Alexim: I don't understand this fuss about the game's rating.
I'm making a fuss about the rating only for this reason: because when I reflected upon the point that others made about how the rating is likely to hinder sales by giving people the false and misleading impression that it's an AO Hentai game featuring full nudity and/or intercourse-type content - even though it actually is not and does not - since that has the potential to greatly hinder the sales of this game, it is also therefore likely to hinder the release of other SK games on GOG.
I did do as you suggest, and I bought this game on GOG to support XSeed for releasing it.
But I'm going to be mighty peeved in the event the other SK games never come to GOG because of low sales, especially in light of multiple actions & inactions that GOG took which are likely to contribute to the lack of sufficient sales of this game on GOG.
As for your advice to tell your friends and people you know about this game: sure, that is good advice.
But something that would be much more effective than that would be for GOG itself to publish a Newsletter post for this SK game being released on GOG, just like they did with "Cult of Lamb" that was released afterwards.
Why does Cult of Lamb get a Newsletter Announcement advertising its release on GOG, yet this SK game gets none?
How many tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands (I don't know many Newsletters subs GOG has), of potential buyers of this SK game - and who already have an established history with GOG, so they are much easier to sell to than cold approach new customers like "telling your friends and family" would be - will not buy it simply because GOG deliberately neglected to advertise it in their Newsletter, and as a result of GOG
not doing that, they have no clue that the game even has been released on GOG?
There is a very legitimate point to be made about how GOG's actions & inactions in regards to this release may well contribute to the sales of this game becoming stifled.