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Great puzzles, better story.

<span class="bold">Timelapse</span> a classic first-person adventure across ancient civilizations, is available now for Windows, DRM-free on

In classic Myst style, Timelapse is a puzzle game wrapped around beautiful worlds and an out-of-this-world story of time travel and mad, ancient science. Professor Nichols has been seeking the lost world of atlantis all his life, but his search doesn't truly begin until he finds a mysterious artifact he assumes to be a time travel device. It's up to you to find the man trapped between eras and ancient worlds, and the path you follow is layered with... puzzles.
Tough, intelligent puzzles.
Like most Myst-like games from the era, Timelapse will never hold your hand or pull punches in terms of challenge, but thanks to beautiful pre-rendered sights and a fresh, unique take on the puzzles in every world, the toil can become a true pleasure.

Travel through time and ancient civilzatons in <span class="bold">Timelapse</span> is available now, DRM-free on
I don't know it, but I see that it's almost 20 years old. That's always a reason to be excited.
Does this game not have a main menu?
Crosmando: Does this game not have a main menu?
Press Space while in the game :)
Nice, I am looking forward to this!
I remember, that it had quite good reviews when it was released, and the puzzles were quite hard actually. And mainly - at it`s time that graphic was really unbelievably fantastic (at least on par with legendary Riven released one year later).
I bought this recently from GOG. It looks like a great game, unfortunately it is impossible to play as I can find no instructions on how to save, use the journal, inventory items or to save! The internet has loads of walkthroughs but that isn't what I want. I just want a simple one paragraph list of basic commands. This happens every time I buy an older game and it really infuriates me, surely if you are selling a game the least you can do is provide this!
NannyOggins: I bought this recently from GOG. It looks like a great game, unfortunately it is impossible to play as I can find no instructions on how to save, use the journal, inventory items or to save! The internet has loads of walkthroughs but that isn't what I want. I just want a simple one paragraph list of basic commands. This happens every time I buy an older game and it really infuriates me, surely if you are selling a game the least you can do is provide this!
Apparently saving your progress is a big deal to you -and I can totally understand that, as one of the first things I check before buying a game is this. However, the game's manual is included as the store page states (I don't own this game, but I do own other games with manuals), and the manual should normally talk about these things. In case you cannot locate it, go to the "Account" section, and it should be next to the game's installer (I attach a visual aid). So the manual should normally talk about these things, as manuals are wont to do. If it doesn't, well, I can't help myself really since I don't own that game...
manual.png (122 Kb)
Post edited November 23, 2015 by Treasure
NannyOggins: I bought this recently from GOG. It looks like a great game, unfortunately it is impossible to play as I can find no instructions on how to save, use the journal, inventory items or to save! The internet has loads of walkthroughs but that isn't what I want. I just want a simple one paragraph list of basic commands. This happens every time I buy an older game and it really infuriates me, surely if you are selling a game the least you can do is provide this!
You could just download the manual ;-)

But see attached picture for your paragraph of commands (taken of the manual).
timelapse.jpg (132 Kb)
Post edited November 23, 2015 by moonshineshadow
NannyOggins: I bought this recently from GOG. It looks like a great game, unfortunately it is impossible to play as I can find no instructions on how to save, use the journal, inventory items or to save! The internet has loads of walkthroughs but that isn't what I want. I just want a simple one paragraph list of basic commands. This happens every time I buy an older game and it really infuriates me, surely if you are selling a game the least you can do is provide this!
moonshineshadow: You could just download the manual ;-)

But see attached picture for your paragraph of commands (taken of the manual).
Thanks a lot, this solves my problem. I couldnt find a link to the manual but have all I need. Many thanks
NannyOggins: I bought this recently from GOG. It looks like a great game, unfortunately it is impossible to play as I can find no instructions on how to save, use the journal, inventory items or to save! The internet has loads of walkthroughs but that isn't what I want. I just want a simple one paragraph list of basic commands. This happens every time I buy an older game and it really infuriates me, surely if you are selling a game the least you can do is provide this!
Treasure: Apparently saving your progress is a big deal to you -and I can totally understand that, as one of the first things I check before buying a game is this. However, the game's manual is included as the store page states (I don't own this game, but I do own other games with manuals), and the manual should normally talk about these things. In case you cannot locate it, go to the "Account" section, and it should be next to the game's installer (I attach a visual aid). So the manual should normally talk about these things, as manuals are wont to do. If it doesn't, well, I can't help myself really since I don't own that game...
Thanks a lot, this solves my problem. I couldnt find a link to the manual but have all I need. Many thanks
Post edited November 23, 2015 by NannyOggins
Edit: my bad, didn't see the next page.
Post edited November 23, 2015 by P1na
Absolutely fantastic, remember playing this as a 10 year old with my mother and saving (only safe) and accidentally locking myself in stasis right near the end. Threw a tantrum as kids do and refused to touch the game for a few days, then we started again. This game stood out (to me) far better then even the Myst games. And funny enough my original copy of it actually worked with the old 4 discs on windows 7. Many games this age cannot do so. Bought it here cpz GOG is awesome and for convenience. Especially at the amazing price of under 2 dollars (75%) off, youd have to be crazy not to buy this up that quick on that price.
The game itself seems to play well, but whenever I hit spacebar or ctrl + S, ctrl + O, ctrl + J, etc. it just shows a black screen or a windowed black screen. Anyone else have the same problem or know how to fix this?
Wrong place to ask. Try looking here:
I just downloaded and started to play the game. Yeah, I know, I'm "doing the Timelapse again" - ha ha. Anyway, when I go to exit the game, there are no control options like "save" or "exit". When I download from GOG, should the games have a "right click" to save and exit or should I exit the game in some other way? I hope the game saves progress.

Also, the introduction was highly pixilated and unclear, hard to watch. However once the introduction was done, the screen appeared pretty much as I remembered it when I played it on my 3.1 computer years ago. Should I be looking at my stettings for screen resolution for this game, or did you guys redesign it to take care of that automatically?