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The Unterzee will claim everything.

<span class="bold">Zubmariner</span>, a delightfully deep and terrifying expansion pack to the exploration/roguelite cult hit Sunless Sea, is available now for Windows, Mac, and Linux, DRM-free on Resourceful captains can now dive into the <span class="bold">base game</span> for 66% off.

Your steamboat has served you well, helping you roam the islands, transport curious cargo, worship cruel gods, overcome madness or seek after it. Now it's time to convert your vessel into a zubmarine and dive into the unforgiving, ever-shifting depths of the Unterzee. Death, despair, and mind-rending discoveries await you in these dark waters. Will you survive long enough to uncover the stories of the 11 new ports and to brave all the fresh terrors lurking there? You might have to resort to cannibalism, deception, or the occasional shady deal, but that's a small price to pay for an entrepreneurial soul such as yourself, isn't it Trespasser?

Succumb once again to your severe "sea-seekness" and dive deeper into the abyss as a foolhardy <span class="bold">Zubmariner</span>, DRM-free on
In anticipation of these submerged horrors, Sunless Sea received a free content update, which adds a handful of new quests and events, along with a revamped Rose Market.
The 66% discount on <span class="bold">Sunless Sea</span> will last until October 14, 4:59 PM UTC.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by maladr0Id
leon30: Will that work with the drm-free version from HB?
No, because in order to buy the DLC, you'll need to own the base game here.
Tyrrhia: Ah, I see. Is the flying stretch goal you mentioned supposed to be Sunless Skies or is it something different? Maybe they've decided to make a full game out of it with the money they've earned selling the first / base game?
reative00: Nope. I don't want to spoil anything from game/universe to people who might be reading, but to explain it easy:
1. Unterzee is world beneth our own, thus sunless sea - there's no sunlight there.
2. Zubmarines take us below sea we're sailing in Sunless Sea.
3. CASTLES IN THE ROOF - DLC that didn't make it on kickstarter - is about roof of Unterzee.
4. Sunless Skies will be about, literally, space. You'll go and explore it. It's possible within universe, however I have my doubts about how they're going to handle.
Ooh, I didn't really know a lot about the game, but that seems pretty interesting, so I'll definitely take a closer look at it. Thank you very much for the information!
amund: Seems like the devs fixed the font scaling in the base game, now I can buy it.
They did :) You can now freely scale the text and UI with a slider. A blessed relief for those of us with smaller monitors, not-so-hot eyesight, or both! I can now play the game at my monitor's native 1920x1080 resolution and still have readable text / UI.

Apparently Failbetter couldn't implement text / UI scaling before because the game was originally created in an older version of Unity that didn't support that kind of thing. They have now ported it to a newer version of Unity that does support it, and have been able to add that much-requested feature. No more eye-strain! \o/
amund: Seems like the devs fixed the font scaling in the base game, now I can buy it.
ghostgate2001: They did :) You can now freely scale the text and UI with a slider. A blessed relief for those of us with smaller monitors, not-so-hot eyesight, or both! I can now play the game at my monitor's native 1920x1080 resolution and still have readable text / UI.

Apparently Failbetter couldn't implement text / UI scaling before because the game was originally created in an older version of Unity that didn't support that kind of thing. They have now ported it to a newer version of Unity that does support it, and have been able to add that much-requested feature. No more eye-strain! \o/
It's great they fixed this especially when it's a text-heavy game. Sometimes I have to play games at a lower resolution to be able to read the text but that also makes it more blurry. These days people play games on small laptops to big TV screens.
leon30: Will that work with the drm-free version from HB?
Grargar: No, because in order to buy the DLC, you'll need to own the base game here.
I can "gift" it to myself, but probably won't be able to redeem it in that case :(
maladr0Id: Heads-up, zeecaptains!

There's been a slight mixup with the DLC, which has now been ironed out. Those of you who have already installed Zubmariner through GOG Galaxy will now notice a message telling you that the DLC is not compatible; do NOT be alarmed! Regardless of the message, you can still normally launch Zubmariner from the DLC's card and now from your Sunless Sea card as well.

Everyone who's using the offline installers or hasn't yet installed the DLC through their GOG Galaxy client, feel free to disregard this notification. Now, what are you all still doing here, zailors? The Unterzee awaits!
hmm, i already posted this in the Sunless Sea Forum, but i'll also post it here as well, because there seem's to be
a Problem with the GoG Galaxy Version of the Dlc/Sunless Sea:

"So, i have a Problem with Sunless Sea Zubmariner.
I bought it on release (when it still was standalone) and installed it via GoG Galaxy.
everything works fine, there are some little bugs, but nothing which would make the game unplayable.
Yesterday GiG Galaxy tried to download an update for sunless sea.
It is really big (314 MB) but everytime it end i get the message "Sunless Sea Update failed".
Galaxy tried multiple times to update but everytime it does it fails.

So, is there some error, something i can do?
As i already played the base game and now continued my captains voyage into the underzee
i'm a little bit worried to reinstall the whole game because of loosing everything i got.

So, can anybody help?"
Post edited October 13, 2016 by Godfather101
leon30: I can "gift" it to myself, but probably won't be able to redeem it in that case :(
Yup. You can buy it as a gift, but it won't let you redeem it.
Godfather101: hmm, i already posted this in the Sunless Sea Forum, but i'll also post it here as well, because there seem's to be
a Problem with the GoG Galaxy Version of the Dlc/Sunless Sea:

"So, i have a Problem with Sunless Sea Zubmariner.
I bought it on release (when it still was standalone) and installed it via GoG Galaxy.
everything works fine, there are some little bugs, but nothing which would make the game unplayable.
Yesterday GiG Galaxy tried to download an update for sunless sea.
It is really big (314 MB) but everytime it end i get the message "Sunless Sea Update failed".
Galaxy tried multiple times to update but everytime it does it fails.

So, is there some error, something i can do?
As i already played the base game and now continued my captains voyage into the underzee
i'm a little bit worried to reinstall the whole game because of loosing everything i got.

So, can anybody help?"
Hmm. Did you try sending this as a ticket to our wonderful support?
I did now.

Hope they can help.
So, if I understand it correctly, you don't need to have Sunless Sea installed to play Zubmariner, but you need to buy Sunless Sea to buy Zubmariner. Is it all a matter of store policy?
Gede: So, if I understand it correctly, you don't need to have Sunless Sea installed to play Zubmariner, but you need to buy Sunless Sea to buy Zubmariner. Is it all a matter of store policy?
More developer policy in this case. There are plenty of standalones here that don't require a purchase of the original.
Bought. Loved the main game and supporting the developers further is something I definitely like to do. Keep it up <3
Gede: So, if I understand it correctly, you don't need to have Sunless Sea installed to play Zubmariner, but you need to buy Sunless Sea to buy Zubmariner. Is it all a matter of store policy?
tremere110: More developer policy in this case. There are plenty of standalones here that don't require a purchase of the original.
Really? I was not aware of others... :-S
tremere110: More developer policy in this case. There are plenty of standalones here that don't require a purchase of the original.
Gede: Really? I was not aware of others... :-S
For example.

Sorcerer King Rivals does not require Sorcerer King. None of the Shadowrun games requires purchase of another - Dragonfall was an expansion for Shadowrun Returns but has since been separated into its own standalone game.
Gede: Really? I was not aware of others... :-S
tremere110: For example.

Sorcerer King Rivals does not require Sorcerer King. None of the Shadowrun games requires purchase of another - Dragonfall was an expansion for Shadowrun Returns but has since been separated into its own standalone game.
But is this the only case where GOG enforces an artificial dependency, as far as you know?