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Join the knight named Sonia on her unusual investigation.
Genre: RPG
Discount: 10% off until 28th January 2022, 2 PM UTC
rjbuffchix: Is there a reason you are against these new type of "controversial" releases?
fronzelneekburm: I don't regard them as controversial, I just don't like weebshit, that's all. The sad thing is that the handful of AO games I would be interested in get either rejected (Hatred), censored (Lust from Beyond, or have they put up a store page for the uncut version yet? I wouldn't know, which brings me to my third point:) or region locked.

And I absolutely do NOT think that they shouldn't be sold here. I've always been a big advocate of giving the consoomer the option to choose which type of entertainment to indulge in, as opposed to having some high-off-their-own-farts "curators" choose what's good for you. Just because I'm talking smack on the forum because I think these weeb games look like utter trash doesn't mean I'm advocating to "ban this filth". There's a big difference here.
Is Lust from beyond censored here ? I know they made a "M" version because people is like Violence and Horror Yay!! wait what sex too.....uh that is disgusting.....but I was under the impression Gog sold both versions ?
low rated
Breja: And pretty much every time the subject comes up I, and others, keep saying that yes, the filters should allow to hide whatever a user wants, whether it's porn or adventure games. It's been said again and again. But you keep ignoring it, because you want to argue about "religio-cultural baggage" instead. So ok, have fun. But I'm done with this.
Reaper9988: Hey for once I'm completely with you, I for myself would like to filter all the woke crap that is here too.
Blacklist the stuff you don't want to see and everyone is happy.
Well some people would still complain but most would just blacklist and move on so yes GOG please ?
I agree. Just add the filters already.
Breja: And pretty much every time the subject comes up I, and others, keep saying that yes, the filters should allow to hide whatever a user wants, whether it's porn or adventure games. It's been said again and again. But you keep ignoring it, because you want to argue about "religio-cultural baggage" instead. So ok, have fun. But I'm done with this.
Reaper9988: Hey for once I'm completely with you, I for myself would like to filter all the woke crap that is here too.
Blacklist the stuff you don't want to see and everyone is happy.
Well some people would still complain but most would just blacklist and move on so yes GOG please ?
Exactly this. It's about the only thing close to a middle ground and it makes sense. I don't want to see overly sexualized games (unless I specifically do) and I'm tired of clicking on games that look pretty good to find out they are just wank games.
low rated
fronzelneekburm: I don't regard them as controversial, I just don't like weebshit, that's all. The sad thing is that the handful of AO games I would be interested in get either rejected (Hatred), censored (Lust from Beyond, or have they put up a store page for the uncut version yet? I wouldn't know, which brings me to my third point:) or region locked.

And I absolutely do NOT think that they shouldn't be sold here. I've always been a big advocate of giving the consoomer the option to choose which type of entertainment to indulge in, as opposed to having some high-off-their-own-farts "curators" choose what's good for you. Just because I'm talking smack on the forum because I think these weeb games look like utter trash doesn't mean I'm advocating to "ban this filth". There's a big difference here.
Reaper9988: Is Lust from beyond censored here ? I know they made a "M" version because people is like Violence and Horror Yay!! wait what sex too.....uh that is disgusting.....but I was under the impression Gog sold both versions ?
I thought that was gonna happen, but looks like it won't.
Reaper9988: Words of Wisdom. I left sites before because they went crazy on the censorship.
Our World view is obviously diametrically opposed but I can agree with that.

Still senseless arguing is fun sometimes, with Popcorn especially.

Well I just checked the dictionary again, it does seem to fit a lot of people arguing here......but bigoted might actually fit better.

