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Crafted with love and science.

<span class="bold">Sokobond</span>, a game of puzzles and chemistry, is available now for Windows and Mac OS X, DRM-free on, with a 50% launch discount.

Opposites attract, like dissolves like, matter is always conserved - that's all most of us remember from high school (some of us just read it online like ten minutes ago). <span class="bold">Sokobond</span> is a puzzle game grounded in the simple concepts of chemistry. A logical, minimalistic design matches the deceptively basic rule-set with a simple premise: manipulate a single atom to form chemical bonds and molecules. Varied, tough, and logical - <span class="bold">Sokobond</span> is everything you could want from a pure puzzle experience. No prior chemical knowledge is required to enjoy the game, but a tiny bit might help. You may just learn a thing or two as you tackle these increasingly sophisticated puzzles.

<span class="bold">Sokobond</span>, a gamer's crash-course in chemistry, is available now DRM-free on The 50% launch discount will last for one week, until Thursday, March 12 at 11:59 AM GMT.
omg someone made a game out of Organic Chemistry. This thrills me and horrifies me at the same time. Oh organic, I miss our love-hate relationship!
Hope none of the puzzles are timed.

Twitch-based difficulty usually does it in for me when it comes to puzzlers...
Ghorpm: Firs of all they are clearly human-made, no automatic generation. As I mentioned earlier there are some new features appearing like multiple bond creator, bond breaker/rotator but they don't change the gameplay significantly. Definitely more advanced then Lyne but not as much as Mouscraft. A very good game nonetheless ;)
Thanks, Ghorpm, that's helpful.
jackster79: Hope none of the puzzles are timed.

Twitch-based difficulty usually does it in for me when it comes to puzzlers...
No timed puzzle in this game :)
I don't know how accurate it is to real chemistry, or if I'll pull my hair out or not, because I'm not good at the first, though I'm experienced with the latter ;)

I bought it anyway, just to give it a go ;D
jackster79: Hope none of the puzzles are timed.

Twitch-based difficulty usually does it in for me when it comes to puzzlers...
Ghorpm: No timed puzzle in this game :)
Sweet - thanks!

Might then be picking this one up. I can do those short quick play-sessions much more easily with puzzlers than with other kinds of games.
Ghorpm: A-pain-in-the-neck-physicist mode on:
avatar Opposites attract
Ghorpm: There is a well known experiments where two highly and opposite charged droplets do not really attract each other but bounce off each other.
avatar like dissolves like
Ghorpm: Ethanol (very polar) can dissolve both very polar and very non-polar compounds
avatar matter is always conserved
Ghorpm: Energy, not mass is always conserved (mass is in fact a form of energy). The simplest example: annihilation process. Both electron and positron have mass while emitted photons do not.

A-pain-in-the-neck-physicist mode off

Move along, nothing to see here. Sorry but I couldn't resist ;P;P;P
I sooo knew this was going to happen. :p
What a great release, have been waiting to put this on my GOG wishlist!
Just my kinda game for those shorter sessions, quick in quick out.
avatar Opposites attract
Ghorpm: There is a well known experiments where two highly and opposite charged droplets do not really attract each other but bounce off each other.
I've seen this happen outside clubs.
Hm. This looks like it's up my alley. I may just pick it up along with Train Fever. :)
Got it from a bundle. Reminds me of the Amiga game Atomino, in addition to more obvious influences. Will in all likelihood get it on GOG sooner or later.
Looks good, it's a pity gog doesn't have the Linux version (yet?).
Oh, looks like Atomix v2.0

Does anybody remember this game?

Very nice.
I'm not the biggest of puzzle fans, but my dad the chemist would likely be pissed if I passed up this nice release discount.
Ghorpm: But those puzzles are still very similar to Sokoban in a sense that you have to carefully plan your path. Where to go first, where to push some atoms so that they won't block your path in future. I wholeheartedly recommend it!
Just to add:

There are some levels a lot like Sokoban, where you only have a Helium atom with does not bond with anything and you can only push.
In the rest of the levels you can push or pull, depending on the connections you have made.

I agree with the recommendation, very much.

Crewdroog: omg someone made a game out of Organic Chemistry.
There is also SpaceChem, which a very different, more complex beast. Although I'm not sure if all the molecules I've found are organic.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by madth3
But will it teach us how to cook some quality meth?