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Join the knight named Sonia on her unusual investigation.
Genre: RPG
Discount: 10% off until 28th January 2022, 2 PM UTC
low rated
Breja: This "game" looks like utter shit, but are we really going to start "rating" fetishes here? :D And is something as silly as hypnosis really supposed to be worse than the already multiple examples of underage characters in those porn games, getting by on the "but the text says she's a 156 year old vampire" excuse?

Really, looking at this "game", what fetish it's supposed to appeal to is the last thing that would bother me. I just can't help but feel very bad for people like the dev of Selaco, who can't even get a response from GOG, when crap like 2-hour RPG-maker porn get a release no problem.
Enebias: Vary your releases a bit, will you?
> GOG getting years of old game and mainstream indies since 2012
> Finally starts publishing some more hentai games in late 2021
> Everybody bitching and complaining about the hentai games and not getting their own games despite still getting over 10 years of non-fetish games

You are bullies at the playground for tearing down people with other interests if they get even the slightest attention. Can't you be happy for other people getting their niches because you guys can't support the store by yourselves anymore?

To the gamedev, don't listen to these jokesters at all. They'll never buy any of these great games and will demonize them until their fingers can't type anymore.
Breja: This "game" looks like utter shit, but are we really going to start "rating" fetishes here?
What, you don't have a Fetish Tier List? :D
high rated
Enebias: I have absolutely nothing against porn, kinks and whatever, but lately that's all we're getting. Vary your releases a bit, will you?
I don't usually bother posting in these kinds of threads, but this I just cannot ignore. What you said is straight up wrong and you know it. There were three game release announcements today and several coming soon announcements and only one of them was porn. And that is not to mention the 6 or so old classics that were released yesterday (or maybe the day before, I don't exactly recall). So shut up with the whole "all we're getting is porn" lies.

*Edit: For the record I am against porn games, but I find them rather easy to ignore.
Post edited January 21, 2022 by MasterofFiction
low rated
Enebias: Vary your releases a bit, will you?
BroscienceEngineer: > GOG getting years of old game and mainstream indies since 2012
> Finally starts publishing some more hentai games in late 2021
> Everybody bitching and complaining about the hentai games and not getting their own games despite still getting over 10 years of non-fetish games

You are bullies at the playground for tearing down people with other interests if they get even the slightest attention. Can't you be happy for other people getting their niches because you guys can't support the store by yourselves anymore?

To the gamedev, don't listen to these jokesters at all. They'll never buy any of these great games and will demonize them until their fingers can't type anymore.
These are not great games

nobody asked for these porns
Post edited January 21, 2022 by Orkhepaj
Darvond: What, you don't have a Fetish Tier List? :D
Where do I subscribe? One can always use some new inspiration :)

I think I like this porn fridays trend. At least the release threads are more entertaining than usual. As for me vs. this game, I think I'll just stand over there in a corner with popcorn and watch the fireworks. I'm happy that people get their niche filled, but... this reached anatomically correct long time ago, didn't even slow down and went straight for the "what the freak is that" territory. Too much is too much. Just two hours of content for the price won't win any points with me either.
low rated
Cool release, please keep continue what many here seem to (hilariously) keep calling "Porn Fridays."
All right, all right, jeez. I'll stay quiet before I get summarily executed.
Hell, nobody can say a word on this forum anymore.

U want claxic gaems - didn't mention them.
U had 12 years of non-porn - so what?
Were not gettin only porn gaermez - you don't say? It's not like I meant we're getting LITERALLY only that.

Ffs, calm yourselves, I'm not eating children or anything!

EDIT: Besides, my point was about Selaco not being considered, not about wanting a ban on hentai games. Kindly read before replying, aye?
Post edited January 21, 2022 by Enebias
Hylode: Seriously now, I've known real girls (yes, they do exist in the scary OUTSIDE) with big titties and, surprisingly, they were in their vast majority annoyed with them. Either their titties were too heavy and were straining their back or they attracted too much unsound attention, so some were contemplating surgery to make them smaller.
Fully agree to your point. I happen to know the medical side of the story as well, and can tell you overly large breasts tend to become a problem with age, both due to back pains/potential posture problems and also due to their aspect. A lot of women in this situation decide on breast reduction surgery at some point.

Firmness is a youth thing, which reminds me of a local joke: At a family dinner the little boy of the family goes to his grandma and says: "Grandma, grandma, can I play with your breasts?". The grandmother replies: "Sure, but make sure to stay in the courtyard!" :P.
Post edited January 21, 2022 by WinterSnowfall
Sonic and the City Escape
low rated
Enebias: Vary your releases a bit, will you?
BroscienceEngineer: > GOG getting years of old game and mainstream indies since 2012
> Finally starts publishing some more hentai games in late 2021
> Everybody bitching and complaining about the hentai games and not getting their own games despite still getting over 10 years of non-fetish games

You are bullies at the playground for tearing down people with other interests if they get even the slightest attention. Can't you be happy for other people getting their niches because you guys can't support the store by yourselves anymore?

