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Deep down and dirty.

<span class="bold">UnderRail</span> an underground turn-based survival RPG, is now DRM-free on with a 10% launch discount.

You shift from leg to leg inside a tattered blanket-coat, struggling to shield yourself from the damp, cold air of the tunnels. The distant ruckus of looters, maliciously picking apart a homeless man's shelter, whispers words of hesitation into your ear. But that girl needed her medicine and, dammit, even if our entire race is nearly extinct, what we stand for must endure. You clench that makeshift shotgun in your radio-blistered hand and march straight ahead.

Do you miss the complex role-playing mechanics and challenging combat of the original Fallouts? UnderRail's got you covered… under tons upon tons of concrete, where life is still somewhat tolerable. Brave the horrors of an unforgiving world and venture through the underground complex of metro stations that the survivors now call home. Craft your own equipment, master turn-based combat and navigate the politics of opposing factions vying for power over those last remaining scraps of civilization.

Do whatever's necessary to survive and explore every dark corner of the <span class="bold">UnderRail</span>, available now, DRM-free on Grab your ticket with the 10% launch discount that will last until January 1st, 1:59 PM GMT.
For those asking about being able to increase the font size, yes, you can. Styg added an option to increase the font size about a year about during EA. It's in the settings. That's was actually the decider for me to go ahead and buy it back then. I played it about halfway though and then stopped to wait for the release version. It's a really, really fun game. Those on the fence can take a look at the Steam reviews.

FYI, the game is also completely DRM free on Steam. Once the game is installed, you can run it directly from the game .exe without starting Steam at all.

I plan to get the Gog version of this in addition to the version I already have but I'll wait a while for that.
lowyhong: Awesome! I loved Undertale so its sequel is an instabuy.

EDIT: Aaaand... bought!

EDIT(2): WTF it's nothing like Undertale. What a liar Styg is!
Maxvorstadt: What the frock is Undertale?
What the frog is a frock? :)
gamefood: Insta-wishlisted. Is there a demo anywhere out there?
Smannesman: There is a 'demo' available on torrent sites.
Thanks but NO THANKS.
Post edited December 18, 2015 by gamefood
low rated
gamefood: Thanks but NO THANKS.
But it's the GOG version...
high rated
gamefood: Thanks but NO THANKS.
Smannesman: But it's the GOG version...
Downloading GOG installers from torrent/warez sites is a crime/disrespect in eyes of our community and you should know that.
Post edited December 19, 2015 by HenitoKisou
I enjoyed Fallout 2 and New Vegas, but found the original Fallout 1 and Metro series to be dull. Wasteland 2 was also disappointing. Would this game appeal to me?
looks pretty good, goes on wishlist :) thanks
amund: It works for me. You can try this one
Maxvorstadt: Ah, thanks, that worked. :-)
Do you know something about the difficulty of this game? I hope it`s not as high as in the original Fallout games, since that was very frustrating and let me stop playing those games after a short time.
I recommend that you watch MetalCanyon play it on YouTube first.;list=PLIhNUXJ4tecfXE11Di0ovADL6I2-XIkBk&amp;index=1
Post edited December 19, 2015 by BrokenBull
Smannesman: But it's the GOG version...
HenitoKisou: Downloading GOG installers from torrent/warez sites is a crime/disrespect in eyes of our community and you should know that.
Plus, obviously, it can fuel the idea that "DRM-free === piracy".
Klumpen0815: It's about "Thea: The Awakening" and you can still get it there for free, works fine on my system, just the intro vid has some problems, but I don't care.
Not to de(Under)Rail this thread too much but I had never heard of this game until you mentioned it. I think I just spend 30 seconds watching a Youtube of someone introducing and playing it and decided it was all kinds of awesome looking X10.

I think I'm going to go grab this Linux build and give it a shot if I can find it on the developers site - why isn't it here?
Narakir: From what I've played so far (one hour) its like Metro and the old Fallouts had a baby, which is... Great.
Good. Because I have Fallout-s and Metro-s, so I want this cool-looking baby too. :)
Pleased to report I am having a blast with this game so far, am about a few hours in. You can change the text/ font size to large in the options. No bugs (as in program bugs) encountered so far that is not to say I haven't seen bugs in the game with strange abilities ;) and everything is working great (win7.)
ShadowWulfe: Ah good, so it has a proper world and is not sandbox/procedurally generated?
Nope. All maps are handcrafted with TLC.
Just a quick question: Is it true that this has been out on Steam for a while? I'm mostly asking because this type of game seems likely to have a multitude of bugs ( broken quests and skills etc. ), especially if it's a brand new release. But if it's been out for a while, then any major problems have probably been fixed by now... ?
albertoml: This is a wasted opportunity to release a Star Wars game. Hope Shadows of the Empire is released soon. May the Force be with you all.
I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing about dang Star Wars!! I used to love it when I was young but that was before the terrible prequels and Lucas's looking at merchandise over quality.
Looks very interesting. Just need to find out if it has any of the "gotcha's" that typically turn me away from a game despite it being "DRM Free".

One thing I noticed in this thread was someone or a couple of folks asking it it supports XP. I don't recall seeing that answered..

On the Steam page, it says for requirements: XP SP3 or higher. Also, on the "official" <i>Underrail 'About' page</i> it says: "Platform - Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8)". So it looks like XP is supported.


Some of my "gotcha's" (that I haven't seen addressed yet ITT):

* Tries to talk to the net (even though a net connection is not required, but if there is one ..) to tell me about updates or has advertisements (like for DLC's - which might not yet exist - but a framework for it could be in place), or leaderboards, or to report back to homebase on how my game is going - statistics, debug logs, etc.

* Uses any of the following: Flash, AIR, Java (even if it comes with it's own "runtime" for them).

* Save game style: Checkpoints vs save anywhere / multiple saves allowed vs only certain number of "most recent", etc.

Anyone know about any of the above?


I've also read <i>here</i> that the "vision range" is "only" 13 tiles, while some weapons have ranges as high as 20 tiles - presumably meaning the "extra" range is useless because you cannot target that far away. Anyone have any experience with that aspect and wish to comment on it?

I really like this type and style of game - so am really hoping it passes the "gotcha's" test.. :)