As an aside, just wanted to separately acknowledge TheGrimLord's earlier comment:
TheGrimLord: [interesting post]
Very interesting points. A couple of my own:
-it seems critics of these games are always looking through a hetero-normative lens. This means that in their criticism, they are ignoring or wrongly characterizing many fans of the games who do not fit that mold.
-I have seen people make the argument that society should return to "traditional morals" or whatever in hopes of re-capturing some past conception of a dating/partner market. I personally feel this is misguided and a hopeless attempt to force a square peg into a round hole (no, that is not some intentional pun, lol). For one thing, to force people into a certain scheme doesn't mean they will think differently, just that their behavior is sort of coerced that way, and in either case it feels wrong to me. I think we are best off evolving with time, and dare I say, moving past outdated collectivization ideas like "that person is a MAN" or "that person is a WOMAN" when even if one believes those are the only two possibilities of identity (clearly false), it tells you nothing about the character of a person. We are all essentially just individual consciousnesses in meatsuits, and shouldn't be ashamed of that fact, trying to obscure it with endless categories, etc. But this is getting far off-track...someone get over here with some snark to dismiss all of it, please!