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Join the knight named Sonia on her unusual investigation.
Genre: RPG
Discount: 10% off until 28th January 2022, 2 PM UTC
low rated
paladin181: prudish sensibilities is reducing sexual harm to people down to virtually nothing because you don't agree with it. Psychological harm is harm, no matter how you try to reduce or invalidate it.
We weren't born with clothes on. Where do you think the psychological harm comes from, clearly, cultural conditioning and clearly not anything inherent. By the way, nice disregard for anyone who disagrees with you...guess any psychological harm they would get as a result doesn't matter.
Reaper9988: If you post it, people that don't want so see it will see it, way different.
Or are they forced to buy the game at gunpoint ? That sounds pretty american.
Nah, My post will say what it is, and there's no direct imaging on this forum. Only people who want to click the link will be exposed.
rjbuffchix: The fact that others in this thread make comments suggesting it is the fans of AO games who have "lost grip on reality" just adds to the peak absurdity, irony, and tragedy of it all.
Just to be clear (which seems to be a hopless effort, since you and others seem dea-set, here and in prevoius threads on the subject, to argue not with what I or others actually say, but with some puritan strawmen you set up), I never said it's the "fans of AO games" who lost their grip on reality. I specifically said "the forum community". As in "all of it". In general, from all sides, these discussions are getting increasingly absurd and off topic.
rjbuffchix: You will never get a valid response to this. Believe me I have tried across multiple AO threads with multiple users. The obvious fact is that AO games can be analogized to other types of game like "classic point and click adventure" or "real-time strategy" etc. Perhaps an even better analogy, since AO games are not all one style of gameplay, would be to analogize them along more general lines such as to "puzzle games" or "quirky artsy indies" (both of which encompass more variety). Therefore there is nothing to say "they MUST have a filter" any more than to say "the user NEEDS to be able to filter out ALL first-person-games, NO EXCEPTIONS!." If that was the argument people were making, it is fair play, but to discriminate against only AO games seems to be the main position offered. Literally the only distinguishing factor as to why these games "MUST" be excluded is this underlying religio-cultural baggage that seems to permeate society and foster these opinions.
And pretty much every time the subject comes up I, and others, keep saying that yes, the filters should allow to hide whatever a user wants, whether it's porn or adventure games. It's been said again and again. But you keep ignoring it, because you want to argue about "religio-cultural baggage" instead. So ok, have fun. But I'm done with this.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by Breja
low rated
Breja: I never said it's the "fans of AO games" who lost their grip on reality. I specifically said "the forum community". As in "all of it". In general, from all sides, these discussions are getting increasingly absurd and off topic.
Fair enough; I had incorrectly assumed you meant those of us in the forum community who want these games here.

rjbuffchix: Therefore there is nothing to say "they MUST have a filter" any more than to say "the user NEEDS to be able to filter out ALL first-person-games, NO EXCEPTIONS!." If that was the argument people were making, it is fair play, but to discriminate against only AO games seems to be the main position offered. Literally the only distinguishing factor as to why these games "MUST" be excluded is this underlying religio-cultural baggage that seems to permeate society and foster these opinions.
Breja: And pretty much every time the subject comes up I, and others, keep saying that yes, the filters should allow to hide whatever a user wants, whether it's porn or adventure games. It's been said again and again.
So it is just a pure coincidence you guys weren't advocating for these specific types of filters in the past? People may have made comments about "improve the catalog" or "improve search" in general, don't get me wrong, but to filter out specific types of games? I honestly don't remember ever seeing that suggested, until of course recently with the adult games.
rjbuffchix: Fair enough; I had incorrectly assumed you meant those of us in the forum community who want these games here.
I know you weren't responding to me, but here's a relevant response. Oh Gods no. My post is as satirical as it gets. Both sides of this discussion are whacked out loonies. People suggesting that no AO content gets released because their sensibilities are offended have a point. But they push their point too far. Likewise, the people who want to boil it all down as "outdated Puritanical control" are also looney tunes. The truth is both sides seems to just enjoy antagonizing each other. While I don't want to play porn games, I don't think others should be denied their pleasures, so to speak. There's only a few very objectionable things I don't want to see, and that's generally rape and pedophilia. I'll fight those till my dying breath. Everything legal should be fair game.
rjbuffchix: So it is just a pure coincidence you guys weren't advocating for these specific types of filters in the past? People may have made comments about "improve the catalog" or "improve search" in general, don't get me wrong, but to filter out specific types of games? I honestly don't remember ever seeing that suggested, until of course recently with the adult games.
I, for one, have been asking for such a feature for a long time. But yes - an influx of a large number of games of a, shall we say, very particular type that quite a number of users have simply no interest in, has simply made the lack of such a feature more problematic. If next we get a similar influx of sports games, with three new football games every week, it will make it even more pressing. I think that's perfectly reasonable.
low rated
MarkoH01: Though it actually IS well written imo. It explains quite a lot as well and imo is very honest to the subject in question. In my opinion there's a lot of truth in the post.
Sabin_Stargem: Even if Fronzelneekburm doesn't read the post, other people can. The cultural battle is about people who haven't decided what kind of society they want to support.
Exactly. When a person you are replying to says they aren't going to read all that, it doesn't mean that they don't have time. They just refuse to ignore the fact that they're going to get a dose of something they can't handle. Some people just want to be trolls and refuse to hear a counterpoint that might cause their entire world to come crashing down, as it were. Nope, just let the idiot call people virgins, he has nothing better to do with his life.