Hello, my name is nobody.
paladin181: I like you, at least from the few interactions we've had. I hope we have more.
Well as long as GOG continues with AO releases I'm sure these threads will happen, so good chance we'll have more ;)
low rated
Reaper9988: Hey for once I'm completely with you, I for myself would like to filter all the woke crap that is here too.
Blacklist the stuff you don't want to see and everyone is happy.
Well some people would still complain but most would just blacklist and move on so yes GOG please ?
paladin181: Exactly this. It's about the only thing close to a middle ground and it makes sense. I don't want to see overly sexualized games (unless I specifically do) and I'm tired of clicking on games that look pretty good to find out they are just wank games.
Okay, this is where I am going to have an issue. This game is yes, a "wank game" but not all of these are. If we talk about Full Metal Demon Muramasa, it is a sixty hour read with just five sex scenes in the whole game. That's less than Game Of Thrones. In Japan these are actually referred to as ADV or adventure games, not visual novels as they are called in the west. Full Metal Demon Muramasa is the Japanese equivalent of something like King's Quest. So be specific. And with some, you can even remove the adult content entirely.
Reaper9988: Is Lust from beyond censored here ? I know they made a "M" version because people is like Violence and Horror Yay!! wait what sex too.....uh that is disgusting.....but I was under the impression Gog sold both versions ?
TheGrimLord: I thought that was gonna happen, but looks like it won't.
Well shucks.....
rjbuffchix: I also don't want anything to do with Supraland 2 after the dev originally brought Supraland 1 here only to then not support it, to the point it got removed from this store. Those of us who bought it here in hopes of supporting an interesting new indie game were then left holding the bag with an abandoned game and unless we had maybe backed it on Kickstarter, had no way of getting a refund that late after the fact. Why in the hell should GOG even look in the general direction of the sequel!!?
I never knew this, otherwise I would not have given that Dev the time of day, thanks for the info, I also did some digging and found this thread; apparently GoG held off on giving them a same day release so when they finally green lit it he did not make as much after allowing him to finally bring the game over here...

So he took his game and left, which was still petty as there were already people that bought the game, yeah, I won't be officially getting that sequel after all!
MarkoH01: Oh yes, let's hope for a game of a dev that basically treated GOG and their customers like crap and then even refused to bring the DLC of Supraland to GOG - instead he pulled the base game from the store. Sorry, but no thanks. Publishers and devs who behaved like this should not be welcomed here again ... and I doubt they even want to, so not much GOG could do anyway.
Yeah, I did some reading up on that Dev, and I now know that I won't be supporting his highness in the least!
Post edited January 23, 2022 by TZODnmr2k5
TheGrimLord: Real talk, why don't you just ask the devs to put their game on the Zoom Platform. <snipped shill talk>.
I still remember a time when accosting other customers in someone's store and recommending another place who's cheaper would get yourself kicked out and banned from returning. Telling someone where to get games not found in GOG is one thing, encouraging them to leave GOG in favour of your "new-found friend" is entirely another. That is something which is done in private. There is a line for bargain-hunting, and you've crossed it.

Absolutely bloody disrespectful to shill for another store, even on a community thread operated by said store. Not against the rules, but still a d*ck move. If all your posts are going to include "shop at Zoom", you might as well make it your profile name.
low rated
rjbuffchix: Is there a reason you are against these new type of "controversial" releases?
fronzelneekburm: I don't regard them as controversial, I just don't like weebshit, that's all. The sad thing is that the handful of AO games I would be interested in get either rejected (Hatred), censored (Lust from Beyond, or have they put up a store page for the uncut version yet? I wouldn't know, which brings me to my third point:) or region locked.

And I absolutely do NOT think that they shouldn't be sold here. I've always been a big advocate of giving the consoomer the option to choose which type of entertainment to indulge in, as opposed to having some high-off-their-own-farts "curators" choose what's good for you. Just because I'm talking smack on the forum because I think these weeb games look like utter trash doesn't mean I'm advocating to "ban this filth". There's a big difference here.
All very fair points. A couple brief responses:

1. I think not regarding them as controversial is a healthy attitude that should be normalized. But, have you seen these topics? There is no shortage of back-and-forth bickering every time one gets released, hell I think I have even seen a non-AO Japanese game get wrongly called a "porn game" because tensions are so high. The releases seem pretty clearly controversial among folks here, even if I personally don't think they should be controversial either.

2. With any preferred games, I don't think it need be an "either/or." For instance I would like these AO games released here and I would also like games like Hatred released here. We have actually seen some very good progress on this front with not only Grimoire finally coming here, but also Agony Unrated and Succubus. Regardless, as another user put it, we have had plenty of "non-AO games" release here over the years so a little catching up isn't out of order.

