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Raiders of the Galaxy.

<span class="bold">Space Rogue Classic</span>, the timeless space combat simulator with plenty of RPG elements, is available now, DRM-free on

Your crew didn't deserve that fate. While you were out there on your own, investigating a derelict ship floating through space, a band of ruthless Manchi raiders appeared out of nowhere and wiped out everyone aboard your trading vessel, the Princess Blue. Now you're on the warpath, seeking to avenge your mates and perhaps become a class-A space rogue in the process.
Those are both admirable goals, but to get there you've got a lot of space to cover. You will be constantly alternating between the 3D view used in space combat and exploration, and the top-down perspective through which you navigate the planetary outposts, talk to NPCs, and handle trades, quests, or ship upgrades. The galaxy is a pretty vast space, but there's no wormhole big enough for these despicable Manchi to hide in!

Travel across the galaxy, upgrade your ship, and become the ultimate <span class="bold">Space Rogue Classic</span>, DRM-free on
I actually had this game on my Commodore 64! I remember the computer magazines at the time were going nuts over the fact that this game (unlike Elite) had filled polygons to make up the graphics.

I also remember getting through the intro and then having a crash fest that left me unable to play the game properly..

I wish I wasn't so spiled by today's amazing games so it was possible to go back and enjoy these childhood games. It's just so difficult to go from Witcher 3 to Elder Scrolls: Redguard.. or this game.
Wishlist links for the Origin Systems games not yet here...

2400 A.D.
Bad Blood
Cybermage: Darklight Awakening
Jane's Combat Simulations: AH-64D Longbow
Jane's Combat Simulations: Longbow 2
Knights of Legend
Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony
Pacific Strike
Tangled Tales
Times of Lore
Wings of Glory
Just voted for all of them. More Origin, better Gog.
I'm surprised to see this here... but given that the OTHER (newer) "Space Rogue" came out recently, I can easily imagine someone at "Night Dive" taking the few minute required to create a DOSBox-driven version of this and putting it out. (I've had a running DOSBox install of this for years.)

FYI, this is Paul Neurath's (of "Looking Glass Studios" fame) first "major" release... and the first PC game I ever purchased (before I even owned a PC). It's an excellent blending of old-school "adventure game" mechanics (along the lines of the early Ultima games, also from the same publisher) and a true-newtonian space-flight/combat sim. The game itself is a BIT on the "simplistic" side, from sound, graphics, and yes, total level of detail (but every single detail COUNTS here, nothing is extraneous!) by today's standards (where most games are visually stunning, with tons of totally irrelevant, but immersive, detail).

I spent a ton of time playing this in the old days... beat it twice, as I recall, before ever owning a PC of my own (ie, ahem,, playing on "business" computers). While the trading elements can be a bit tedious for people like me (others LOVE that sort of thing, see "Privateer" or so many other space-sims)... the flight mechanics are remarkable for the time, and hard to find beaten even these days (where so many "space" sims are simply repurposed FLIGHT sims, with spacecraft that bank into turns, can't translate in any direction but fwd-aft, etc). Paul did some excellent work getting the space-sim elements of this just right.

I encourage anyone interested to go ahead and get this. The game may SEEM to be an "open world sandbox" but it really is a story-driven game. It's just that the story isn't spoon-fed to you in the simplistic way so many more modern games do... you have to figure it out for yourself. (Hint - SOMETHING is making the Manchi aggressive, and it's not just because they're "evil bad guys.")