say. Especially on a platform that, according to their FAQ, only gives refunds for technical issues.
Post edited August 24, 2016 by danneu
Zoidberg: My thoughts exactly. They're really afraid of nothing anymore... where's Gamergate when we need it... :/

25? But that's a steal, it's goddamn 30€ here.

And GOG definitely don't care, they'll just take the money and be done with it.

They've become screw customers, all those promises were just lies. They should just add DRM releases and be done with it.

Quite disappointed, at a lot of things but especially inferior versions at FULL price...

You're quite entitled to a full refund without questions...
gamesfreak64: 30 euros ? no way ........ imho you cannot add any pricetag to any game, every game is different so different price tags should be applied.

You cant price a game like this at 30 euros while some AAA games are only 40 euros and of a very high standard.
I paid good money back then for real titles (retail): Commandos, Behind Enemy Lines + Beyond Call of Duty
Age of empires, red alert 1+2 , tiberian sun, and more great games.
I just cant spend that much on a worms game.

As for : "exciting return to the roots ..."

yes a little and yes a very big no aswell....

The characters look more like cartoon again but thats about it, we had no (irritating) zooming in and out in the good old classic games. today all remakes must have zooming in and out i guess, while almost everyone has a HD screen zo zooming is not needed.

Anyway, i think team17 is not the Team17 we used to know in the past, in the AMIGA and first PC era that is, things were much better, games were cheaper and most of all games were less buggy.
My main point was concerning how you're asked a difference price depending on your "face", that is quite annoying.

That said about pricing of games, it's debatable. But this one looks like worms 2 with slightly adjusted graphics, vehicles and maybe a couple other silly things.

Add to that the items DLCs, the broken Linux version, the different pricing scheme, the cutting up of the community (no cross play), the inferior version because they've decided to use the monopolistic tools exclusively... and you get a nice mess.

And sorry to say, but asking any kind of serious money for a mess... is the epitome of sillyness.
AB2012: I've honestly had more fun out of Hedgewars than every post WA game combined. For those unaware, think "open source WA with Hedgehogs", 100% free, no compatibility issues, includes versions for every major Linux distribution, and fully compatible with WA's infamous voice packs (copy to \Data\Sounds\Voices if you still have those lying around).
This is the second endorsement of Hedgewars I see here; cheers, will check it out.
This game has two tags assigned:
"single" and "multi".
The second tag says nothing, really. I'm not gonna research for hours to find out which type of multiplayer (LAN / Local / Coop PvE / PvP / Online w/o Galaxy / Online w/ Galaxy / Matchmaking / Dedicated / ...) or if you can crossplay with Steam users (which in this case, not). If it would be, I hope you add a tag "crossplay".
Post edited August 25, 2016 by AlienMind
I am having a problem with the levels.
They load up with background, foreground, worms, water and other effects. The backgrounds in the main menu load without an issue, and they at least look to be the same sort of set up.
In a level the worms can interact with the level, but I cannot see it.

I have played about with all the settings in the game and even tried the game in admin mode. Yet this does not change the issue.
So I am just wondering if anyone else getting this problem or is it just me?
Does this new Worms game have LAN multiplayer?