Lone_Scout: We always wished for games to have better AIs, like neural networks. However, how is this AI implemented is more important than the AI system itself. Maybe this game doesn't deliver the best experience (although I don't really know) but machine learning could lead to great improvements in game AI, when properly implemented. Simply dropping a trained NLP system (i.e. a GPT model) into a game and see what happens is probably a waste, but a Machine Learning AI system specifically designed and trained for a game could be a significant advance.
dnovraD: No, no, no; we had been wishing for more cunning, tactical, and tricksy AI, harkening back to the days of the Unreal bot matches and the surprise tactics of the Half Life grunts, instead of the stoogery and glorified shooting galleries of later days.
what is fun about that, especially for the HECU AI in Half-Life, is that it actually not very good. it is all trickery to make it seems like it coordianted and tactical. Mostly it is just scripted actions with some randomisation,but the speech makes the player belive that it is an AI behind the mobs. So the game has the soldiers do some random scripted action, then it checks where all the other soldiers are, what actions are taken and the players location and action,and plays a sound clip that fits that situation. To the plauer, it sounds like the soldiers are talking to each other and reacting to the situations that happen, but it is just an illusion.
In those older games, there wwere not much AI at all, but they where very good at making the player belive there was.
(also, it was very easy to make the mobs too good. The problem is that if you want life-like opponents, then you need to have them make mistakes and bad decitions as well. I remember a infamous quote - "Artifical intelligence, that's easy. Artificqal stupidity, on the other hand")