3. I don't believe there is a store page for Lust from Beyond uncut, only "M" edition which confusingly means it is the censored version as far as I can tell. I am cautiously interested in the game if they do indeed release a non-censored version..."more audiences can enjoy this" means I can usually pass on it.
Reaper9988: Is Lust from beyond censored here ? I know they made a "M" version because people is like Violence and Horror Yay!! wait what sex too.....uh that is disgusting.....but I was under the impression Gog sold both versions ?
See above and let me know if anything changes. When I search for it earlier today, all I saw was "M" version and "Demo," nothing about an uncensored version.
rjbuffchix: I also don't want anything to do with Supraland 2 after the dev originally brought Supraland 1 here only to then not support it, to the point it got removed from this store. Those of us who bought it here in hopes of supporting an interesting new indie game were then left holding the bag with an abandoned game and unless we had maybe backed it on Kickstarter, had no way of getting a refund that late after the fact. Why in the hell should GOG even look in the general direction of the sequel!!?
TZODnmr2k5: I never knew this, otherwise I would not have given that Dev the time of day, thanks for the info, I also did some digging and found this thread; apparently GoG held off on giving them a same day release so when they finally green lit it he did not make as much after allowing him to finally bring the game over here...

So he took his game and left, which was still petty as there were already people that bought the game, yeah, I won't be officially getting that sequel after all!
Glad to be of help, sorry to bear the bad news.
Post edited January 23, 2022 by rjbuffchix
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Many Puritans bash literally every single AO game that GOG releases, without fail.

That means that even if some of them are bad games, it would still be impossible to determine that from the Puritans' comments, given that they always "cry wolf" for all AO games.

So I'm going to go with the assumption that all AO games which GOG releases are masterpieces. Even if they aren't, that's probably closer to the truth than is the Puritans' (who never even have played any AO games) claim that they are all trash.
No bias-based or morality-based impression...still, judging by the screenshots and presentation, it looks amateurish, bland, not so innovative to balance its basic looks. Plus, it says 18+, mature, with adult banner (so it's not, say, the visibly excellent "Vampire Bloodlines", which has aged beautifully and, I suppose, is 18+ because of gore and horror plot, but it's adult). Cople this with the protagonist being provided with "+5 twin bouncers of doom" and you can easily predict why it's 18+ even without other clues, and where the only quality/selling point is. Too much adult games in a short time? Maybe. Too much rushed adult games that probably use "adult" as an excuse for being shallow? I fear so.
low rated
TheGrimLord: Real talk, why don't you just ask the devs to put their game on the Zoom Platform. <snipped shill talk>.
Braggadar: I still remember a time when accosting other customers in someone's store and recommending another place who's cheaper would get yourself kicked out and banned from returning. Telling someone where to get games not found in GOG is one thing, encouraging them to leave GOG in favour of your "new-found friend" is entirely another. That is something which is done in private. There is a line for bargain-hunting, and you've crossed it.

Absolutely bloody disrespectful to shill for another store, even on a community thread operated by said store. Not against the rules, but still a d*ck move. If all your posts are going to include "shop at Zoom", you might as well make it your profile name.
Funny, I believe in freedom of choice. Seems GOG do too in that respect. They haven't banned me for speaking my mind.
rjbuffchix: I also don't want anything to do with Supraland 2 after the dev originally brought Supraland 1 here only to then not support it, to the point it got removed from this store. Those of us who bought it here in hopes of supporting an interesting new indie game were then left holding the bag with an abandoned game and unless we had maybe backed it on Kickstarter, had no way of getting a refund that late after the fact. Why in the hell should GOG even look in the general direction of the sequel!!?
TZODnmr2k5: I never knew this, otherwise I would not have given that Dev the time of day, thanks for the info, I also did some digging and found this thread; apparently GoG held off on giving them a same day release so when they finally green lit it he did not make as much after allowing him to finally bring the game over here...

So he took his game and left, which was still petty as there were already people that bought the game, yeah, I won't be officially getting that sequel after all!
MarkoH01: Oh yes, let's hope for a game of a dev that basically treated GOG and their customers like crap and then even refused to bring the DLC of Supraland to GOG - instead he pulled the base game from the store. Sorry, but no thanks. Publishers and devs who behaved like this should not be welcomed here again ... and I doubt they even want to, so not much GOG could do anyway.
TZODnmr2k5: Yeah, I did some reading up on that Dev, and I now know that I won't be supporting his highness in the least!
Random and unrelated, but you are as of now Leet.
You should freeze your rep ;)

Mean TZO, answered to the wrong person sorrz
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Many Puritans bash literally every single AO game that GOG releases, without fail.

