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The legacy lives on in you.

<span class="bold">The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing</span> & <span class="bold">The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II</span>, the first two parts of an action-packed monster-hunting series, are available now, DRM-free on You can get both games at 75% off, including full GOG Galaxy support for achievements and leaderboards.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing are nothing short of an incredible mashup of gothic-noir settings, a twisted take on Bram Stoker's universe, weird technology, and monster-related consequences of mankind's thoughtless chase of the next breakthrough. Your father was Abraham Van Helsing, doctor, vampire hunter, legend. Will you do justice to the Van Helsing legacy?
Damn right you will.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing are, at their soul, unceasingly intense hack'n'shlashes featuring a badass hero, badder monsters, and plenty of weapon drops and tactical options for a truly twisted adventure. You'll also have the chance to craft your very own lair - a personal hunter's hideout full of your very own trophies. But don't dawdle, 4-player co-op, and 8-player PVP await!

Live up to your legacy in <span class="bold">The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing</span> & <span class="bold">The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II</span>, available now - DRM-free on The launch discount will last for 5 days, until Wednesday, September 16, 12:59 PM GMT.
Oh, come on! I already bought the third one a few weeks ago (at 50%off) on Steam in anticipation of the final cut, and I already have the other two there.

Wouldn't it be ideal if owners of a game from other stores could get a "double dip loyalty discount" on top of the current price? Like paying only the GOG distribution cut, since I already gave my money to the devs.

Late releases on GOG are frustrating for me when they happen just after a sale on other digital platforms. GOG has the highest priority for me, but I'm getting tired of having to pay twice so many times when games are unexpectedly released here.

Post edited September 11, 2015 by masterotaku
Wow, I'm absolutely thrilled! I'm in the last stages of Van Helsing I on Steam and having a real good time. I was waiting for Gamersgate to get Van Helsing II discounted to buy that game as well, but getting DRM-free now at such a good sale price is beyond my expectations!

GOG is surprising me again with their releases (in a positive way).

One question though: can I continue my game DRM-free now with the old saves from the Steam version?
Lobuno: Developers have stated "The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Final Cut" (which includes the full content and a then bit more from the I, II and III games) will be ABSOLUTELY free for owners of the three games.

How will this be managed by GOG.COM ???
SirPrimalform: My guess: GOG will have 4 items available, I, II, III and the Final Cut. Final Cut will automatically be added to accounts owning the first 3 and maybe be available for purchase?
Yes, we can and indeed are "guessing" a lot here. But we just want a clear answer as the developers did at their webpage: "You own 1+2+3=Free Final Cut".

Please stop "guessing" and let's wait official word (from GOG?), "loyalty program" is no answer enough, since it could mean literally anything.
Post edited September 11, 2015 by Lobuno
Hm. While I'm definitely interested in the games, I'm not sure whether to get the first two now or simply wait for the final cut.
Grargar: They weren't free on Steam, either. At any rate, I suggest we wait instead of latching ourselves at two words (loyalty program instead of free). After all, I could similarly claim that it will be totally free, since it's a loyalty program, not discount. :P
Bah! I will cling to my negativity, and if it be proven in error, conveniently forget it the next time the same situation occurs. It is my birthright as a GOG forum member. ;)
masterotaku: Oh, come on! I already bought the third one a few weeks ago (at 50%off) on Steam in anticipation of the final cut, and I already have the other two there.

Wouldn't it be ideal if owners of a game from other stores could get a "double dip loyalty discount" on top of the current price? Like paying only the GOG distribution cut, since I already gave my money to the devs.

Late releases on GOG are frustrating for me when they happen just after a sale on other digital platforms. GOG has the highest priority for me, but I'm getting tired of having to pay twice so many times when games are unexpectedly released here.

Patience is a virtue. If you can't wait, then rent it off steam. I doubt they are going to tell you how much they get from each sale, or in fact go to all the hassle of trying to match current owners of the game on competing stores with what they buy on here. Why not ask steam if they can give you the final cut if you buy it here, that'll give Gabe a laugh if nothing else.
mistermumbles: Hm. While I'm definitely interested in the games, I'm not sure whether to get the first two now or simply wait for the final cut.
If you buy them now while they're on sale it will be cheaper for you to acquire the Final Cut than waiting until its released.
Post edited September 11, 2015 by Barry_Woodward
MrGOTIME: So...both look good...but is there a reason I should play the first one? The "resistance" bit in the description for the 2nd one sounds intriguing, and I really should only spend 5 bucks.

