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Join the knight named Sonia on her unusual investigation.
Genre: RPG
Discount: 10% off until 28th January 2022, 2 PM UTC
high rated
This whole porn discussion reminds me of an old story from our village.

Once, there was a bordello. Overnight it was there. Everyone was upset, and a council was held. Everyone attended and complained about this place of sin. The major should do something about it. It needed to be removed right away! Everyone agreed and everyone shouted.
Then, a very old man slowly rised. Everyone went silent, because this man had never ever said anything before.
He cleared his throat, and then he suggested: "Maybe, if no one of us would go there anymore, then the bordello would probably soon disappear by itself."


Don't want to offend anyone, but, well, this story just came to my mind.

[edit: typos removed]
Post edited January 22, 2022 by MrWichtig
So, now we are ranting about the Benefit of Glorious Capitalism™ which Can never Fail™ and is The Best Possible System™? Yay! Let me wave my gigantic Invisible Hand™ out of pure joy!

How did we arrive here from a discussion on a fairly bad looking RPGmaker porn game?

Is this still a videogame forum or the psychiatric hospital hotline?
Screw it, I'm out of this asylum.
GoG Just cannot catch a break here, they introduce a porn game that's censured, they get bashed by the anti-censure crowd, they then release an uncensored AO game, and they get bashed for yet another porn game, But one thing both factions can agree on is that two-hour RPG maker shovel-ware should not be at this store!

There's also a nifty sequel to a cool little 1st person metrovania called Supraland, six inches under that would be a much better fit here! C'Mon GoG, please bring this and some of our community wish lists over here instead of this dreck!

No one is going to buy this in droves, as it will (hopefully) collect virtual dust on the shelf and die a miserable death in the bargain bin!

EDIT: Apparently the supraland dev sees us as trash, I'm sorry I even brought the sequel as a game worth bringing over here!
Post edited January 23, 2022 by TZODnmr2k5
low rated
TZODnmr2k5: GoG Just cannot catch a break here, they introduce a porn game that's censured, they get bashed by the anti-censure crowd, they then release an uncensored AO game, and they get bashed for yet another porn game, But one thing both factions can agree on is that two-hour RPG maker shovel-ware should not be at this store!

There's also a nifty sequel to a cool little 1st person metrovania called Supraland, six inches under that would be a much better fit here! C'Mon GoG, please bring this and some of our community wish lists over here instead of this dreck!

No one is going to buy this in droves, as it will (hopefully) collect virtual dust on the shelf and die a miserable death in the bargain bin!
Speak for yourself.

I want two-hour RPG maker adult games here.

I also don't want anything to do with Supraland 2 after the dev originally brought Supraland 1 here only to then not support it, to the point it got removed from this store. Those of us who bought it here in hopes of supporting an interesting new indie game were then left holding the bag with an abandoned game and unless we had maybe backed it on Kickstarter, had no way of getting a refund that late after the fact. Why in the hell should GOG even look in the general direction of the sequel!!? And yes, please note as part of this topic that there are people like me who would buy a Supraland or other promising new indie game and also at a different point buy an RPGmaker adult game. It is not an "either/or."
Sabin_Stargem: ...The cultural battle is about people who haven't decided what kind of society they want to support.
None, I would abolish it.
low rated
As an aside, just wanted to separately acknowledge TheGrimLord's earlier comment:

TheGrimLord: [interesting post]
Very interesting points. A couple of my own:

-it seems critics of these games are always looking through a hetero-normative lens. This means that in their criticism, they are ignoring or wrongly characterizing many fans of the games who do not fit that mold.