Breja: Yeah, the "hole in a piece of meat" is especially "well written". Very classy and respectful :D
MarkoH01: Agreed - that one tiny bit of the pretty long post - might not have been written so "well". (and I never said anything about respectful or classy - just "well" as in "good explained" or "making interesting points").
I'm not trying to be respectful. Sometimes when you write from the heart as I do (I'm a writer and have been doing this for years) you will end up offending people. But you should. When people write exactly what they feel and nothing more, you are going to end up ruffling feathers. That's the damn point. I'm not here to tiptoe around the feelings of others or to show respect - it's a hole in a piece of meat. On the other hand, many women see dick as low value and plentiful, it means nothing to them anymore. All the mysticism around sex disappeared with social media.

TheGrimLord: Not at all. In fact, it makes better sense than what you've been doing - complaining. If one company doesn't want to carry a game you want to find another. We now have what is starting to come up as a worthy alternative to GOG itself. I was skeptical a year or so ago when they had just a few games that nobody cared about. But now my opinion has changed and I spent quite a bit of money over there.

- They have the Gold edition of AVP
- They're working on but are putting Alien Trilogy back up soon, which is a game I wanted GOG to get for years.
- Their Duke3D has ALL the expansion content included for FREE

These are all things that companies should be doing. All my games work and play well with a modern rig. We now have an alternative and they seem much more willing to listen. They even have a request section in their Discord, because unlike GOG, they actually have a Discord server rather than this ancient forum. Zoom already works with dozens of notable publishers.

Why in the hell wouldn't you ask them to sell on Zoom? If you don't, I will. The devs have a Twitter, I'm pretty sure "hey these guys are already working with big names and selling Duke like hotcakes" is enough to get their little indie some extra money. To hell with the staff here. If they don't want to work with certain devs, I'll bet you Zoom will and that shit will end up coming back to bite GOG in the butt later.
Enebias: Please do. I don't really care, because I am on the GOG forums, hence I talk about stuff related to the place.
I don't go eating in a restaurant to say the one nearby is better, if you catch my drift.
But if it's better, it's better. My point is that all you people do is fucking complain. "I want Selaco!" okay, GOG doesn't, but Zoom might. "Wahhhh! But I want it on my platform!" Even though there is nothing different between Zoom and GOG, with Zoom providing offline installers in the exact same fucking format that GOG does. To the point of ripping their whole system off. You're starting to sound like children.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
fronzelneekburm: If you actually thought I was going to read all that, well... I have bad news for you...
MarkoH01: Though it actually IS well written imo. It explains quite a lot as well and imo is very honest to the subject in question. In my opinion there's a lot of truth in the post.
Thanks. It is appreciated.
MarkoH01: Though it actually IS well written imo. It explains quite a lot as well and imo is very honest to the subject in question. In my opinion there's a lot of truth in the post.
Breja: Yeah, the "hole in a piece of meat" is especially "well written". Very classy and respectful :D
Do you say "yas Queen!" when a woman says that "dick is of low value and plentiful?" Because it sounds to me like you do.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by TheGrimLord
TheGrimLord: But if it's better, it's better. My point is that all you people do is fucking complain. "I want Selaco!" okay, GOG doesn't, but Zoom might. "Wahhhh! But I want it on my platform!" Even though there is nothing different between Zoom and GOG, with Zoom providing offline installers in the exact same fucking format that GOG does. To the point of ripping their whole system off. You're starting to sound like children.


Do you say "yas Queen!" when a woman says that "dick is of low value and plentiful?" Because it sounds to me like you do.
Uh-uh. Yes. I sound very childish indeed, especially when compared to such an educated philosopher and esteemer of the fine arts.
If you *maybe* read posts once in a while... oh, who am I kidding, your answers wouldn't change anyway, you're dead set into creating fights for fight's sake, so just go on with your absurd drivel, at least I can be entertained by the sheer weirdness of your... quite distrurbed statements.