Can I start with the 2nd?

The other question is, can you import your character from the first TO the second?

And 3rd - does this compare favorably with Torchlight 2? I've been playing the crap out of that game and loving it.

Thanks in advance for the answers!
I really think you should start with the first one. It has a decent story and the interaction between the two main characters is absolutely enjoyable. I think somewhere the developers described Van Helsing rather as one game divided into three parts so 2 is not really an all new game but rather a continuation of part 1.

That being said, I didn't play much of part 2 because the performance is abysmal for me and many other reviews on Steam mention severe performance issues as well. I greatly enjoyed part 1 thought even thought I think the balancing is flawed.

Not sure how to compare it to Torchlight 2. I think it is a bit more story focused. I am overall not sure how to compare anything to Torchlight 2 since that game was a bit of a disappointment for me. I always wanted to love it but just can't.
MrGOTIME: So...both look good...but is there a reason I should play the first one? The "resistance" bit in the description for the 2nd one sounds intriguing, and I really should only spend 5 bucks.

Can I start with the 2nd?

The other question is, can you import your character from the first TO the second?

And 3rd - does this compare favorably with Torchlight 2? I've been playing the crap out of that game and loving it.

Thanks in advance for the answers!
Robette: I really think you should start with the first one. It has a decent story and the interaction between the two main characters is absolutely enjoyable. I think somewhere the developers described Van Helsing rather as one game divided into three parts so 2 is not really an all new game but rather a continuation of part 1.

That being said, I didn't play much of part 2 because the performance is abysmal for me and many other reviews on Steam mention severe performance issues as well. I greatly enjoyed part 1 thought even thought I think the balancing is flawed.

Not sure how to compare it to Torchlight 2. I think it is a bit more story focused. I am overall not sure how to compare anything to Torchlight 2 since that game was a bit of a disappointment for me. I always wanted to love it but just can't.
Hey, thanks for the response! That's exactly the type of response I'm looking for.

Appears I'll need to spend 10 dollars and deal with the consequences!
Dalthnock: Isn't it at all possible to let us know what games we can expect in the near future?
GOG feeds off the double dipping model unfortunately. Some devs/pubs will give you a GOG for a game you already own if you ask nicely, but that's usually as long shot as they themselves would prefer you double dip as well :(.

P.S. In this case the dev only noted the final cut as going to GOG before I and II were released here. Sigh.
Some clarification regarding the "loyalty program" before the current discount expires would be apreciated. i'm currently eyeing several titles, and knowing the details of the program could make a diference betwen taking advantage of the deal now in anticipation of final cut, or leaving to get only the full final cute at a later date.
MetalPlateMage: GOG feeds off the double dipping model unfortunately. Some devs/pubs will give you a GOG for a game you already own if you ask nicely, but that's usually as long shot as they themselves would prefer you double dip as well :(.

P.S. In this case the dev only noted the final cut as going to GOG before I and II were released here. Sigh.
Ah, well. I guess I'll have to use GOG for the old stuff & Steam for the new. I would prefer GOG for everything, though.

I don't get why they won't tell us what games they are going to release in the near future, but I guess it's a profitable business model that works, otherwise they wouldn't do it. Right?

I mean, it doesn't have to be this pre-order lark that goes on everywhere, but a little notice ahead of time would be great.

But then again, I'm not a business guy.
IAmSinistar: These look like good old fashioned isometric-ish action fun!
Indeed. Luckily GOGs statements are as clear as always, so my money is safe for now.

IAmSinistar: I ended up basically rebuying both of those games as well, and am already assuming I will do so here too.
Good they always get enough supporters for this kind of strategy. ;P
Post edited September 12, 2015 by eiii
I've expected to see these two games on GOG. Very good. :)
Ixamyakxim: LOL okay I'm quitting now - clearly for some reason I have this group of developers / publishers all twisted around in my mind and I'm going to insist on mucking them up!
My bad. As grargar said king arthur was developed by neocore and published by paradox. For some reason I thought they were in house and neocore was doing the turn based king arthur game probably because of the mobile platform link.

I think I'll quit also:).
Post edited September 12, 2015 by Karahandras