-I have seen people make the argument that society should return to "traditional morals" or whatever in hopes of re-capturing some past conception of a dating/partner market. I personally feel this is misguided and a hopeless attempt to force a square peg into a round hole (no, that is not some intentional pun, lol). For one thing, to force people into a certain scheme doesn't mean they will think differently, just that their behavior is sort of coerced that way, and in either case it feels wrong to me. I think we are best off evolving with time, and dare I say, moving past outdated collectivization ideas like "that person is a MAN" or "that person is a WOMAN" when even if one believes those are the only two possibilities of identity (clearly false), it tells you nothing about the character of a person. We are all essentially just individual consciousnesses in meatsuits, and shouldn't be ashamed of that fact, trying to obscure it with endless categories, etc. But this is getting far off-track...someone get over here with some snark to dismiss all of it, please!
high rated
TZODnmr2k5: There's also a nifty sequel to a cool little 1st person metrovania called Supraland, six inches under that would be a much better fit here! C'Mon GoG, please bring this and some of our community wish lists over here instead of this dreck!
Oh yes, let's hope for a game of a dev that basically treated GOG and their customers like crap and then even refused to bring the DLC of Supraland to GOG - instead he pulled the base game from the store. Sorry, but no thanks. Publishers and devs who behaved like this should not be welcomed here again ... and I doubt they even want to, so not much GOG could do anyway.

Again I like to remind about the fact that accepting one game does not be the reason for rejecting another. I agree that GOG sometimes seems to make strange choices when it comes to games they reject but we should also be aware that we simply don't know if the games they accept really are not wanted by many customers here (which is the only reason a business needs to have).

I was bewildered that "Being a DIK" came to GOG when I saw all those negative comments in the release thread. I ended up buying it though and played almost 100 hours since I realized it was not half as bad as some people in the release thread made it seem. Actually it was extremely good (even without the porn) and I am now looking forward to see upvoming seasons coming to GOG as well. In the end I wrote a positive review about the game and noticed that I was not alone at all. So my first impression that nobody would want it on GOG and that GOG would not make money with it was completely wrong.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by MarkoH01
Enebias: Is this still a videogame forum or the psychiatric hospital hotline?
Screw it, I'm out of this asylum.
This is all just sheer insanity. Reading this thread I feel like my pizza must have been laced with heroin someone cut with drain cleaner. I don't know what the flood of porn games is doing for GOG's business, but the forum community has completely lost what tenous grip on reality it had.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by Breja
low rated
So can people just drop fettish porn images and links in the forum now? I mean, GOG openly sells porn games, so that's gotta be ok, right? I mean as a society, why even bother wearing clothes? Just go out and masturbate on your front porch. That's what people seem to want. Let's do it.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by paladin181
Enebias: Is this still a videogame forum or the psychiatric hospital hotline?
Screw it, I'm out of this asylum.
Breja: This is all just sheer insanity. Reading this thread I feel like my pizza must have been laced with heroin someone cut with drain cleaner. I don't know what the flood of porn games is doing for GOG's business, but the forum community has completely lost what tenous grip on reality it had.
Maybe you should look up "flood" in a dictionary. I mostly agree to what you say, but here you are exaggerating by far imo. It would also be nice to know why people who from time to time are not opposed to play (and therefore buy) AO games have lost their grip on reality (if that's what you wanted to say). Imo those games are simply another genre - not meant for everybody but still with a target group. You would have to pay me to play any kind of strategic economy "game" since I consider those to be work rather than fun ... still I know that there are people out there who like this genre a lot. So what? I simply fail to see the problem. I would see a problem if it really would be a flood and GOG therefore would sell more AO games than others - but that's not the case and there is no sign that this will change in the future. It is just another game of a genre that's not for you .. where's the drama?
Post edited January 22, 2022 by MarkoH01
Oh hey Popcorn Time again!!!!

