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Time for a point-and-click game with a romantic twist – The Genesis Order is here!

Murder and mystery lead a young detective to investigate a cult and to cross paths with a criminal organization. With the help of an angel, take on the challenge of saving the world from a mysterious threat.

Now on GOG!
MarkoH01: I saw your post too late but anyway ... you still have the option to refund if my description should make you change your mind.

The three games (Lust Epidemic / Treasure of Nadia / The Genesis Order) are telling three more or less different stories with a bigger ongoing story overarching all of them. So of course those who enjoyed the first two games want to see how the story continues which is one reason I was waiting for this.
Thanks for the heads-up. I normally don't refund games unless they are really broken/unplayable or DRM'ed. Like the recent 1000xRESIST, the trailer looked nice so I bought it, now played it a bit and not sure if I really fancy the game but doesn't feel like refunding it either, maybe I will "get it" when I play it further...

So yeah, I decided to buy those two earlier games too, now that I know which they were. Should they be played in order, or does it matter (you mentioned an "overarching" story)? I wish the publishers would have named them so that one can easily tell in which order they were released and that they even are part of a series, like "Sexy Game 1, 2 and 3".
MarkoH01: I saw your post too late but anyway ... you still have the option to refund if my description should make you change your mind.

The three games (Lust Epidemic / Treasure of Nadia / The Genesis Order) are telling three more or less different stories with a bigger ongoing story overarching all of them. So of course those who enjoyed the first two games want to see how the story continues which is one reason I was waiting for this.
timppu: Thanks for the heads-up. I normally don't refund games unless they are really broken/unplayable or DRM'ed. Like the recent 1000xRESIST, the trailer looked nice so I bought it, now played it a bit and not sure if I really fancy the game but doesn't feel like refunding it either, maybe I will "get it" when I play it further...

So yeah, I decided to buy those two earlier games too, now that I know which they were. Should they be played in order, or does it matter (you mentioned an "overarching" story)? I wish the publishers would have named them so that one can easily tell in which order they were released and that they even are part of a series, like "Sexy Game 1, 2 and 3".
The overarching story starts in Lust Epidemic continues in Treasure of Nadia and The Genesis Order of course is the latest (afaik not final) part so far. I would really recommend to play them in this order.
Post edited June 03, 2024 by MarkoH01
MarkoH01: The three games (Lust Epidemic / Treasure of Nadia / The Genesis Order) are telling three more or less different stories with a bigger ongoing story overarching all of them. So of course those who enjoyed the first two games want to see how the story continues which is one reason I was waiting for this.
Hey thanks for taking the time to do that informative summary. I, and I'm sure others, appreciate it. I click on lots of games I know nothing about, so it's always helpful when someone pops in to give some context to what's going on in the thread.
timppu: I wish the publishers would have named them so that one can easily tell in which order they were released and that they even are part of a series, like "Sexy Game 1, 2 and 3".
I mean: it's not like this kind of inconsistent naming is something new...
MarkoH01: The overarching story starts in Lust Epidemic continues in Treasure of Nadia and The Genesis Order of course is the latest (afaik not final) part so far. I would really recommend to play them in this order.
Yeah I just started just that. I installed them in order (offline installers) so now I have the shortcuts on my desktop in order as well, easier to remember in which order to play them. :)
timppu: I wish the publishers would have named them so that one can easily tell in which order they were released and that they even are part of a series, like "Sexy Game 1, 2 and 3".
BreOl72: I mean: it's not like this kind of inconsistent naming is something new...
Do those books have anything else in common other than the protagonist and the catholic church? A bit like James Bond movies/books, or the Remo books (yay! They were the most bestest!)
Post edited June 03, 2024 by timppu
timppu: I wish the publishers would have named them so that one can easily tell in which order they were released and that they even are part of a series, like "Sexy Game 1, 2 and 3".
BreOl72: I mean: it's not like this kind of inconsistent naming is something new...
Well it would be nice though if the game page mentioned that the game is part of an overarching Story/Universe. I would honestly have no clue just from the game info.
I think those books do at leas mentiont that in the info heh.
Post edited June 03, 2024 by Reaper9988
BreOl72: I mean: it's not like this kind of inconsistent naming is something new...
timppu: Do those books have anything else in common than the protagonist and the catholic church? A bit like James Bond movies/books, or the Remo books (yay! They were the most bestest!)
It's been a while, since I read them.
I think there may be a few back references to older books, but no - nothing like an "overarching story arc".

The books as such are simply always about the same guy (Robert Langdon), who stumbles into a new mystery (in a new city/country) with each book.

There's nothing really "connecting" the stories.

But if someone starts with, say, "Inferno", they may read a sentence that refers back to "Angels & Demons" or "The Da Vinci Code".

I don't know (or rather: haven't played) the three games mentioned above, so I don't know, whether their stories are more intertwined.
I read MarcoH01's post as "the three stories are independent from each other, but there's a story arc in the background, that unites them."

Without having played them, that could mean anything, as far as I'm concerned.

