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The cult classic game returns with enhanced graphics, improved lighting, reworked environments, and breathtaking visual effects. Saints Row: The Third Remastered is now available on GOG.COM with a 40% discount that will last until 28th May 2021, 10 PM UTC!

That’s not all! If you already own Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package in your library, Saints Row: The Third Remastered will be available to you 65% off until 21st June 2021, 10 PM UTC.

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Very cool! Awesome of them to let us get the owner discount, unlike a certain Kingdoms of Amalur.

Still have never tried Saint's Row, nowish may be the time.
Thank you for the discount. Would have bought it without one. :)
high rated
nightcraw1er.488: £12 for a graphics update, wow. “ Please note: GOG GALAXY is required to access online features.” no mention of what these features are. Far better things to spend my money on.

Edit: £35 normally, FCKing hell, there is some piles of cash to be made from a bit of AI up scaling!
Yup, for a minor gfx upgrade, no way.
First, saw the front page: Oh, SR 3rd is on sale, whoopie, I already*

Wait, the remastered version made it over here!?


Thanks, GoG for bringing it over here, now we await the entirety of the tomb raider series reboot! ;)
$13.99 with the 65% discount... Can't go wrong with that...
low rated
Bought. Nice discount.

Whiners gonna whine.
nightcraw1er.488: “ Please note: GOG GALAXY is required to access online features.”
Mr.Mumbles: Better than no multiplayer at all. See: original Saints Row: The Third.
Uh? What are you talking about? The original had LAN play, which is superior to any server/client multiplayer based system in my book, unless you meant something else.
high rated
Deep Silver, please release the Dead Island games on GOG!
I'll pass. It looks great except they changed the style of the main characters. No idea why they did that but the originals looked far better. If not for that this would probably be something I'd pick up.
ShadowWulfe: Very cool! Awesome of them to let us get the owner discount, unlike a certain Kingdoms of Amalur.

Still have never tried Saint's Row, nowish may be the time.
If a for-the-lulz and very self aware reimagining of the GTA style "asshole simulator" sounds appealing, I'd say definitely check it out. Of the later Saints Row games, SR3 is the most approachable and has the best atmospheric and replay value. SR4 is a fascinating experience due to the multilayered satire and utterly off the chain creative direction, but the game mechanics themselves lead to a rather one-dimensional experience. Gat Out Of Hell has a couple of hilarious scenes but it's basically a third party asset flip that struggles to justify its existence.

The driving/flying works quite well on its own, too. It's easy to lose hours just driving around the city.
high rated
So basically 65% off for a skin job. Do developers have nothing to do these days except remasters and reboots?
Last I heard this 'remaster' was a complete and total joke, is this still the case?
ReynardFox: Last I heard this 'remaster' was a complete and total joke, is this still the case?
That article seems to be based on issues the reviewer was having after one particular patch. In the comment section several users mention not having the same problems. The same writer has a couple of articles about later updates (they seem to be just the changelog.)

In general, the reception of the remaster was good.
high rated
Windows 10 (I wonder if it runs on previous iterations), 16 GB RAM recommended, at least 6GB of dedicated VRAM, 40€ base price. With the discount it comes to 14€.
I think I'll stick with the original.
Bought, the discount is higher then I thought. I'd be fine with 40 % off. 65% is a steal. :)

I just hope Deep Silver gets their filthy hands off of Saints Row 5 so THQ Nordic can release it on gog day 1. :P

Edit: I might be wrong, but I think they transfered a few IPs from Koch Media/Deep Silver to THQ Nordic and vice versa. Hopefully Volition works under THQ Nordic now.
Edit2: Apparently Saints Row wasn't part of the trade. :/
Post edited May 22, 2021 by NuffCatnip