As for the porn part.....uhh I can see it on the german store(without VPN), can't be that much in there.....
paladin181: So can people just drop fettish porn images and links in the forum now? I mean, GOG openly sells porn games, so that's gotta be ok, right? I mean as a society, why even bother wearing clothes? Just go out and masturbate on your front porch. That's what people seem to want. Let's do it.
That's totally the same thing as selling an AO game where the AO part is hidden behind the pay wall......
Post edited January 22, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
paladin181: I mean as a society, why even bother wearing clothes?
Don't want to get the thread too off-track, but want to address this briefly. You offer this idea as a reductio ad absurdum, yet it is a perfectly valid question why individuals are not free to do whatever they want with their own bodies especially when not harming others (no, offending prudish sensibilities doesn't rise to the level of "harm"). Personally, I could contend it is more absurd to have "laws" which are pieces of paper saying that some humans (supposedly) have the "right" to use brutal violence up-to-and-including killing other humans who disagree with them, even if the disagreeing humans are merely engaging in peaceful behavior. The fact that others in this thread make comments suggesting it is the fans of AO games who have "lost grip on reality" just adds to the peak absurdity, irony, and tragedy of it all.
Reaper9988: Oh hey Popcorn Time again!!!!

As for the porn part.....uhh I can see it on the german store, can't be that much in there.....
That's totally the same thing as selling an AO game where the AO part is hidden behind the pay wall......
GOG sells it, I'm just going to post screenshots from the games. Should be perfectly legit. Nothing objectionable about that. After all, puritan people are the only thing holding back the open sexual revolution.
rjbuffchix: Don't want to get the thread too off-track, but want to address this briefly. You offer this idea as a reductio ad absurdum, yet it is a perfectly valid question why individuals are not free to do whatever they want with their own bodies especially when not harming others (no, offending prudish sensibilities doesn't rise to the level of "harm").
prudish sensibilities is reducing sexual harm to people down to virtually nothing because you don't agree with it. Psychological harm is harm, no matter how you try to reduce or invalidate it.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by paladin181
low rated
MarkoH01: Imo those games are simply another genre - not meant for everybody but still with a target group. You would have to pay me to play any kind of strategic economy "game" since I consider those to be work rather than fun ... still I know that there are people out there who like this genre a lot. So what? I simply fail to see the problem. I would see a problem if it really would be a flood and GOG therefore would sell more AO games than others - but that's not the case and there is no sign that this will change in the future. It is just another game of a genre that's not for you .. where's the drama?
You will never get a valid response to this. Believe me I have tried across multiple AO threads with multiple users. The obvious fact is that AO games can be analogized to other types of game like "classic point and click adventure" or "real-time strategy" etc. Perhaps an even better analogy, since AO games are not all one style of gameplay, would be to analogize them along more general lines such as to "puzzle games" or "quirky artsy indies" (both of which encompass more variety). Therefore there is nothing to say "they MUST have a filter" any more than to say "the user NEEDS to be able to filter out ALL first-person-games, NO EXCEPTIONS!." If that was the argument people were making, it is fair play, but to discriminate against only AO games seems to be the main position offered. Literally the only distinguishing factor as to why these games "MUST" be excluded is this underlying religio-cultural baggage that seems to permeate society and foster these opinions.
Reaper9988: Oh hey Popcorn Time again!!!!

As for the porn part.....uhh I can see it on the german store, can't be that much in there.....
That's totally the same thing as selling an AO game where the AO part is hidden behind the pay wall......
paladin181: GOG sells it, I'm just going to post screenshots from the games. Should be perfectly legit. Nothing objectionable about that. After all, puritan people are the only thing holding back the open sexual revolution.
rjbuffchix: Don't want to get the thread too off-track, but want to address this briefly. You offer this idea as a reductio ad absurdum, yet it is a perfectly valid question why individuals are not free to do whatever they want with their own bodies especially when not harming others (no, offending prudish sensibilities doesn't rise to the level of "harm").
paladin181: prudish sensibilities is reducing sexual harm to people down to virtually nothing because you don't agree with it. Psychological harm is harm, no matter how you try to reduce or invalidate it.
If you post it, people that don't want so see it will see it, way different.
Or are they forced to buy the game at gunpoint ? That sounds pretty american.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by Reaper9988