Edit: besides, that "better" is very relative.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by Enebias
TheGrimLord: .
Reducing sex to being about a hole in a piece of meat actually sheds light on the problem here. People value sex for different reasons, and not entirely exclusive. Some are completely enamored by the pleasure benefit, and others the relationship benefit. The ones who prioritize pleasure see relationships as gatekeeping or even unnecessary, and the ones who prioritize the value of sex to the closeness of a relationship see excessive exposure as devaluing sex, and its role in relationships. Sadly, the two won't ever agree, and I am more on the side of people who value the role of closeness in relationships. If you consider that puritanical, then fine I'm puritanical. I don't think everything needs to be inundated with explicit sex. Personally, I'd prefer if it weren't here.

That's not to say there aren't people out there who think "SEX BAD, HOW DARE YOU?!" That's also not to say that people who prioritize one value over the other have no desire for the opposite. I like being close with my wife, it is great and it is pleasurable. I'm sure a lot of the advocates for more adult games have healthy and robust relationships too. This is not trying to further divide people.

The idea that people being able to enjoy smut readily doesn't hurt me is false, as it changes culture and damages something I value in life. That's why I have the stance I have.

People on the other side say the exact same thing, that blocking access to this changes culture and damages something they value in life.

Who is right, who is wrong? Neither. Both. However you want to see it. Political issues like this are contentious for that very reason. There isn't a right answer that will appease everyone or even most of the people. To pick a side alienates a HUGE swathe of people, no matter the side you pick, and to remain neutral isn't an option because you piss off almost everyone.

What do we do? I've generally quit arguing about it. I pick at people but I'm not arguing about the subject anymore because it is pointless. Once GOG becomes less desirable than it is likable, I'll move on. It's that simple. Don't like what they're doing? Leave. Eventually everyone will be happier.
low rated
TheGrimLord: But if it's better, it's better. My point is that all you people do is fucking complain. "I want Selaco!" okay, GOG doesn't, but Zoom might. "Wahhhh! But I want it on my platform!" Even though there is nothing different between Zoom and GOG, with Zoom providing offline installers in the exact same fucking format that GOG does. To the point of ripping their whole system off. You're starting to sound like children.


Do you say "yas Queen!" when a woman says that "dick is of low value and plentiful?" Because it sounds to me like you do.
Enebias: Uh-uh. Yes. I sound very childish indeed, especially when compared to such an educated philosopher and esteemer of the fine arts.
If you *maybe* read posts once in a while... oh, who am I kidding, your answers wouldn't change anyway, you're dead set into creating fights for fight's sake, so just go on with your absurd drivel, at least I can be entertained by the sheer weirdness of your... quite distrurbed statements.

Edit: besides, that "better" is very relative.
It's satire, sir. In the zoomer generation male feminists use the term "yas queen" to refer to women who are "getting the bag" which can usually refer to sex camming, only fans work and others. These men put women on a pedestal above themselves and are often referred to as simps. These simps have spent hundreds to thousands of dollars on pictures, videos and text messages from women in the internet. Especially female influencers. This has it's basis in the black community of the US (as opposed to a place like Africa where such terms are considered offensive) and within that culture where such behavior is praised.

But the main point here is that you didn't respond to my point, you instead called out another user on a different topic that didn't even concern you. So yes, I will say that you are being a baby about this. Also, Zoom will not probably allow this game because the developer came into their server and launched a tirade. Yes, the developer of Selaco came in and started shit, which soured his reputation with Zoom. Several people in the server were talking about it.

You may just have to get this one off steam and you can fully blame the developer for himself being childish.
It's Kagura games though i don't know if such a price is justified for a rpg maker game if it really only has 2 hours gameplay, but they specialize in rpg maker games i think, also i see multiple endings on the page of the game mentioned.
And i played lots of rpg maker game before free ones which were mostly german or english by hobby developers from certain forums and are not only 2 hours.
The only rpg maker game i have on steam is hybris pulse of ruin which has over 60 hours gameplay but is still not here and i said that game is underpriced the hybris one and this one is probably overpriced the Sonia.
Here on gog i have Ara Fell by now which should be a splendid game that i need to play more.

