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Simple, charming, beloved.

<span class="bold">SimCity 3000&trade; Unlimited</span>, a cult favorite entry in the legendary urban-planning and city-building sim series, is available now with a 50% discount, DRM-free on

The SimCity series was a smash-hit since its very first appearance in 1989, but it wasn't until until a decade later that SimCity 3000 took that design to an all-time high in terms of complexity vs. accessibility, as well as pure charm.

The core gameplay will be familiar no matter which entry in the series you've played before — you'll be managing your city's zones, budget, ordinances, and the many often conflicting needs of your SimCitizens. SimCity 3000 improves on its predecessor with a mixture of new elements to manage and better accessibility – this is the title that first introduced advisors into the series. The Unlimited re-release further expanded the game with new types of architecture, challenging scenarios, new disasters, and so much more.

An efficient and complex metropolis is the end goal, but on your way there you'll spend countless of hours living and breathing the city — and this is where SimCity 3000 truly shines and stands out from the crowd. It's a pleasant and accessible experience — from the memorable jazzy soundtrack (one of the best ever, check it out below), clean and still-beautiful presentation, to that delicate balance of just enough to worry about without overwhelming players with excessive information and data.

Return to <span class="bold">SimCity 3000&trade; Unlimited</span> now DRM-free on! The 50% launch discount will The 50% launch discount will last until July 21, 12:59 PM UTC.
Post edited July 14, 2016 by Konrad
About time this showed up here, we've only been waiting two-and-a-half years for it to show up.
Oh, this is great! This is fantastic, even.

One thing that bugs me, though, why not include the legendary soundtrack as a downloadable bonus? Are there some unsettled legal issues we're not aware of?
I miss being able to put The Empire State Building into my city like I can with #4, but I'll get over it. :P
tinyE: I miss being able to put The Empire State Building into my city like I can with #4, but I'll get over it. :P
You can design your own buildings in SC3K :p
tinyE: I miss being able to put The Empire State Building into my city like I can with #4, but I'll get over it. :P
Thiev: You can design your own buildings in SC3K :p
Yeah I saw that. :D I'll see what kind of ungodly monstrosity I can come up with later on. :P
SimCity 3K's UI looks a bit fugly.. is this sequel good?
Do you suggest this, even if I already have SimCity 2K and SimCity 4?
Loki (I think) has officially ported SC3k to Linux...

Dear GOG ... please! We promise to be good and obidient! :)

phaolo: SimCity 3K's UI looks a bit fugly.. is this sequel good?
Do you suggest this, even if I already have SimCity 2K and SimCity 4?
SC3k is in essence a SC2k with modern graphics and much more options. If you love SC2k then get it. If you love SC4 and play SC2k rarely, then probably don't. Eitherway, girls and older machines really like SC3k easiness on management and GPU load.
Post edited July 14, 2016 by Lin545
tinyE: I miss being able to put The Empire State Building into my city like I can with #4, but I'll get over it. :P
Check under landmarks
estate.jpg (97 Kb)
tinyE: I miss being able to put The Empire State Building into my city like I can with #4, but I'll get over it. :P
Matewis: Check under landmarks
Party! :D
Lin545: Loki (I think) has officially ported SC3k to Linux...

Dear GOG ... please! We promise to be good and obidient! :)
Yip played the Pirated version back on Red hat 7.2
phaolo: SimCity 3K's UI looks a bit fugly.. is this sequel good?
Do you suggest this, even if I already have SimCity 2K and SimCity 4?
I suppose it could be said that SC3000 is a good middle ground between SC2000 and SC4 in terms of complexity and difficulty, but what makes it stand out is its lighthearted, almost cartoony atmosphere and the wacky mayors from neigbouring cities.
phaolo: SimCity 3K's UI looks a bit fugly.. is this sequel good?
Do you suggest this, even if I already have SimCity 2K and SimCity 4?
Matewis: I suppose it could be said that SC3000 is a good middle ground between SC2000 and SC4 in terms of complexity and difficulty, but what makes it stand out is its lighthearted, almost cartoony atmosphere and the wacky mayors from neigbouring cities.
Odd. I thought 4 was much easier than 2.
tinyE: Odd. I thought 4 was much easier than 2.
Uehmm, possibleh. I am basing that on some vague recollections granted. Recollections of struggling to maintain a positive balance going from 2000 to 3000 and struggling a lot with it again going from 3000 to 4. For example, it doesn't seem like it costs money to maintain parks in 3000 (probably not in 2000 either), so you can build them all over the place. If you do that in 4 however, you'll be screwed in the first year.
Finally the best ever SimCity game reaches gog harbour. Instabuy. C&C next please.
How well does SC3000 run on Win7?