Ricky_Bobby: I've already bought it on Steam, so here's hoping a for a GOG Connect deal in the future :-)
It's more or less a one-person 4X game, so have realistic expectations.
I did write a "review" for it on GOG, rating it 3/5, in the
Games Finished thread.
In a nutshell. The negatives: balancing issues in terms the AI and resource gathering, there's not much you can do with your supposed trading partners. Towards tthe end of the game I found myself with tonnes of money but with nothing to spend it on, I was always struggling to gather enough minerals, amassing the highest levels of reserach (of any faction) never benefitted me in the end. Having the strongest and most prevalent trading arrangements (of any faction) also did nothing to help me win the game. Instead it was pure military numbers that decided the game.
The positives: the game is very easy to learn and get into, the menues were well-organized and the interface was clear of clutter, there's some humor in the game, a nice variety of unique factions, the visual style is very appealing, great soundtrack.
You can automate what you build on each colonized planet, where the game decides what the best thing to build is, given your current level or status. There's also an autocombat option. So the game does have functions that make the management stuff less tedious.
Thank you for your review, i have been reading more or less the same on steam.
That trading seems only complete with pirates but no with other empires, so it has little sense that you are able to trade for a planet, for instance, if they never accept that.
That you can only win by being militaristic and once you research 1 "final" weapon, game ends, because it does more damage than any other one and you can forget about any other weapon, so game offers little choices for you ships.
That it's more casual than a 4x game. Not too much depth and only can compare with MOO2 in that dev(s?) seem to has taken some ideas from it, but it's almost like a MOO2 mobile game (less options, less depth, simplified, etc)
Lastly, i would like to know if the delay in releasing here at GOG was planned since the beginning or it's a consequence of it's low sales on steam :S I had this on my wishlist there but was waiting for news on GOG, and end up thinking it was one of those "only-steam" games (and also the reviews) so i had forgotten about it until now.
Even that, and seeing that dev(s?) is still updating and improving the game (thank you for that), i'm going to take profit of the release discount here and give it a chance.
EDIT: bought :S
wyrenn: Was interested in this. Just like every Sci-Fi TBS game. But all it really made me do was play MoO again. Still waiting for a 4X to blow me away. Closest was SotS.
blotunga: Have you tried Birth of the Empires?
Thank you very much for that!! And it's free! Already downloaded Win version :D