That means that even if some of them are bad games, it would still be impossible to determine that from the Puritans' comments, given that they always "cry wolf" for all AO games.

So I'm going to go with the assumption that all AO games which GOG releases are masterpieces. Even if they aren't, that's probably closer to the truth than is the Puritans' (who never even have played any AO games) claim that they are all trash.
marcob: No bias-based or morality-based impression...still, judging by the screenshots and presentation, it looks amateurish, bland, not so innovative to balance its basic looks. Plus, it says 18+, mature, with adult banner (so it's not, say, the visibly excellent "Vampire Bloodlines", which has aged beautifully and, I suppose, is 18+ because of gore and horror plot, but it's adult). Cople this with the protagonist being provided with "+5 twin bouncers of doom" and you can easily predict why it's 18+ even without other clues, and where the only quality/selling point is. Too much adult games in a short time? Maybe. Too much rushed adult games that probably use "adult" as an excuse for being shallow? I fear so.
Are we talking about the Vampire Bloodlines that was broken beyond believe and never fixed by the devs till the fans stepped in ?
You know the big goal but amateurish execution one ?
I mean I love the game to death but that was one hell of a broken release and if I judged it just from what I saw at release I wouldn't have touched it with a 10 foot pole.
(I still prefer Redemption actually though)

I mean I'm not saying this release here is a great game, I'm saying I have no clue if it is, I'm not interested enough to try but I sure wouldn't go around and judge.
You're basically dismissing the game on the same grounds that people went apeshit about the excellent Dragon's Crown.

I mean if you want to try there is ways, wink.
Post edited January 23, 2022 by Reaper9988
TheGrimLord: Funny, I believe in freedom of choice. Seems GOG do too in that respect. They haven't banned me for speaking my mind.
And I believe about taking your shoes off when you enter someone's home, not urinating on the seats of public toilets and not promoting other businesses while on the property of a rival.

Like I said what you do isn't against the rules AFAIK, but it's still rude to do so. Just as it would be if I were to join the Zoom Discord and then advertise how GOG is superior to them in every way (even if it's not true). There's a line you don't cross.

Anyway, I'll relent because the mods don't like off topic stuff clogging their threads. Have a nice day.
TheGrimLord: Real talk, why don't you just ask the devs to put their game on the Zoom Platform. <snipped shill talk>.
Braggadar: I still remember a time when accosting other customers in someone's store and recommending another place who's cheaper would get yourself kicked out and banned from returning. Telling someone where to get games not found in GOG is one thing, encouraging them to leave GOG in favour of your "new-found friend" is entirely another. That is something which is done in private. There is a line for bargain-hunting, and you've crossed it.

Absolutely bloody disrespectful to shill for another store, even on a community thread operated by said store. Not against the rules, but still a d*ck move. If all your posts are going to include "shop at Zoom", you might as well make it your profile name.
Err, if GOG declined the game I don't see how it is problem to point people to a different store ?
I'm glad we're past that "brand loyality" thing.

I mean the the Sega vs Nintendo, Sony Vs Microsoft vs Nintendo, Steam vs Gog was fun times but that only hurt the customer, options = much better.

TheGrimLord: Funny, I believe in freedom of choice. Seems GOG do too in that respect. They haven't banned me for speaking my mind.
Braggadar: And I believe about taking your shoes off when you enter someone's home, not urinating on the seats of public toilets and not promoting other businesses while on the property of a rival.

Like I said what you do isn't against the rules AFAIK, but it's still rude to do so. Just as it would be if I were to join the Zoom Discord and then advertise how GOG is superior to them in every way (even if it's not true). There's a line you don't cross.

Anyway, I'll relent because the mods don't like off topic stuff clogging their threads. Have a nice day.
Ok really, what's with the completely broken comparisons in this thread ?
Post edited January 23, 2022 by Reaper9988