Could mean: "connected like the "Gabriel Knight" games are connected".
Those three games each have an independent story, the only "overarching connection" would be, that Gabriel Knight is the "Shadow Hunter", and as such involved in three different mysteries.
Reaper9988: Well it would be nice though if the game page mentioned that the game is part of an overarching Story/Universe.
I would honestly have no clue just from the game info.
People who are interested in these games, probably bought the first two games in the series already:
And they will (maybe?) get a clue at the end of the second game, that there's more to expect (in "The Genesis Order")?

There's also good reason to believe, that - if you played those first two games, and you liked what you saw, you'll remember (and maybe even follow?) the developer NLT Media.

So, you'd probably end up buying (and playing) this game anyway (at the right point in order).
And I would assume, that the connection is made clear somewhere within the games.

Since I can't access the games' pages here on GOG, I don't know, what they say (or don't say) about the connection.

Edit: added a screenshot from the developer's webpage
Post edited June 03, 2024 by BreOl72
Models are pretty good, but lack personality. They also have a slightly plastic look to them.
BreOl72: People who are interested in these games, probably bought the first two games in the series already:
Then there are those like me and that other guy who have no idea what these games are and that they are part of some series, and we don't honestly know if we are interested in them or not.

I've probably dismissed the earlier games as cheap sleazy skin games with no gameplay value whatsoever. That is why this release thread was a bit surprising, giving positive remarks of this game and/or its predecessors.
Post edited June 03, 2024 by timppu
J Lo: Models are pretty good, but lack personality. They also have a slightly plastic look to them.
As I stated before: these games don't take themselves seriously. Even the whole background story is extremely ridiculous - same goes for most of the characters. I described another user the game as the pendant of a musical. Whenever there's a moment characters COULD have sex they probably will have sex (in a musical they would start to sing) ... not really realisic but sometimes quite funny IF you don't take the game too seriously yourself.

Regarding the plastic look: yes, I noticed this as well - especially when you see the character pictures. The animated scenes do look better imo. I think the look fits the unrealistic setting ... if you want realism you should not play this game at all.
Post edited June 03, 2024 by MarkoH01
BreOl72: I read MarcoH01's post as "the three stories are independent from each other, but there's a story arc in the background, that unites them."
1) It's Marko not Marco - sorry, but that is important to me even in real life :)
2) It's mostly as you said. You could play Lust Epidemic alone and you have one self contained story. It seems as if the mystery part of the story is over. When you play Treasure of Nadia you won't even think that it could have to do anything with Lust Epidemic because you have a different MC, different girls and a completely different location ... until some characters from LE reappear and until you realize that the story from LE obviously continues here as well and there's more to the whole background story as you expected from LE alone. Of course TON also adds more to the story. Same with The Genesis Order. Another location, another story and it takes a bit until you see that it's still the same story continued referencing Lust Epidemic AND Treasure of Nadia and using those references to continue to tell the actual story.

BreOl72: Since I can't access the games' pages here on GOG, I don't know, what they say (or don't say) about the connection.
It's definitely not mentioned at all on the store page - same goes for Treasure of Nadia. Since most of us prefer to start playing a story from the beginning that's probably not the best idea from NLT. I have no idea if this is mentioned on Steam but I guess I will inform them ... maybe they'll change this and add this information.
Post edited June 03, 2024 by MarkoH01
BreOl72: I read MarcoH01's post as "the three stories are independent from each other, but there's a story arc in the background, that unites them."
MarkoH01: 1) It's Marko not Marco - sorry, but that is important to me even in real life :)
Sorry about that. It wasn't intentionally.
With online nicknames it's always a hit-and-miss.
You have a quick look and then write something down.
I was kinda stuck with the "H01" part, since it made me think "H01 - must be a hobby rail roader".
MarkoH01: 2) It's mostly as you said. You could play Lust Epidemic alone and you have one self contained story. It seems as if the mystery part of the story is over. When you play Treasure of Nadia you won't even think that it could have to do anything with Lust Epidemic because you have a different MC, different girls and a completely different location ... until some characters from LE reappear and until you realize that the story from LE obviously continues here as well and there's more to the whole background story as you expected from LE alone. Of course TON also adds more to the story. Same with The Genesis Order. Another location, another story and it takes a bit until you see that it's still the same story continued referencing Lust Epidemic AND Treasure of Nadia and using those references to continue to tell the actual story.
Good to know.
BreOl72: Sorry about that. It wasn't intentionally.
With online nicknames it's always a hit-and-miss.
No apologies needed, such things do happen - I just wanted to make sure that it does not happen again :)

BreOl72: You have a quick look and then write something down.
I was kinda stuck with the "H01" part, since it made me think "H01 - must be a hobby rail roader".
Much more simple. Since I always found it weird to get adressed by a nickname (still do which is why most who know me simply call me Marko - which I have no problem with at all) I simply added the first leter of my last name and to make it "unique" I added a "01". No mystery at all :D
MarkoH01: Much more simple. Since I always found it weird to get adressed by a nickname (still do which is why most who know me simply call me Marko - which I have no problem with at all) I simply added the first leter of my last name and to make it "unique" I added a "01". No mystery at all :D
Ha. That's what I always assumed.