To the gamedev, don't listen to these jokesters at all. They'll never buy any of these great games and will demonize them until their fingers can't type anymore.
^^ Virgin detected!
low rated
BroscienceEngineer: > GOG getting years of old game and mainstream indies since 2012
> Finally starts publishing some more hentai games in late 2021
> Everybody bitching and complaining about the hentai games and not getting their own games despite still getting over 10 years of non-fetish games

You are bullies at the playground for tearing down people with other interests if they get even the slightest attention. Can't you be happy for other people getting their niches because you guys can't support the store by yourselves anymore?

To the gamedev, don't listen to these jokesters at all. They'll never buy any of these great games and will demonize them until their fingers can't type anymore.
fronzelneekburm: ^^ Virgin detected!
This is by far one of the lamest responses I've read on the forum. It's a very old way of demeaning a person with sex, as if sex is this great and wonderful thing. It wasn't in my experience, highly overrated. It's just a hole in a piece of meat, let's not go crazy over here. It's like fast food advertised on TV versus what you get when you actually order it.

Most men want something called validational sex. Validational sex is the kind of crazy sex where she tears off your clothes and tells you how much of a man you are, how much she loves your private parts and such. The problem with validational sex is that it is mostly a game. Unless you're someone like Jason Mamoa, the only thing she is trying to do is obtain resources. Very few men ever get this kind of sex, especially after marriage However, men did get it in adolescence, especially before the age of social media where different values were harbored among women. I remember days where it was very difficult to find porn, so if women wanted to see anything like that, they would have to find a guy to have sex with. Toys were also not as well developed. These were times where women were not assaulted with dick pics in their inboxes. Those days will never exist again. The anticipation was the fun part and now that's all over.

What these games mostly do - and I say mostly - is bring back the fantasy of those days. Infatuation and romance, a thing that very few people have these days, you get to experience those illusions within this medium. That's also why women gravitate to this genre, they're looking for the same thing they get out of romance novels and yes, they're here. Except for the fact that some have personally admitted they like the over the top rape and murder fantasies of a game like Kara No Shoujo.

Boiling this down, eroge is where men and women's fantasies meet on the same playing field. It's not like porn strictly for men or women, both can enjoy it. Even if their own marriage is less than spectacular these days and the romance has long since faded, they can at least enjoy some semblance of romance vicariously living through these characters. Also insert obligatory LGBT inclusion stuff because you have Yuri and Yaoi for gay men and Lesbians. Yuri is actually popular with men, yaoi is popular with women. I remember a woman back in the day who used to spam yaoi porn all over the comments in a group whenever she got mad. She had tons of it.

Maybe I'm one of those weird people that doesn't get into actual sex, but I definitely enjoy the sexual fantasy and all the things you can't do as well as behaviors around sex and nudity that existed in my youth and no longer exist anymore. At least for me, I'm no longer in my twenties and heading up to forty. It's fun to jump into a world where everything was fresh and new.

And sometimes, I just like being reminded that sex and romance can also be quite deadly... Depends on my mood.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
Enebias: All right, all right, jeez. I'll stay quiet before I get summarily executed.
Hell, nobody can say a word on this forum anymore.

U want claxic gaems - didn't mention them.
U had 12 years of non-porn - so what?
Were not gettin only porn gaermez - you don't say? It's not like I meant we're getting LITERALLY only that.

Ffs, calm yourselves, I'm not eating children or anything!

EDIT: Besides, my point was about Selaco not being considered, not about wanting a ban on hentai games. Kindly read before replying, aye?
Real talk, why don't you just ask the devs to put their game on the Zoom Platform. You may not have realized this, but Zoom is getting big. They have all the old Duke games now DRM-Free. They have Hatred now. They have a bunch of games that run great on newer systems and Zoom does patch games all the time. All of you, if GOG is not accepting these games that you want, please tell them to get in touch with the Zoom Platform. They're already working with big name companies and have half of GOG's classic library, including several they won't carry for some reason.
Only two pages? I guess it's calming down now.

TheGrimLord: One of those weird people that doesn't get into actual sex, but I definitely enjoy the sexual fantasy and all the things you can't do as well as behaviors around sex and nudity that existed in my youth and no longer exist anymore. At least for me, I'm no longer in my twenties and heading up to forty. It's fun to jump into a world where everything was fresh and new.
I recommend the manga "Ishozoku Reviewers", if you want some fresh material to work with. It is about a group of reviewers who go to brothels of varying species, and see what they get out of the experience. Harpies, mermaids, centaurs, and so on. Aside from differing abilities, the culture of the races play into how they do things. It feels kinda like "Dungeon Meshi", but for sex rather than food.
low rated
TheGrimLord: One of those weird people that doesn't get into actual sex, but I definitely enjoy the sexual fantasy and all the things you can't do as well as behaviors around sex and nudity that existed in my youth and no longer exist anymore. At least for me, I'm no longer in my twenties and heading up to forty. It's fun to jump into a world where everything was fresh and new.
Sabin_Stargem: I recommend the manga "Ishozoku Reviewers", if you want some fresh material to work with. It is about a group of reviewers who go to brothels of varying species, and see what they get out of the experience. Harpies, mermaids, centaurs, and so on. Aside from differing abilities, the culture of the races play into how they do things. It feels kinda like "Dungeon Meshi", but for sex rather than food.
I've seen the show and it's fun. I enjoyed it.