I do want some rpg maker games that have more gameplay than a few hours. Porn content doesn't bother me, but there better be some good gameplay in some of rpg maker games.
TheGrimLord: Nope, just let the idiot call people virgins, he has nothing better to do with his life.
I'm not trying to be respectful. Sometimes when you write from the heart as I do (I'm a writer and have been doing this for years) you will end up offending people. But you should. When people write exactly what they feel and nothing more, you are going to end up ruffling feathers. That's the damn point. I'm not here to tiptoe around the feelings of others or to show respect - it's a hole in a piece of meat. On the other hand, many women see dick as low value and plentiful, it means nothing to them anymore. All the mysticism around sex disappeared with social media.
My point is that all you people do is fucking complain. "I want Selaco!" okay, GOG doesn't, but Zoom might. "Wahhhh! But I want it on my platform!" Even though there is nothing different between Zoom and GOG, with Zoom providing offline installers in the exact same fucking format that GOG does. To the point of ripping their whole system off. You're starting to sound like children.
See what you did there? Don't be surprised if people won't take you seriously.
low rated
TheGrimLord: .
paladin181: Reducing sex to being about a hole in a piece of meat actually sheds light on the problem here. People value sex for different reasons, and not entirely exclusive. Some are completely enamored by the pleasure benefit, and others the relationship benefit. The ones who prioritize pleasure see relationships as gatekeeping or even unnecessary, and the ones who prioritize the value of sex to the closeness of a relationship see excessive exposure as devaluing sex, and its role in relationships. Sadly, the two won't ever agree, and I am more on the side of people who value the role of closeness in relationships. If you consider that puritanical, then fine I'm puritanical. I don't think everything needs to be inundated with explicit sex. Personally, I'd prefer if it weren't here.

That's not to say there aren't people out there who think "SEX BAD, HOW DARE YOU?!" That's also not to say that people who prioritize one value over the other have no desire for the opposite. I like being close with my wife, it is great and it is pleasurable. I'm sure a lot of the advocates for more adult games have healthy and robust relationships too. This is not trying to further divide people.

The idea that people being able to enjoy smut readily doesn't hurt me is false, as it changes culture and damages something I value in life. That's why I have the stance I have.

People on the other side say the exact same thing, that blocking access to this changes culture and damages something they value in life.

Who is right, who is wrong? Neither. Both. However you want to see it. Political issues like this are contentious for that very reason. There isn't a right answer that will appease everyone or even most of the people. To pick a side alienates a HUGE swathe of people, no matter the side you pick, and to remain neutral isn't an option because you piss off almost everyone.

What do we do? I've generally quit arguing about it. I pick at people but I'm not arguing about the subject anymore because it is pointless. Once GOG becomes less desirable than it is likable, I'll move on. It's that simple. Don't like what they're doing? Leave. Eventually everyone will be happier.
You're right. Which is why there is something for everyone. I'm more towards the pleasure side of things, but you might not be. However, there are a lot of women towards the pleasure side and they just kind of threw out the man for the vibrator or "battery operated boyfriend" as I've heard them say on the net. There's also the sybian or a piston machine that some are buying, which one would say kind of removes the need for a partner entirely, it is a glorified sex robot.

That being said, I have seen many women that I know right in my own area talking about how they don't want sex, they want some guy to basically give them affection and attention while they use their sex toys. They are often unhappy and write the same posts over and over again about how independent and strong they are. There is a point where this starts to get silly. They know they're not happy and are trying to convince themselves that they are. It's sad, but the same can be said of many other people these days. As much as I love technology, I often wonder if too much of it and too fast, might have been a bad thing. It is very hard to have a connection and bond with someone like in the old days, when the temptation of others are only a click away. This has given rise to polyamory in the US, a thing that before was pretty niche. It has also given rise to cuckholdry and other things that may have existed before, but have not in such a vast quantity. One woman can have five boyfriends, or as I've been told, have a man for the rent, the gas, food, phone and whatever other bill they are willing to pay for a few minutes of sex. Back in the day, this kind of thing would be considered prostitution, but in the days of CashApp, it's very normal. Only Fans admitted that they've had a lot of problems filtering out this kind of content, people will spell the app like "Ca$h App" and such to cheat the algorithm.

When you see dating like this, if you even want to call it that - you don't mind using these as a vehicle for that kind of thing. Especially when these meetups can be dangerous. Don't forget about the time a guy hired a dominatrix and she stabbed him to death in his childhood tree house. Or the wife who chopped up her husband and had her children help her put his body parts into trash bags. Yes, things are getting crazy. Don't forget about the young woman who came into a young man's house and threatened him to have sex with her with a machete against his throat. There was also the crypto guy who revealed to his date that he had a lot of money in it. She pulled out a gun and put it against his head, saying that that if he didn't ejaculate into her, she was going to kill him.

So yes, eroge is fine with me. Especially when you've been with a woman who threatened to cut your dick off. Yep, been there done that.
low rated
paladin181: So can people just drop fettish porn images and links in the forum now? I mean, GOG openly sells porn games, so that's gotta be ok, right? I mean as a society, why even bother wearing clothes? Just go out and masturbate on your front porch. That's what people seem to want. Let's do it.
they clearly want a world where that is everyday occurrence