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Released originally in 1998, THE LAST BLADE 2 is a legendary weapons-based fighting game made by SNK. Now, this cult title available DRM-free on GOG.COM with a 20% discount lasting until 8th June, 1 PM UTC. Choose your hero out of 18 combatants who are directed by their destiny to cross swords in an epic battle to seal the Hell’s Gate.
I haven't played this one, but I'm glad it's available here now. It seems to have a good reputation and looks to be something to try when the mood for a classic fighter strikes.

The title reminds me of Bushido Blade 2, a personal favorite... Wish we could somehow get a PC port of that game. It would have been a great choice for the PlayStation Classic.
Post edited June 01, 2020 by SeduceMePlz
Spectrum_Legacy: However I wonder whether it will get the release here too.
I wouldn't count on it. The only Digital Eclipse "collection" GOG has is Aladdin/Lion King, after all.
The more codemystics ports the better... now If only we could get non-garbage copies of any of the Metal Slugs.
tfishell: I don't know the feasibility of getting Metal Slug Anthology here, but it is highly desired :) - ,
wolfsite: More realistic to see them as individual releases. Did have my vote in though.
Plus the Anthology is a bit crap, with an ugly as sin UI, shimmery uneven pixels, and Metal Slug 6 is an ugly low res blurry mess.
Post edited June 01, 2020 by ReynardFox
TheMonkofDestiny: I wouldn't count on it. The only Digital Eclipse "collection" GOG has is Aladdin/Lion King, after all.
Yes, that's precisely why I'm wondering about the eventual release on gog, since DE already has those games here. The release trailer doesn't mention gog, I'm well aware of that and I won't hold my breath in this case. But the 40th SNK anniversary collection that has been mentioned above wouldn't be that bad here either.
Spectrum_Legacy: Yes, that's precisely why I'm wondering about the eventual release on gog, since DE already has those games here.
The point I was going for was more that of the multiple Digital Eclipse packages, that's all GOG has received. No Mega Man, no Street Fighter and the list goes on. Even with GOG having a sizable number of SNK titles available, it's just not a given that they'd be graced with the presence of the Samurai Shodown collection.
Post edited June 01, 2020 by TheMonkofDestiny
Discount was there earlier and now it's gone.
tremere110: Discount was there earlier and now it's gone.
Yeah same here. Although at first the discount would appear as the page was loading, and once it finished, it would disappear. Now it's just gone.
Maybe they meant 1st June 8pm UTC? I'm not seeing the discount, either.
RomanNiucumir: Maybe they meant 1st June 8pm UTC? I'm not seeing the discount, either.
It wouldn't be the first time Gog screwed up the date for a sale. I sent a message to support but got a response it could take up to 4 weeks to respond. Hopefully they see it before the end of the sale.
In fact, GOG rarely set their countdown clocks right.
Looks like the discount has been fixed.
Spectrum_Legacy: Yes, that's precisely why I'm wondering about the eventual release on gog, since DE already has those games here.
TheMonkofDestiny: The point I was going for was more that of the multiple Digital Eclipse packages, that's all GOG has received. No Mega Man, no Street Fighter and the list goes on. Even with GOG having a sizable number of SNK titles available, it's just not a given that they'd be graced with the presence of the Samurai Shodown collection.
But why should it matter who developed those collections. Usually the Publisher decides where a game is released and Capcom (Mega Man and Street Fighter) is very reluctand with GOG releases. SNK usually supports GOG, but with a significant delay. So I think it is not unrealistic. That is also the reason, why we got the Lion King/Aladdin bundle, because Disney releases on GOG as well.
Mattis._.: But why should it matter who developed those collections. Usually the Publisher decides where a game is released and Capcom (Mega Man and Street Fighter) is very reluctand with GOG releases. SNK usually supports GOG, but with a significant delay. So I think it is not unrealistic. That is also the reason, why we got the Lion King/Aladdin bundle, because Disney releases on GOG as well.
Certain developers overlook GOG just as much as their publishers do.

Just because SNK has titles here (and available through places like Humble) doesn't guarantee any kind of favorable look toward them allowing future releases of titles they have planned, much less collections they have licensed and outsourced.

Besides, I never said it was unrealistic just that I strongly doubt it sees a release here (I can't see the future obviously, so maybe I'm proven wrong 5+ years from now).
TheMonkofDestiny: The point I was going for was more that of the multiple Digital Eclipse packages, that's all GOG has received. No Mega Man, no Street Fighter and the list goes on. Even with GOG having a sizable number of SNK titles available, it's just not a given that they'd be graced with the presence of the Samurai Shodown collection.
TheMonkofDestiny: Certain developers overlook GOG just as much as their publishers do.

Just because SNK has titles here (and available through places like Humble) doesn't guarantee any kind of favorable look toward them allowing future releases of titles they have planned, much less collections they have licensed and outsourced.

Besides, I never said it was unrealistic just that I strongly doubt it sees a release here (I can't see the future obviously, so maybe I'm proven wrong 5+ years from now).
Worry not, I got your point first time around. It boils down to glass half-full vs half-empty point of view. I don't see this being that grim, TLB2 lagged just 2+ years behind as I see it... 5+ years would have been merciless! ;)
Anyway, does it matter who is "right" in some guessing game of what gets released or when? Had no idea... But your opinion in this matter has been duly noted though.
No Linux/Mac unofficial versions for this one (as goodies)? :(